- 1994 Winter Olympics attack details https://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002669.html 7 comments netsec
- Surveillance Will Soon Be the Lesser of Your Worries http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002578.html 4 comments privacy
- Apple's Root Certs Include the DoD - F-Secure Weblog : News from the Lab http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002545.html 6 comments technology
- Flame is lame http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002383.html 12 comments compsci
- No, Heavy Salting of Passwords is Not Enough, Use CUDA Accelerated PBKDF2 http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002384.html 23 comments webdev
- F-Secure published a free tool that automates the detection and removal of Flashback - by far the most widespread OS X malware ever. Check your computer! https://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002346.html 3 comments apple
- This is the war on general purpose computing. The iOS locked down model comes to OS X. Mountain Lion: More control over you https://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002316.html 3 comments freeculture
- One of our analysts has discovered something interesting while debugging the latest version of Flashback, a Mac trojan that attempts to trick people into believing it's an Adobe Flash Player update. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002251.html 53 comments netsec
- DigiNotar SSL Certificate Authority hacker comes out, claims to be the same person who hacked Comodo a few months ago; he claims to have full access to 4 more high-profile CAs that the public is currently not aware of http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002231.html 10 comments technology
- How we found the file that was used to Hack RSA - F-Secure Weblog : News from the Lab http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002226.html 58 comments netsec
- Phishing site found on a Sony server http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002160.html 27 comments netsec
- FinFisher: an Intrusion and Spying software framework, sold by a German company. It includes an "infection proxy" and intrusion tools. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002114.html 6 comments netsec
- What would you ask from the creators of the very first PC virus? http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002087.html 8 comments netsec
- F-Secure "accidentally" triggers on Google Analytics http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002073.html 7 comments netsec
- Q: What is Stuxnet? http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002066.html 4 comments technology
- Angry Birds Trojan: A nice example of the problems with the Android's Store approach to app safety. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002063.html 40 comments technology
- Clever social engineering. A malicious web page that correctly tells you it's a malicious page. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002051.html 35 comments netsec
- Coding a phone spying tool called "Phone Creeper" because "It seemed challenging and fun." Bad idea. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002047.html 5 comments netsec
- F-Secure presents: Stuxnet Questions and Answers http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002040.html 8 comments technology
- Phishers are getting smarter, and their social engineering has gotten more subtle and harder to detect. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001995.html 8 comments netsec
- It's Signed, therefore it's Clean, right? http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001973.html 22 comments netsec
- Lesson of the day is probably this: Do you really need Java in your browser? Seriously, do you? If not, get rid of it. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001954.html 77 comments netsec
- Why doesn't Windows include native PDF reader support? http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001943.html 4 comments technology
- Refuse to pay money to these clowns! http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001931.html 3 comments netsec
- Blank Plastic for Sale http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001910.html 28 comments netsec
- You *never* see examples of the emails used in targeted (espionage) attacks. Except here you do. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001908.html 12 comments netsec
- Screenshot of a PDF file used in a targeted espionage attack http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001878.html 22 comments netsec
- Texaco offers you a job for £8500 a month (money mule recruitment scam) http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001871.html 3 comments netsec
- The "09Droid" Android malware scare - real or not? http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001852.html 22 comments netsec
- The evolution of security animated. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001801.html 8 comments netsec
- Fake Facebook, Fake Video, Fake CAPTCHA http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001796.html 9 comments netsec
- Silence Hypponen: Guess Which Tweet got security researcher Mikko Hypponen banned from Twitter? http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001786.html 25 comments netsec
- Hi! Can I send email spam from your servers? http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001772.html 14 comments netsec
- We recently saw this malicious file being spread in emails. The name of the file was Novel H1N1 Flu Situation Update.exe and the icon made it look like a Word document file. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001734.html 10 comments technology
- PDF Most Common File Type in Targeted Attacks http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001676.html 4 comments netsec
- 8.9 million Windows computers need de-worming. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001584.html 2 comments technology
- Please make sure you don't post this email address to a public web page http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001503.html 2 comments reddit.com
- So now the phishers don't need to ask for passwords anymore, they can just take them. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001428.html 5 comments netsec
- There's another round of mass SQL injections going on which has infected hundreds of thousands of websites. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001427.html 3 comments netsec
- An open letter to domain registrars http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/archive-122006.html#00001041 11 comments reddit.com
Linking pages
- Conficker eye chart -- reloaded. Also known (in the great tradition) as: Spread this chart — Rudd-O.com http://rudd-o.com/en/linux-and-free-software/conficker-eye-chart-reloaded 188 comments
- GitHub - uscneps/Awesome-European-Tech: Up-to-date, community-driven list of Awesome European Tech projects! all focusing on privacy, sustainability, and innovation. The goal is to support European startups and projects (Compliance to GDPR, UK GDPR, Swiss FADP) helping to strengthen the European tech ecosystem. https://github.com/uscneps/Awesome-European-Tech 130 comments
- Kaspersky Lab cybersecurity firm is hacked - BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-33083050 49 comments
- Hotel door locks worldwide were vulnerable to hack - BBC News http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-43896360 48 comments
- 12 Most Devastating PC Viruses and Worms of All Time | Tech Source http://www.junauza.com/2008/07/12-most-devastating-pc-viruses-and.html 10 comments
- security - Bagel is back (again) | DaniWeb http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1308.html 1 comment
- Can Google Beat China? - The New York Times http://roomfordebate.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/01/15/can-google-beat-china/ 0 comments
- Talented's top 50 developer friendly IT-companies to work for in Finland | Metropolitan.fi https://metropolitan.fi/entry/talented-top-50-developer-friendly-it-companies-work-finland-jobs 0 comments
- How to prevent cyber attacks on connected cars using Threat Modeling | by Iza Hedlund | DataDrivenInvestor https://iza-hedlund.medium.com/how-to-prevent-cyber-attacks-on-connected-cars-using-threat-modeling-f7255ed12ab1 0 comments
- Facebook protects users following Adobe hack attack - BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24925874 0 comments
- Julian Assange tribute malware | Boing Boing http://www.boingboing.net/2011/01/21/julian-assange-tribu.html 0 comments
- Security firms uncover 'sophisticated' Regin spyware - BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-30145265 0 comments
- Patch a thing: Securing Internet of Things (IoT) devices https://haydenjames.io/patch-thing-securing-internet-things-iot-devices/ 0 comments
- How data science fights modern insider threats | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2016/08/25/how-data-science-fights-modern-insider-threats/ 0 comments
- Get the Hackers on Your Side - NYTimes.com http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2010/09/22/the-buried-threats-in-that-tweet/get-the-hackers-on-your-side 0 comments