- Study: News outlets can’t run ‘native’ Exxon ads without misleading the public https://www.exxonknews.org/p/study-news-outlets-cant-run-native 0 comments climate
- Campaigners sued an oil major for climate deception. Now the company is preparing to sue them back. Eni’s legal threat reflects a growing trend of petro-firms using dubious lawsuits to quash activism, intimidate critics, and dodge accountability. https://www.exxonknews.org/p/campaigners-sued-an-oil-major-for 4 comments climate
- Studies agree: Big Oil is the problem - From wildfires to public health crises, new research confirms that, yes, we can blame the fossil fuel industry. https://www.exxonknews.org/p/studies-agree-big-oil-is-the-problem 14 comments climate