- Czech officials say Europe needs its own army https://www.euractiv.fr/section/defense/news/leurope-a-besoin-de-sa-propre-armee-selon-des-responsables-tcheques/ 920 comments europe
- Paris prepares a "nuclear power alliance" in Europe. The French Minister for Energy Transition will meet on Tuesday (28 February) with twelve of her counterparts in Stockholm to launch a "nuclear alliance" within the EU, which would mark a first in Europe https://www.euractiv.fr/section/energie/news/paris-prepare-une-alliance-du-nucleaire-en-europe/ 36 comments europe
- The strengthening of the Franco-German axis continues. https://www.euractiv.fr/section/politique/news/le-renforcement-de-laxe-franco-allemand-avance-tambour-battant/ 6 comments europe
- The EU Commission refuses to back down on TTIP. Corporations are informed but 5 NGOs got denied access to documents without any explanations. The EU Parliament Mediator will now sue the Commission in courts http://www.euractiv.fr/sections/commerce-industrie/la-commission-risque-une-enquete-sur-lopacite-des-negociations-du-ttip 63 comments europe