Hacker News
- Bird wings inspire new approach to flight safety https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2024/10/28/bird-wings-inspire-new-approach-flight-safety 3 comments
- Princeton engineers create new oyster-inspired cement 17X more crack-resistant https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2024/06/11/seashells-cement-nature-inspires-tougher-building-material 31 comments
- Researchers shrink camera to the size of a salt grain https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2021/11/29/researchers-shrink-camera-size-salt-grain 99 comments
- New tool streamlines the creation of moving pictures https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2018/10/24/new-tool-streamlines-creation-moving-pictures 5 comments
- Inspired by the material that makes up oyster and abalone shells, engineers have created a new cement composite that is 17 times more crack-resistant than standard cement and 19 times more able to stretch and deform without breaking. https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2024/06/11/seashells-cement-nature-inspires-tougher-building-material 22 comments science
- Researchers shrink camera to the size of a salt grain https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2021/11/29/researchers-shrink-camera-size-salt-grain 436 comments technews
- Independent studies by Princeton researchers concur that methane emissions from municipal wastewater in the U.S. are actually closer to double than formerly calculated, and since methane warms the planet over 80 times more powerfully than carbon dioxide over 20 years, that could be a big problem https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2023/02/28/wastewater-sector-emits-nearly-twice-much-methane-previously-thought 2 comments environment
- Scientists developed a new nature inspired material, designed to mimic bone, wood and other natural materials that can be tuned to achieve optimized behavior at the macroscale and could have applications for reconstructive surgery, planes, buildings and bone implants https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2022/04/25/nature-inspired-strong-lightweight-material-planes-buildings-and-bone-implants 2 comments science
- Combining questions about a person’s health with data from smartwatch sensors, a new app developed using research at Princeton University can predict within minutes whether someone is infected with COVID-19. https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2022/02/28/deep-learning-diagnoses-edge-ai-detects-covid-19-smartwatch-sensors 3 comments science
- Researchers shrink camera to the size of a salt grain https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2021/11/29/researchers-shrink-camera-size-salt-grain 3 comments technology
- Breakthrough could launch organic electronics beyond cell phone screens https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2017/11/17/breakthrough-could-launch-organic-electronics-beyond-cell-phone-screens 4 comments science