Hacker News
Linking pages
- The Casino-Chip Society - by Brett Scott https://brettscott.substack.com/p/casino-chip-cashless-society 156 comments
- Members of Congress Introduce "E-Cash" Bill - Crypto Briefing https://cryptobriefing.com/members-of-congress-introduce-e-cash-bill/ 28 comments
- US Lawmakers Pass E-Cash Bill That Replicates Physical Money, Leaving Aside the FED https://cryptopotato.com/us-lawmakers-pass-e-cash-bill-that-replicates-physical-money-leaving-aside-the-fed/ 9 comments
- The Monero Moon (Issue 36) - by John Foss https://www.themoneromoon.com/p/the-monero-moon-issue-36 9 comments
- DON’T MAKE CASH THAT SPIES ON US https://www.nospycash.com/ 2 comments
- The House Bans The Fed From Building A CBDC Like The Digital Yuan https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/05/23/the-house-bans-the-fed-from-building-a-cbdc-like-the-digital-yuan/ 1 comment
- Zen and the Art of CBDC Analysis (Part 1) - by Brett Scott https://brettscott.substack.com/p/cbdc-analysis 0 comments