- 'Vermont Is Racist Too': Racial Justice Leaders Say Bennington Incidents Reflect Statewide Problem http://digital.vpr.net/post/vermont-racist-too-racial-justice-leaders-say-bennington-incidents-reflect-statewide-problem 6 comments politics
- Sanders Says He's Working To Make The Democratic Party More Progressive http://digital.vpr.net/post/sanders-says-hes-working-make-democratic-party-more-progressive#stream/0 719 comments politics
- Gun Owners: What Should Gun Control Look Like In Vermont? http://digital.vpr.net/post/gun-owners-what-should-gun-control-look-vermont#stream/0 4 comments politics
- 'They Killed Him': As A Vermont Inmate Suffered From Untreated Cancer, Officials Delayed Care http://digital.vpr.net/post/they-killed-him-vermont-inmate-suffered-untreated-cancer-officials-delayed-care#stream/0 7 comments politics
- The GOP Is Trying To Make The Burlington College Investigation About Bernie http://digital.vpr.net/post/gop-trying-make-burlington-college-investigation-about-bernie#stream/0 8 comments politics
- Catholic Church Rejects Claim That Sanders' Wife Caused Financial Harm http://digital.vpr.net/post/catholic-church-rejects-claim-sanders-wife-caused-financial-harm 16 comments politics
- Not Yet, Vermont: Gov. Scott Vetoes Marijuana Legalization http://digital.vpr.net/post/not-yet-vermont-gov-scott-vetoes-marijuana-legalization#stream/0 22 comments politics
- Without Fanfare, Bernie Sanders Announces He's Running For Re-Election http://digital.vpr.net/post/without-fanfare-bernie-sanders-announces-hes-running-re-election#stream/0 49 comments politics
- Leahy And Sanders Call For Investigations Into Trump's Russia Ties http://digital.vpr.net/post/leahy-and-sanders-call-investigations-trumps-russia-ties#stream/0 5 comments politics
- Gov. Scott Calls On Legislature To Help Defy Trump's Immigration Orders http://digital.vpr.net/post/gov-scott-issues-sweeping-rebuff-trumps-immigration-orders#stream/0 9 comments politics
- Maine Democratic Elector to Cast Vote for Sanders, as Trump Protesters Gather at State House http://digital.vpr.net/post/maine-democratic-elector-cast-vote-sanders-trump-protesters-gather-state-house 10 comments politics
- In New Leadership Role, Sanders To Mobilize Young, Working People 'Hurting Right Now' http://digital.vpr.net/post/new-leadership-role-sanders-mobilize-young-working-people-hurting-right-now#stream/0 27 comments politics
- Trump polling at 17% in Vermont http://digital.vpr.net/post/vpr-poll-overall-results-full-data#stream/0 54 comments politics
- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders says despite resignations by a number of staff members of the newly-formed political organization Our Revolution, he’s confident the group will advance his agenda. http://digital.vpr.net/post/sanders-confident-prospects-our-revolution-despite-staff-exodus#stream/0 16 comments politics
- In Reversal, Gov. Gary Johnson Now Supports Mandatory Vaccination http://digital.vpr.net/post/reversal-gov-gary-johnson-now-supports-mandatory-vaccination#stream/0 215 comments politics
- Vermont GOP Targets Democrats In New 'Stop The Carbon Tax' Attack Ad http://digital.vpr.net/post/vermont-gop-targets-democrats-new-stop-carbon-tax-attack-ad#stream/0 4 comments politics
- Vermont Primary Saw Bids By Young People Inspired By Bernie Sanders http://digital.vpr.net/post/vermont-primary-saw-bids-young-people-inspired-bernie-sanders#stream/0 46 comments politics
- Bill Lee, The 'Spaceman', Running For Vermont Governor On Liberty Union Ticket http://digital.vpr.net/post/bill-lee-spaceman-running-vermont-governor-liberty-union-ticket#stream/0 3 comments baseball
- Clinton up +22 in Vermont - Clinton 39, Trump 17, Johnson 5, Jill Stein 0 http://digital.vpr.net/post/vpr-poll-issues-races-and-full-results#stream/0 55 comments politics
- Sanders Holds Sunday Meeting With Advisers In Burlington http://digital.vpr.net/post/sanders-holds-sunday-meeting-advisers-burlington#stream/0 5 comments politics
- In Reversal, Leahy's Campaign Says His Superdelegate Support Will Follow Majority http://digital.vpr.net/post/reversal-leahys-campaign-says-his-superdelegate-support-will-follow-majority#stream/0 28 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders Picks Up 3 More Vermont Superdelegates http://digital.vpr.net/post/bernie-sanders-picks-3-more-vermont-superdelegates#stream/0 635 comments politics
- However Vermont Votes, Leahy (Sen. D-VT) Says His Superdelegate Vote Is Clinton's http://digital.vpr.net/post/however-vermont-votes-leahy-says-his-superdelegate-vote-clintons#stream/0 858 comments politics
- Polls indicate that Sanders' support comes much more from middle class voters and people with college degrees,” says Davis. “The voters he's trying to target, who are working class voters [who] often times people who don't have college degrees, they're breaking more heavily for Hillary Clinton." http://digital.vpr.net/post/sanders-south-minority-and-working-class-voters-are-crucial-2016#stream/0 258 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders Among Least Wealthy Senators http://digital.vpr.net/post/bernie-sanders-among-least-wealthy-senators 79 comments politics
- Sanders Rises In Early Polls, Draws Criticism From Clinton Supporters http://digital.vpr.net/post/sanders-rises-early-polls-draws-criticism-clinton-supporters 14 comments politics
- Sanders Campaign Raises Millions In Small Contributions. "The Bernie Sanders presidential campaign has met its initial fundraising target. Campaign officials say it's now clear that Sanders can meet his overall goal of $40 million for the primary campaign by relying on small contributors." http://digital.vpr.net/post/sanders-campaign-raises-millions-small-contributions 211 comments politics
- Howard Dean: Sanders not a fringe candidate. Dean, who has already endorsed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, says he told the Clinton campaign not to underestimate Sanders' strength in the Democratic presidential primary race. http://digital.vpr.net/post/howard-dean-sanders-not-fringe-candidate 5 comments politics
- In a few days, Sanders campaign has raised over $2 million in small donations. http://digital.vpr.net/post/few-days-sanders-campaign-has-raised-over-2-million-small-donations 26 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders Is Streaming His Presidential Announcement On Periscope http://digital.vpr.net/post/bernie-sanders-streaming-his-presidential-announcement-periscope 23 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders to announce presidential run http://digital.vpr.net/term/bernie-sanders 156 comments politics
- U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders will announce his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination on Thursday http://digital.vpr.net/post/bernie-sanders-announce-presidential-run 3621 comments politics
- Sanders Strongly Opposes Obama's Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership http://digital.vpr.net/post/sanders-strongly-opposes-obamas-trans-pacific-trade-partnership 350 comments politics
- A Bill To Ban Alcohol? Weed Legalization Supporters Say It Makes A Point http://digital.vpr.net/post/bill-ban-alcohol-weed-legalization-supporters-say-it-makes-point 5 comments politics
- Shumlin: It's 'Not The Right Time' For Single Payer. http://digital.vpr.net/post/shumlin-its-not-right-time-single-payer 3 comments politics
- Students Allegedly Steal, Kill And Eat UVM Fraternity's Chicken http://digital.vpr.net/post/students-allegedly-steal-kill-and-eat-uvm-fraternitys-chicken 4 comments nottheonion
- Worst city in my state, proving itself over and over again... "accidents on the road have dropped 66 percent with the new design. But many local businesses complain that their revenues and accessibility have also plummeted." http://digital.vpr.net/post/despite-fewer-accidents-rutland-close-experimental-bike-lanes 10 comments bicycling
- Sanders to Test the Political Waters in New Hampshire - "I have an agenda which people in Vermont are familiar with. But most people around the country are not familiar with and I want to hear people’s input: do they share my feelings. And this is an opportunity to do that in New Hampshire." http://digital.vpr.net/post/sanders-test-political-waters-new-hampshire 52 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders Wants You To Watch This Documentary http://digital.vpr.net/post/bernie-sanders-wants-you-watch-documentary 5 comments politics
- All three members of Vermont’s congressional delegation say the passage of legislation that restricts government surveillance programs is a top priority for 2014. http://digital.vpr.net/post/delegation-pushes-bill-restrict-government-surveillance 255 comments politics