- DefendGlenn.org forced to publish a retraction on their front page and keep it there for 7 weeks... http://www.defendglenn.com/ 4 comments reddit.com
- Freedom of speech means that you can say what you want, not that you are free from responsibility for what you say. http://www.defendglenn.com/advertisers.php 5 comments politics
- Advertisers that still support Glenn Beck are under Part 3. Be a shame if the list was used to put pressure on them too. http://defendglenn.com/advertisers.php 54 comments politics
- Glenn Beck's "support wall" http://www.defendglenn.com/support_wall.php 58 comments politics
- Phony Glenn Beck "Boycott" Unravels: P&G, WalMart Deny "Pulling" ads http://defendglenn.com/index.html 4 comments politics