- Und Bach? A data-driven Odyssey into the Well-Tempered Clavier https://danumbers.substack.com/p/und-bach-a-data-drive-odyssey-into 4 comments rstats
- [OC] How Italy's Democratic Party could win elections – in 2027 (R code at the bottom of the story) https://danumbers.substack.com/p/how-italys-democratic-party-could 4 comments rstats
- [OC] How The New York Times changed after September 11 https://danumbers.substack.com/p/how-the-new-york-times-changed-after 4 comments rstats
- Anger and bots on Twitter are not affecting vaccinations in France (An R-powered data journalism story) https://danumbers.substack.com/p/anger-and-bots-on-twitter-are-not 3 comments rstats
- The last number of my newsletter is out (proudly powered by R) https://danumbers.substack.com/p/democracy-hdi 26 comments rstats
- Why do wars in Africa displace so many people? (the second issue of my R-powered newsletter is out) https://danumbers.substack.com/p/why-do-wars-in-africa-displace-so 13 comments rstats