Hacker News
- A New Sudoku Layout with 81 Uniquely Shaped Cells https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/cracked-sudoku/ 0 comments
- Programming SDF animations of Rick and Morty https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/code-animated-rick/ 39 comments
- Animating Rick and Morty One Pixel at a Time https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/code-animated-rick/ 2 comments
- Why Swift's type checker is so slow https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/why-swift-is-slow/?continueFlag=7ec373c00bdf01cb02736c00eeaadcc8 74 comments
- The Swift compiler is slow due to how types are inferred https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/why-swift-is-slow/ 221 comments
- Good ideas in computer science https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/good-ideas-in-cs/ 13 comments
- Making a 3D modeler in C in a week https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/shapeup/ 187 comments
- Good Ideas in Computer Science https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/good-ideas-in-cs/ 2 comments
- Good Ideas in Computer Science https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/good-ideas-in-cs/ 5 comments
- Good Ideas in Computer Science https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/good-ideas-in-cs/ 3 comments
- Animating Rick and Morty One Pixel at a Time https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/code-animated-rick/ 9 comments art , graphics
- Why Swift's type checker is slow https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/why-swift-is-slow/ 4 comments plt , swift
- Making a 3D Modeler, in C, in a Week https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/shapeup/ 15 comments c , graphics , programming
- Good Ideas in Computer Science https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/good-ideas-in-cs/ 25 comments compsci , historical
- Learn Shader Programming with Rick and Morty https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/code-animated-rick/ 23 comments programming
- Making a 3D Modeler, in C, in a Week https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/shapeup/ 12 comments programming
- Making a 3D Modeler, in C, in a Week https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/shapeup/ 3 comments graphicsprogramming
- Why Swift's type checker is so slow https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/why-swift-is-slow/ 6 comments programming
- The Swift compiler is slow due to how types are inferred https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/why-swift-is-slow/ 27 comments programminglanguages
- The Swift compiler is slow due to how types are inferred https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/why-swift-is-slow/ 103 comments programming
- Apple didn't fix Swift's biggest flaw https://danielchasehooper.com/posts/why-swift-is-slow/ 65 comments iosprogramming