- Colbert donates remaining $773,704.83 from his Super PAC to Sandy relief, soldier aid, and political transparency groups! http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/archive/121312.html?1 43 comments politics
- Colbert donates remaining $773,704.83 from his Super PAC to Sandy relief, soldier aid, and political transparency groups! http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/archive/121312.html 782 comments politics
- Stephen Colbert's SuperPAC; The Federal Election Commission's advisory opinion includes clauses giving them COMPLETE CONTROL of any content his show can do. You'll have to see it to believe. http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/advisory/Advisory-Opinion.pdf 6 comments politics
- Stephen Colbert Super PAC has received...$1,023,121.24 http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/ 118 comments politics
- NEW Ad from Colbert Super PAC - Vote Herman Cain http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/episodeiv-anewhope/index.php 56 comments politics
- The definitely not coordinating with Stephen Colbert Super PAC has released it's first new ad: "Attack in B Minor For Strings" http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/episodeiv-anewhope/?romney 4 comments politics
- Stephan Colbert is running for president! http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/ 5 comments politics
- The first Colbert Super PAC ad is here! http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/episodeiv-anewhope/ 8 comments reddit.com
- Colbert Super Pac's First Commercial. Write in Rick Parry, with an 'A' for America, and IowA. http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/episodeiv-anewhope/ 293 comments politics
Linking pages
- Coordinating With The Pac - Colbert Blog http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/archive/121312.html 782 comments
- Episode IV A New Hope With Stephen - Stephen Colbert Blog http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/episodeiv-anewhope/index.php 357 comments
- Coordinating With The Pac - Colbert Blog http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/archive/121312.html?1= 43 comments
- Stephen Colbert’s PAC Is More Than a Gag - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/22/business/media/stephen-colberts-pac-is-more-than-a-gag.html?amp%3B_r=2&%3Bref=politics&pagewanted=2 29 comments
- Stephen Colbert Gives Jon Stewart Control Of His Super PAC, Explores 2012 Presidential Run | HuffPost Latest News http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/12/stephen-colbert-_n_1203267.html 17 comments
- Stephen Colbert steps out of character to assess Romney on ‘Meet the Press’ (VIDEO) http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/colbert-meet-press-video-214951743--election.html 12 comments
- Stephen Colbert shuts down super PAC - The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2012/11/13/stephen-colbert-shuts-down-super-pac-2/ 9 comments
- How Many Stephen Colberts Are There? - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/08/magazine/stephen-colbert.html?_r=1&%3Bpagewanted=all 9 comments
- Episode IV A New Hope With Stephen - Stephen Colbert Blog http://www.colbertsuperpac.com/episodeiv-anewhope/?romney= 4 comments
- The 196 people who will choose our next president | Salon.com http://www.salon.com/2012/02/16/the_196_people_who_will_choose_our_next_president/ 4 comments
- The .000063% Election – Mother Jones http://motherjones.com/politics/2012/02/2012-election-big-money-donor-super-pacs-citizens-united 3 comments
- Stephen Colbert Says His SuperPAC Raised $1 Million : The Two-Way : NPR http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/01/31/146132466/stephen-colbert-says-his-super-pac-raised-1-million 3 comments
- It’s been 4 years since Stephen Colbert created a super PAC â where did all that money go? : Sunlight Foundation http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2015/09/30/its-been-four-years-since-stephen-colbert-created-a-super-pac-where-did-all-that-money-go/ 0 comments