Hacker News
- What exactly does "extended information" about a security key include in the context of Webauthn? https://cloudflarechallenge.com 7 comments firefox
- Can you steal the keys from this server? - Heartbleed Challenge https://www.cloudflarechallenge.com/heartbleed 34 comments crypto
Linking pages
- Why Cloudflare’s CAPTCHA replacement with FIDO2/WebAuthn is a really bad idea | by Ackermann Yuriy | Medium https://herrjemand.medium.com/why-cloudflares-captcha-replacement-with-fido2-webauthn-is-a-really-bad-idea-d5487f6c7566 284 comments
- Cloudflare says it’s time to end CAPTCHA ‘madness’, launches new security key-based replacement - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/16/22436395/cloudflare-end-captcha-madness-security-key-cryptographic-attestation-of-personhood 219 comments
- Building a WebAuthn Click Farm — Are CAPTCHAs Obsolete? | by Luke Young | better appsec https://betterappsec.com/building-a-webauthn-click-farm-are-captchas-obsolete-bfab07bb798c 57 comments
- Google Chrome protection for Heartbleed-hacked sites called “completely broken” | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/04/google-chrome-protection-for-heartbleed-hacked-sites-called-completely-broken/ 5 comments
- Building a WebAuthn Click Farm — Are CAPTCHAs Obsolete? | by Luke Young | better appsec https://betterappsec.com/building-a-webauthn-click-farm-are-captchas-obsolete-bfab07bb798c?sk=f7a2c54a4b70dc71a861e04d0793cb6b&source=friends_link 0 comments