Hacker News
- CATL (Tesla Supplier) Launches Superfast Charging Battery (10 min) https://www.catl.com/en/news/6091.html 58 comments
- CATL Unveils First Generation of Sodium-Ion Batteries https://www.catl.com/en/news/665.html 65 comments
- CATL Shenxing Plus battery brings high LFP energy density and 4C charging https://www.catl.com/en/news/6239.html 28 comments energy
- CATL launches condensed battery with an energy density of up to 500 Wh/kg, enables electrification of passenger aircrafts https://www.catl.com/en/news/6015.html 18 comments technews
- CATL Unveils Its Latest Breakthrough Technology by Releasing Its First Generation of Sodium-ion Batteries https://www.catl.com/en/news/665.html 8 comments energy