Hacker News
- Things I won't work with: the higher states of bromine (2019) https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2019/11/21/the-higher-states-of-bromine 103 comments
- An announcement about the comment section https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/06/28/an-announcement-about-the-comment-section 171 comments
- Ivermectin as a Covid-19 Therapy https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/06/07/ivermectin-as-a-covid-19-therapy 79 comments
- The Aducanumab Approval https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/06/08/the-aducanumab-approval 120 comments
- Hard Data on Remdesivir, and on Hydroxychlorquine https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2020/10/09/hard-data 72 comments
- Serious Adverse Event Time https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2020/09/09/serious-adverse-event-time 3 comments
- Tumor-Specific Antigens from Way Out There http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2018/12/11/tumor-specific-antigens-from-way-out-there 4 comments
- CETP Finally Heads to the Trash Heap? http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2016/04/04/cetp-finally-heads-to-the-trash-heap 2 comments
- Things I Won’t Work With: Dioxygen Difluoride (2010) http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2010/02/23/things_i_wont_work_with_dioxygen_difluoride 30 comments
- Andreessen Horowitz’s First Move in Biopharma http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2015/12/04/andreessen-horowitzs-first-move-in-biopharma 8 comments
- Things I Won’t Touch: Hydrofluoric Acid (2004) http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2004/03/03/things_i_wont_touch_1 63 comments
- Is Everything Getting Fatter? http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2015/08/21/is-everything-getting-fatter 40 comments
- [D] Machine Learning Deserves Better Than This | In the Pipeline https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/06/02/machine-learning-deserves-better-than-this 41 comments machinelearning
- A scientific expert analysis helps explain why the Kodak deal reeks of corruption https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2020/08/03/that-kodak-deal 9 comments politics
- Magnetic stir bars can cause phantom results during organic and catalytic reactions as a consequence of microscale damage and contamination. https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2019/03/26/stirring-bar-contamination 5 comments science
- "Astonishing" breakthrough in structure determination of small-molecules last night. ChemRxiv traffic spiked by 100% as two labs posted similar results showing 1 angstrom resolution structures from powder off the shelf. Big day for cryoEM and microED. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2018/10/18/small-molecule-structures-a-new-world 6 comments science
- A computer program has been used to autonomously design synthetic pathways for eight commercially and medicinally relevant molecules that previously suffered from troublesome syntheses. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2018/03/06/retrosynthesis-here-it-comes 6 comments science
- Calcium phosphate nanoparticles inhaled from air pollution localize to the heart. Researcher hijack this process and use it to deliver drugs specifically to the heart. Doing so improves heart failure in animal models, suggesting that this minimally invasive method could translate to humans. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2018/01/26/inhaled-nanoparticles-good-ones-that-is 5 comments science
- Why Science Needs Applied Philosophy http://blogs.sciencemag.org/sciencecareers/2012/02/why-science-nee.html 136 comments philosophy
- Expensive Shams Are the Way to Go, Apparently: The nocebo effect mirrors the placebo effect, complicating drug trials. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2017/10/06/expensive-shams-are-the-way-to-go-apparently 10 comments science
- A heroin vaccine nears human trials. Researchers hope the antibodies elicited by the vaccine an take up the heroin and prevent it from reaching the reward centers in the brain. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2017/06/26/a-heroin-vaccine 7 comments science
- Nanoparticles don't really improve delivery to tumors at all, only 0.7% of systemic nanoparticle dose actually reaches a tumor, the 'EPR effect' is a leap, and there is an enormous problem of nanoparticle uptake by macrophages according to a new Nature Materials review. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2016/05/05/nanoparticles-mix-it-up-with-reality 9 comments science
- Things I Won’t Work With: Dioxygen Difluoride http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2010/02/23/things_i_wont_work_with_dioxygen_difluoride 18 comments science
- Scientists working in West Africa have discovered that tramadol is not naturally derived by plants as previously thought. It is absorbed by the plant from petroleum contaminated soil. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2015/10/19/the-case-for-non-biogenic-tramadol 18 comments science
- TIL Dr Subhash Mukhopadhyay, the unsung hero of IVF, pioneered India's first test tube baby in 1978, but was not recognised by the then Indian medical fraternity, and committed suicide three years later due to depression. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/sciencecareers/2011/01/the-award-of-th.html 16 comments india
- In wake of Google's challenge to China, Hillary Clinton lays down gauntlet on internet freedom http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2010/01/clinton-lays-do.html 5 comments technology
- Finally a new direction for NASA? Obama Backs New Launcher and Bigger NASA Budget http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/12/exclusiveobama.html 4 comments politics
- Obama Backs New Launch Vehicle and Bigger NASA Budget http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/12/exclusiveobama.html 48 comments science
- Researcher at Army Lab Infected With Rabbit Fever http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/12/researcher-at-a.html 5 comments science
- Embryonic Stem Cell Research Begins, with $20 million from Obama http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/12/obama-spends-be.html 27 comments science
- "God Machine" Critics to U.N.: Experiment an Affront to Human Rights : CERN protestors want to stop LHC http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/11/critics-of-god.html 3 comments science
- The US needs fewer science students not more. The best students are rejecting science because the career path sucks. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/10/study-argues-us.html 3 comments reddit.com
- Scientists decry "flawed" and "horrifying" nationality tests as UK uses genetic testing to decide who can enter the country. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/09/border-agencys.html 149 comments science
- US Army Misplaces 9,200 vials of dangerous pathogens and toxins. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/06/unlogged-pathog.html 6 comments science
- Sex: A Solution to Microbial Invasion? http://blogs.sciencemag.org/origins/2009/06/sex-a-solution-to-microbial-in.html 4 comments science
- Q: What if H5N1 mixes with H1N1? Virologist: If that happens, I will retire immediately and lock myself in the P3 lab http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/05/exclusive-meet.html 485 comments reddit.com
- We all pray this remains sensitive to antivirals. We all hope that vaccines will be developed. The virus doesn’t grow very well in eggs. http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/04/exclusive-cdc-h.html 4 comments worldnews
- Virologist accidentally pricks finger with Ebola contaminated needle http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/03/researchers-aro.html 312 comments science
- Science agencies "made out like bandits" in the $780B federal stimulus bill http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/02/science-headed.html 19 comments science
- $3 Billion for the National Science Foundation! Finally, some good news in science funding! http://blogs.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2009/01/a-3-billion-bon.html 20 comments science