Hacker News
- What Kind of Buddhist was Steve Jobs? http://blogs.plos.org/neurotribes/2011/10/28/what-kind-of-buddhist-was-steve-jobs-really/ 41 comments
- Practical Tips on Writing a Book from 23 Authors http://blogs.plos.org/neurotribes/2011/06/02/practical-tips-on-writing-a-book-from-22-brilliant-authors/ 2 comments
- A Happy Lab Rat? Check the Ears! http://blogs.plos.org/everyone/2017/03/17/a-happy-lab-rat-check-the-ears/ 3 comments science
- Wild invasive pigs are wreaking havoc on North American ecosystems, a new report warns. http://blogs.plos.org/ecology/2017/02/01/invasive-wild-pigs-leave-a-swath-of-destruction-across-u-s-and-they-keep-spreading/ 3213 comments science
- Hadrosaur 'dental batteries' were the most complex tooth systems in vertebrate history http://blogs.plos.org/paleocomm/2016/09/14/all-the-better-to-chew-you-with-my-dear/ 18 comments science
- Common problems with bike lanes (and how to correct them) http://blogs.plos.org/obesitypanacea/2016/08/18/this-is-not-a-bike-lane/ 27 comments bicycling
- New research on maniraptoran dinosaurs, the group that includes Velociraptor and modern birds, shows that having a beak conferred a survival advantage through the end-Cretaceous mass extinction by providing birds the ability to eat seeds. http://blogs.plos.org/paleocomm/2016/07/21/beaked-birds-champions-of-the-last-mass-extinction/ 3 comments science
- Drinking water prior to meals may help weight-loss - Study. http://blogs.plos.org/obesitypanacea/2016/04/30/drinking-water-prior-to-meals-may-help-weight-loss/ 6 comments science
- The lost history of Australia's penguins revealed http://blogs.plos.org/paleocomm/2016/04/26/the-lost-history-of-australias-penguins/ 3 comments science
- Plesiosaurs swam like penguins, new computer simulations show http://blogs.plos.org/paleocomm/2015/12/18/happy-fins-plesiosaurs-flapped-like-penguins/ 15 comments science
- Studying links between Antidepressents and Violent Crime http://blogs.plos.org/mindthebrain/2015/09/30/what-we-can-learn-from-a-plos-medicine-study-of-antidepressants-and-violent-crime/ 5 comments science
- New Charges of Climate Skeptic’s Undisclosed Ties to Energy Industry Highlight Journals’ Role as Gatekeeper. Soon accepted money from ExxonMobil Corp., the American Petroleum Institute, the Charles G. Koch Foundation and Southern Co., one of the largest electric utility companies in the US http://blogs.plos.org/biologue/2015/06/11/new-charges-of-climate-skeptics-undisclosed-ties-to-energy-industry-highlight-journals-role-as-gatekeeper/ 240 comments worldnews
- PLOS Science Wednesdays: AMAs from PLOS Journals Every Wednesday on /r/science http://blogs.plos.org/plos/2015/04/plos/ 16 comments science
- You can build up a tolerance to ice cream. http://blogs.plos.org/obesitypanacea/2014/10/30/can-you-build-up-a-tolerance-to-ice-cream/ 6 comments science
- Liberian medical student gives his first hand account fighting Ebola, says Liberians destined for extinction http://blogs.plos.org/speakingofmedicine/2014/08/21/ebola-liberians-destined-extinction/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+plos%2Fblogs%2Fmain+%28blogs+-+main%29 3 comments worldnews
- New research shows that rate of increase in obesity is similar across socioeconomic and geographic stratification, suggesting that current stereotype for cause of obesity epidemic such as lack of exercise and food desert may not be true http://blogs.plos.org/publichealth/2014/05/27/think-know-obesity-rates-rising-youre-probably-wrong/ 19 comments science
- Happy DNA Day! The structure of DNA was published in Nature on this day in 1953 http://blogs.plos.org/dnascience/2014/04/24/celebrating-dna-day-2014/ 5 comments science
- The worst thing you can eat is sugar http://blogs.plos.org/publichealth/2014/01/13/worst-sugar/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+plos%2Fblogs%2Fmain+%28blogs+-+main%29 95 comments science
- Katie Couric promotes dangerous fear mongering with show on the HPV vaccine. | The Panic Virus http://blogs.plos.org/thepanicvirus/2013/12/03/katie-couric-promotes-dangerous-fear-mongering-with-show-on-the-hpv-vaccine/ 9 comments science
- Big Soda – do you think we’re all stupid? http://blogs.plos.org/globalhealth/2013/06/bigsoda1/ 3 comments politics
- Open Access publisher Public Library of Science (PLOS) has launched a new group called PLOS Labs to develop disruptive ideas and products for science communication http://blogs.plos.org/plos/2013/05/announcing-plos-labs-call-for-participation/ 11 comments freeculture
- 14 Year Old Inventor of Pancreatic Cancer Test Explains Why Science Journal Paywalls Have to Go http://blogs.plos.org/thestudentblog/2013/02/18/why-science-journal-paywalls-have-to-go/ 336 comments science
- Mathematical Literacy: A necessary skill for the 21st century http://blogs.plos.org/scied/2013/02/11/mathematical-literacy-a-necessary-skill-for-the-21st-century/ 68 comments math
- "Americans seem to have forgotten that NASA is their space program, that it works for them. They’re steering the ship but don’t seem to realize their hands are on the wheel." http://blogs.plos.org/neurotribes/2012/10/02/five-billion-years-of-solitude-lee-billings-on-the-science-of-reaching-the-stars/ 5 comments space
- "social status can be a major driver of health in socially living animals, including humans" http://blogs.plos.org/neuroanthropology/2012/08/21/social-position-drives-gene-regulation-of-the-immune-system/ 3 comments science
- Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) (the no pregnancy from legitimate rape guy) serves on House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology http://blogs.plos.org/takeasdirected/2012/08/19/rep-todd-akin-r-mo-serves-on-house-committee-on-science-space-and-technology/ 347 comments politics
- The Sketchbook of Mac UI designer Susan Kare http://blogs.plos.org/neurotribes/2011/11/22/the-sketchbook-of-susan-kare-the-artist-who-gave-computing-a-human-face/ 18 comments apple
- Learning to speak like a woman http://blogs.plos.org/wonderland/2011/08/17/learning-to-speak-like-a-woman/ 16 comments linguistics
- An Eye-Opening Adventure in Socialized Medicine --- American visitor to London wakes up in middle of night with burning eyes. Needs prompt medical attention. Negotiates US health insurance firm, British NHS. Nice light-touch narrative with a few political barbs http://blogs.plos.org/neurotribes/2011/07/12/an-eye-opening-adventure-in-socialized-medicine/ 122 comments worldnews
- If you’re skeptical about the correlation between vaccination and the spread of disease, or about the danger the deliberately unvaccinated pose to infants, you should check out the CDC’s figures. They’re pretty stunning. http://blogs.plos.org/thepanicvirus/2011/05/25/the-financial-implications-of-the-us-measles-outbreaks/ 559 comments science
- The Plot to Turn On the World: The Timothy Leary/Allen Ginsberg Acid Conspiracy http://blogs.plos.org/neurotribes/2011/04/21/the-plot-to-turn-on-the-world-the-learyginsberg-acid-conspiracy/ 8 comments science
- Not only humans have an overweight epidemic - animal species across the globe show increasing weight trends. http://blogs.plos.org/obesitypanacea/2010/12/01/animal-obesity-canary-in-the-coal-mine/ 66 comments science
- Finite formula found for partition numbers http://blogs.plos.org/badphysics/2011/01/20/ono/ 10 comments programming
- Finite formula found for partition numbers http://blogs.plos.org/badphysics/2011/01/20/ono/ 28 comments math
- Fermilab's Tevatron will come to an end in 2011 http://blogs.plos.org/badphysics/2011/01/10/byebyetevatron/ 19 comments science
- Real, Live Practice Babies http://blogs.plos.org/wonderland/2011/01/04/real-live-practice-babies/ 2 comments science
- Why I won't blog for US News and World Report http://blogs.plos.org/speakeasyscience/2010/10/07/why-i-wont-blog-for-u-s-news-and-world-report/ 4 comments reddit.com
- Do the Health Benefits of Cycling Outweigh the Risks? http://blogs.plos.org/obesitypanacea/2010/09/07/do-the-health-benefits-of-cycling-outweigh-the-risks/ 10 comments bicycling
- Busted Explanations for Karate Breaking http://blogs.plos.org/retort/2010/09/02/busted-explanations-for-karate-breaking/ 16 comments science
- When a deaf man has Tourette’s http://blogs.plos.org/wonderland/2010/09/02/when-a-deaf-man-has-tourettes/ 68 comments cogsci