Hacker News
- .NET Core, .NET 5; the Exodus of .NET Framework? https://blog.marcgravell.com/2020/01/net-core-net-5-exodus-of-net-framework.html 25 comments
- Pipelines – a guided tour of the new IO API in .NET https://blog.marcgravell.com/2018/07/pipe-dreams-part-1.html 26 comments
- How I Found CUDA, Or: Rewriting the Tag Engine http://blog.marcgravell.com/2016/05/how-i-found-cuda-or-rewriting-tag_9.html 14 comments
- Unusual optimizations; ref foreach and ref returns https://blog.marcgravell.com/2022/05/unusual-optimizations-ref-foreach-and.html 4 comments csharp
- Is the era of reflection-heavy C# libraries at an end? https://blog.marcgravell.com/2021/05/is-era-of-reflection-heavy-c-libraries.html 91 comments programming
- Is the era of reflection-heavy C# libraries at an end? https://blog.marcgravell.com/2021/05/is-era-of-reflection-heavy-c-libraries.html 14 comments csharp
- The anatomy of async iterators (aka await, foreach, yield) in .NET https://blog.marcgravell.com/2020/05/the-anatomy-of-async-iterators-aka.html 3 comments dotnet
- The anatomy of async iterators (aka await, foreach, yield) in .NET https://blog.marcgravell.com/2020/05/the-anatomy-of-async-iterators-aka.html 13 comments programming
- Prefer ValueTask to Task, always; and don't await twice https://blog.marcgravell.com/2019/08/prefer-valuetask-to-task-always-and.html 24 comments csharp
- Fun with the Spiral of Death https://blog.marcgravell.com/2019/02/fun-with-spiral-of-death.html 3 comments csharp
- Pipelines - a guided tour of the new IO API in .NET (part 2) https://blog.marcgravell.com/2018/07/pipe-dreams-part-2.html 4 comments dotnet
- Pipelines - a guided tour of the new IO API in .NET (part 2) https://blog.marcgravell.com/2018/07/pipe-dreams-part-2.html 7 comments programming
- Pipelines - a guided tour of the new IO API in .NET (part 2) https://blog.marcgravell.com/2018/07/pipe-dreams-part-2.html 4 comments csharp
- Pipelines - a guided tour of the new IO API in .NET (part 1) https://blog.marcgravell.com/2018/07/pipe-dreams-part-1.html 12 comments dotnet
- Pipelines - a guided tour of the new IO API in .NET (part 1) https://blog.marcgravell.com/2018/07/pipe-dreams-part-1.html 13 comments programming
- Go Sort Yourself Out http://blog.marcgravell.com/2018/01/a-sort-of-problem.html 7 comments programming
- Having a serious conversation about open source http://blog.marcgravell.com/2018/04/having-serious-conversation-about-open.html 40 comments programming
- Dapper, Prepared Statements, and Car Tyres http://blog.marcgravell.com/2017/12/dapper-prepared-statements-and-car-tyres.html 3 comments dotnet
- Dapper, Prepared Statements, and Car Tyres http://blog.marcgravell.com/2017/12/dapper-prepared-statements-and-car-tyres.html 3 comments programming
- .NET Spans (Bounded and Type-safe pointers) http://blog.marcgravell.com/2017/04/spans-and-ref-part-2-spans.html 10 comments csharp
- .NET Spans (Bounded and Type-safe pointers) http://blog.marcgravell.com/2017/04/spans-and-ref-part-2-spans.html 3 comments dotnet
- .NET Spans and ref part 1 : ref http://blog.marcgravell.com/2017/04/spans-and-ref-part-1-ref.html 21 comments programming
- DNX and CoreCLR for .NET library authors (3 parts) http://blog.marcgravell.com/2015/11/the-road-to-dnx-part-1.html 5 comments programming
- The road to DNX Part 1 http://blog.marcgravell.com/2015/11/the-road-to-dnx-part-1.html 6 comments dotnet