Hacker News
- How Google will kill Internet Explorer and save the web http://blog.isotoma.com/2010/04/how-google-will-kill-internet-explorer-and-save-the-web/ 33 comments
- Observations on the nature of time. And javascript. | Isotoma Blog https://blog.isotoma.com/2015/06/observations-on-the-nature-of-time-and-javascript/ 3 comments javascript
- Why mobile last? (a response to Jonathan Starks' "Mobile last?") http://blog.isotoma.com/2014/11/why-mobile-last/ 18 comments webdev
- Avoiding ORM "explosions" - detailed post about how to make the most of Postgres features to optimise database performance in Django http://blog.isotoma.com/2014/05/a-different-view/ 10 comments django
- Reviewing Django REST Framework - thoughts on using django-rest-framework over other django api frameworks and tools http://blog.isotoma.com/2014/03/reviewing-django-rest-framework/ 5 comments django
- [Nav Design] Hold the Hamburger http://blog.isotoma.com/2014/02/hold-the-hamburger/ 48 comments web_design
- Photoshop guidelines for web designers http://blog.isotoma.com/2012/04/photoshop-guidelines/ 25 comments webdev
- How Google will kill Internet Explorer and save the web http://blog.isotoma.com/2010/04/how-google-will-kill-internet-explorer-and-save-the-web/ 56 comments technology
- Some thoughts on concurrency, and Twisted http://blog.isotoma.com/2008/05/some_thoughts_on_concurrency.html 9 comments programming