Hacker News
- Official Response to “Bancor Is Flawed” https://blog.bancor.network/this-analysis-of-bancor-is-flawed-18ab8a000d43 98 comments
- Bancor introduces the Fast Lane Protocol, which redirects trading profits to BNT holders that would typically go to external MEV and arbitrage bots https://blog.bancor.network/the-bancor-arb-fast-lane-protocol-is-live-fe1300036ccf?gi=00a0579fcadd 23 comments ethereum
- Bancor Removes Impermanent Loss Protection https://blog.bancor.network/market-conditions-update-june-19-2022-e5b857b39336 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Following the initial launch of Bancor 3, 100+ pools are now live on Bancor 3 including AAVE, BAT, ENJ, MATIC, SNX, USDC, wNXM, WOO and YFI. This is in addition to the 4 tokens initially launched, ETH, DAI, LINK, BNT. https://blog.bancor.network/100-tokens-go-live-on-bancor-3-e2a4e0f19c46 6 comments ethereum
- Bancor V3 Roll-Out Update and latest developments https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-3-roll-out-update-4ef7e294a2d3 12 comments ethereum
- Bancor continued to see rapid growth in trade volume, of LPs and whitelisted assets. This report outlines the recent progress https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-progress-update-april-2021-35fb95656267/# 3 comments cryptocurrency
- TIL: about Impermanent Loss. You need to know about this risk of defi staking. https://blog.bancor.network/beginners-guide-to-getting-rekt-by-impermanent-loss-7c9510cb2f22 18 comments cryptocurrency
- The Bancor Vortex Burner has been deployed to the Ethereum mainnet https://blog.bancor.network/vbnt-burning-is-live-cd814c2b07fa 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Trading the First Tomatoes on the Blockchain – Bancor https://blog.bancor.network/trading-the-first-tomatoes-on-blockchain-92372dd105bc 4 comments ethereum
- A local shop in Kenya was trading the first tomatoes on the Blockchain. This might be the answer to the economic instability and corruption the developing countries suffer from. https://blog.bancor.network/trading-the-first-tomatoes-on-blockchain-92372dd105bc 5 comments technology
- Alliance of Crypto Defenders https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-progress-update-july-2018-4cfee421de1e 9 comments ethereum
- Price Floor in Action, and as a Solution https://blog.bancor.network/price-floor-in-action-and-as-a-solution-ffa717ca906e 4 comments ethereum
- BNT: The First Smart Token is Born. And it Works! AMA in 30 min at r/Bancor https://blog.bancor.network/bnt-the-first-smart-token-is-born-22a0f3a38bf2 16 comments ethereum
- Response to “Bancor Unchained” https://blog.bancor.network/response-to-bancor-unchained-cdb3bd2ba505 44 comments ethereum
- This Analysis of Bancor is Flawed https://blog.bancor.network/this-analysis-of-bancor-is-flawed-18ab8a000d43 91 comments ethereum
- Bancor token activation delayed https://blog.bancor.network/token-activation-update-285ba81995b1 13 comments ethereum
- Gnosis & Bancor Partner on the First Ever "Token Changer" (GNOBNT). Parties committed to depositing $1,000,000 worth of tokens in the reserves of the new smart token - each. https://blog.bancor.network/gnosis-bancor-partner-on-the-first-ever-token-changer-gnobnt-63fb14b65653 8 comments ethereum
- The creator of Euro currency joins an important Ethereum project https://blog.bancor.network/bernard-lietaer-joins-bancor-protocol-foundation-as-chief-monetary-architect-2ff9d06e8e01 3 comments btc
- Bernard Lietaer (co-architect of Euro) Joins Bancor Protocol https://blog.bancor.network/bernard-lietaer-joins-bancor-protocol-foundation-as-chief-monetary-architect-2ff9d06e8e01 20 comments ethereum
- Bancor will use over the cap funds to create price floor for Bancor tokens. https://blog.bancor.network/the-community-of-the-currency-9770087fde17 45 comments ethereum
- Bancor crowdfund will be uncapped for the first hour https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-network-token-bnt-contribution-token-creation-terms-48cc85a63812 6 comments ethereum
- Bancor's smart tokens explained 101-style https://blog.bancor.network/smart-tokens-101-63edc2cc5a89 6 comments ethereum