Hacker News
- Apple's 2024 report card: the Mac https://birchtree.me/blog/apples-2024-report-card-the-mac/ 3 comments
- Everyone says Chrome devastates Mac battery life, but does it? 36 hour test https://birchtree.me/blog/everyone-says-chrome-devastates-mac-battery-life-but-does-it-i-tested-for-36-hours-to-find-out/ 105 comments
- Is this the slow decline of the Apple "cult"? https://birchtree.me/blog/is-this-the-slow-decline-of-the-apple-cult/ 143 comments
- My honest feelings about the Vision Pro after nearly 5 months https://birchtree.me/blog/my-honest-feelings-about-the-vision-pro-after-nearly-5-months/ 4 comments
- A few thoughts on the DOJ's antitrust case against Apple https://birchtree.me/blog/a-few-thoughts-on-the-dojs-antitrust-case-against-apple/ 25 comments
- Misunderstanding about the details of how Apply Pay works https://birchtree.me/blog/digital-wallets-and-the-only-apple-pay-does-this-mythology/ 259 comments
- A note to young folks: download the things you love https://birchtree.me/blog/a-note-to-young-folks-download-the-videos-you-love/ 102 comments
- The Windows 11 Trash Party https://birchtree.me/blog/the-windows-11-trash-party/ 511 comments
- The Shocking State of Enthusiast Apps on Android https://birchtree.me/blog/the-shocking-state-of-enthusiast-apps-on-android/ 2 comments
- A Guy Walks into an Apple Store https://birchtree.me/blog/a-guy-walks-into-an-apple-store/ 373 comments
- Undiscoverable UI Madness https://birchtree.me/blog/undiscoverable-ui-madness/ 228 comments
- What If You Used iOS 9's Low Power Mode All the Time? http://www.birchtree.me/blog/wqoc7twm9a26g29pbwkvjikqju8tz7 62 comments
- Who's Actually Buying iPods These Days? http://www.birchtree.me/blog/who-buys-ipods 78 comments
- Finish the Job http://birchtree.me/main/finishing-the-job-because-nobody-cares-what-youre-going-to-do 23 comments
- Everyone says Chrome devastates Mac battery life, but does it? I tested for 36 hours to find out. https://birchtree.me/blog/everyone-says-chrome-devastates-mac-battery-life-but-does-it-i-tested-for-36-hours-to-find-out/ 112 comments apple
- Digital wallets and the “only Apple Pay does this” mythology. Apple Pay through Wallet obfuscates your actual credit card numbers, which retailers infamously use to track customers. https://birchtree.me/blog/digital-wallets-and-the-only-apple-pay-does-this-mythology/ 2 comments privacy
- First Impressions of Mouse Support in iPadOS 13.4 https://birchtree.me/blog/first-impressions-of-mouse-support-in-ipados-134/ 25 comments apple
- watchOS 6 Concept - Matt Birchler https://birchtree.me/blog/watchos-6-a-birchtree-concept/ 15 comments apple
- The absurdity of the “can your iPad replace your laptop” argument https://birchtree.me/blog/the-absurdity-of-the-can-the-ipad-replace-a-laptop-debate/ 156 comments apple
- I made some desktop and phone wallpapers based on some leaked Xcode artwork https://birchtree.me/blog/apple-developer-wallpaper/ 19 comments apple
- watchOS 5: A Relatively Modest Proposal https://birchtree.me/blog/watchos-5-a-relatively-modest-proposal/ 79 comments apple
- iPad charger still the better way to charge your iPhone https://birchtree.me/blog/the-best-way-to-charge-your-iphone-8-plus/ 34 comments apple
- The absurdity of the “can the iPad replace a laptop” debate https://birchtree.me/blog/the-absurdity-of-the-can-the-ipad-replace-a-laptop-debate/ 13 comments apple
- I made a concept for what I would like to see from the iOS 11 home screen https://birchtree.me/blog/concept-ios-11-home-screen/ 3 comments apple
- I made some iPhone/iPad/Mac wallpapers based on Apple's WWDC17 announcement https://birchtree.me/blog/wwdc-2017-wallpapers/ 21 comments apple
- The difference between Google Assistant and Siri https://birchtree.me/blog/the-difference-between-google-assistant-and-siri/ 37 comments apple
- I made some Swift wallpapers based on Apple's WWDC16 code theme (iPhone/iPad/Mac) https://birchtree.me/blog/some-very-swifty-wallpapers/ 9 comments apple
- What Ambient Apple Watch Faces Might Look Like http://birchtree.me/blog/what-ambient-apple-watch-faces-might-look-like/ 55 comments apple
- The Apple Watch's Activity ring wallpapers (3840x2160) http://birchtree.me/blog/bring-a-little-activity-to-your-mac-with-these-4k-wallpapers/ 5 comments apple
- What If You Used iOS 9's Low Power Mode All the Time? http://www.birchtree.me/blog/wqoc7twm9a26g29pbwkvjikqju8tz7 36 comments apple
- I Made a Custom iPhone Wallpaper for WWDC 2015 (will update if anyone has the rounded San Fran font Apple used in the invite) http://birchtree.me/blog/wwdc15-wallpaper/ 27 comments apple