Hacker News
- How did Launch Conference compare to TechCrunch50 (TechCrunch Disrupt)? http://www.quora.com/Objectively-how-did-Launch-Conference-compare-to-TechCrunch50-TechCrunch-Disrupt?srid=OQY 2 comments
- Lanyrd launches to change the conference landscape using Twitter http://thenextweb.com/apps/2011/01/31/lanyrd-launches-to-change-the-conference-landscape-using-twitter/ 2 comments
- Post-Launch News Conference WILL be streamed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KORTP545vAc 24 comments space
- Transcript of the CRS-13 Pre-Launch Press Conference https://gist.github.com/theinternetftw/23433626cb5ff08b0c6ad87ae33e9aeb 21 comments spacex
- SES-10 Post-Launch Press Conference, Musk: "FH two side boosters are being reflown." https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=42544.msg1661115#msg1661115 36 comments spacex
- Westbrook launches unidentified object at Pat Bev during his press conference https://streamable.com/00thea 59 comments nba
- Pelosi confers with top general on preventing 'unhinged' Trump from launching nuclear strike | TheHill http://thehill.com/policy/defense/533349-pelosi-confers-with-top-general-on-preventing-unhinged-trump-from-launching 9 comments politics
- [Charania] The NBA will launch a G League team in Mexico starting the 2020-21 season. Commissioner Adam Silver is announcing the news in his press conference shortly. https://www.twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1205291423412768768 732 comments nba
- The Pardon Snowden campaign site is live and is launching with a press conference streaming on Facebook Live right now https://pardonsnowden.org/ 4 comments politics
- The Pardon Snowden campaign site is live and is launching with a press conference streaming on Facebook Live right now https://pardonsnowden.org/ 4 comments politics
- All is well so NASA has opted to cancel the CRS-5 post-launch news conference. https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacex/2015/01/10/dragon-in-flight-post-launch-news-conference-canceled/ 6 comments spacex
- Full transcript and audio from the 2013-09-29 post launch press conference. http://shitelonsays.com/transcript/spacex-press-conference-september-29-2013-2013-09-29 18 comments spacex
- Just made a site to organize conference talks and looking for feedback for my beta launch. http://labs.jasongroulx.com/talkboxes/ 10 comments web_design
- Starting at 2pm NOW - LIVE Paul Allen press conference for Strato Launch Systems venture w/SpaceX! http://www.livestream.com/vulcaninc 3 comments space
- [Ben Rothenberg] Wimbledon is holding its annual launch press conference a week from today, April 26, so I assume any major announcement regarding this year’s event would be made then. https://twitter.com/benrothenberg/status/1516590546730504192?s=21&t=lLfcU8zj9L1NzVpBXUluJg 11 comments tennis
- Four Seasons Total Landscaping launches T-shirt line after Trump campaign news conference https://thehill.com/homenews/news/525510-four-seasons-total-landscaping-launches-t-shirt-line-after-trump-campaign-news 47 comments politics
- Four Seasons Total Landscaping launches t-shirt line after Trump campaign news conference https://thehill.com/homenews/news/525510-four-seasons-total-landscaping-launches-t-shirt-line-after-trump-campaign-news 16 comments politics
- At marathon news conference, Macron launches fight back with tax cuts https://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-protests/at-marathon-news-conference-macron-launches-fight-back-with-tax-cuts-iduskcn1s1264 5 comments worldnews
- Purse.io at the Coingeek conference in HK just announced native BCH support!!! They are also launching a new software implementation called "bcash" https://www.pscp.tv/derekmagill/1rmxPmgBaBdKN?t=26m59s 6 comments btc
- ‘New Right’ Conspiracy Theorists Launch Political Conference With Shadowy Donors http://observer.com/2018/03/new-right-conspiracy-theorists-launch-political-conference-shadowy-donors/ 19 comments politics
- The Launch Readiness Review has been completed. NOAA’s Jason-3 spacecraft ready for launch. Pre-launch News Conference scheduled for ~7:45 EST today http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/noaa-s-jason-3-spacecraft-ready-for-launch-0 7 comments spacex
- [SpaceX Stats] Major update to spacexstats.com… v3 is here! Redesigned aesthetic, monthly news summaries, image & video collections, more stats, launch timezone conversions, cargo manifests, press conferences, and so much more. http://spacexstats.com/ 36 comments spacex
- Show Reddit: Launched a new product - confnow, free conference calls http://confnow.com/ 14 comments startups
- Blender Conference 2011 launches this Friday in De Balie in Amsterdam, Netherlands http://www.blender.org/community/blender-conference/ 4 comments blender
- SpaceX CRS-4 NASA post-launch mission conference video with Hans Koenigsmann [10:30] http://www.space-multimedia.nl.eu.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9087:spacex-crs-4dragon-post-launch-news-conference&catid=1:latest 46 comments spacex
- Four Seasons Total Landscaping launches T-shirt line after Trump campaign news conference on fourseasons.press https://thehill.com/homenews/news/525510-four-seasons-total-landscaping-launches-t-shirt-line-after-trump-campaign-news 15 comments politics
- Apple launches phone-based car keys, new features at developer conference https://www.reuters.com/article/us-apple-developers/apple-launches-phone-based-car-keys-new-features-at-developer-conference-iduskbn23t1ih?il=0 3 comments technology
- Eric Mu on Twitter: "You guys are more than enough to launch a 51% attack", said one speaker at Chinese Miners' Conference https://twitter.com/muxiaoliang/status/789830115186270208 37 comments btc
- Tomorrow, NASA will convene a press conference to announce the winner of the 2015-17 Discovery program competition. From proposals ranging from a Venus orbiter to an asteroid hunter and a visit to a metallic world, the winning proposal will become the 13th Discovery mission, and will launch by 2021. https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/5lufpy/tomorrow_nasa_will_convene_a_press_conference_to/ 8 comments space
- Climate Science Denial Rife at Launch of Jordan Peterson’s ARC Project | The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference in London – which closed at the O2 Arena – saw speakers contradict climate science and attack green policies. https://www.desmog.com/2023/11/03/climate-science-denial-rife-at-launch-of-jordan-petersons-arc-project/ 2 comments climate
- North Korea time latest missile launch to exactly coincide with Barack Obama press conference on North Korean nuclear program - almost to the minute http://www.nknews.org/2014/03/north-korea-launches-missile-as-regional-powers-meet/ 5 comments worldnews
- FANTOM Developer Conference Launches After FANTOM Foundation Announces $370M Developer Incentive Program https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fantom-developer-conference-launches-fantom-131000925.html 21 comments cryptocurrency
- Gwynne Shotwell in "Launch Services Roundtable: GSO and Heavy-Lift" panel during Satellite 2019 conference https://2019.satshow.com/conference-program/#launch-services-roundtable-gso-and-heavy-lift 35 comments spacex
- SpaceX Set for First Ever Deep Space Launch on Sunday Evening (prelaunch conference 1 PM EST Saturday http://innerspace.net/spacex/spacex-set-for-first-ever-deep-space-launch-on-sunday-evening/ 54 comments spacex
- U.S. spy agency edges into the light after Snowden revelations - The NSA this month held an on-the-record conference call with reporters, and posted documents on a newly launched open website - icontherecord.tumblr.com (intelligence community on the record). http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/25/us-usa-security-nsa-idusbre97o08120130825?feedtype=rss&feedname=politicsnews 4 comments politics
- Arizona Sheriff holds a press conference to discuss the recent shooting and blames vitriolic political rhetoric for the attack. Fox News immediately launches a smear campaign calling his remarks controversial and offensive. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/10/dupnik-friends-critics-remarks-arizona-shooting/# 4 comments politics
- Franco-German kickoff conference today for the MakeOurPlanetGreatAgain climate research program, launched in 2017 by French President Emmanuel Macron. 43 projects selected and a €60 million budget. https://news.cnrs.fr/articles/make-our-planet-great-again-they-chose-france 6 comments europe
- Republican Senator Lindsey Graham sent ripples through an international conference in Halifax on Saturday by saying his country should be prepared to launch a military attack on Iran that would "neuter" the hardline regime. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/nova-scotia/story/2010/11/07/ns-neuter-iran-security-conference.html 5 comments politics
- UCL launches 'eugenics' probe after it emerges academic held controversial conference for three years on campus - senior academic is being investigated by University College London after he was found to have hosted an annual conference in which speakers debated ideas on eugenics and intelligence. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/2018/01/10/ucl-launches-eugenics-probe-emerges-academic-held-controversial/ 4 comments worldnews
- Exclusive: Hillary Clinton to launch presidential campaign on Sunday en route to Iowa – source: followed by a video and email announcement, then a series of conference calls mapping out a blitzkrieg tour beginning in Iowa and looking ahead to more early primary states. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/apr/10/exclusive-hillary-clinton-to-launch-presidential-campaign-sunday-en-route-to-iowa-source 10 comments politics