Hacker News
- First Impressions Using React Native http://jlongster.com/First-Impressions-using-React-Native 191 comments
- Windows 11 Settings app is using React Native https://twitter.com/ReactNativeMSFT/status/1492246372883460096 7 comments
- First Impressions Using React Native http://jlongster.com/First-Impressions-using-React-Native 3 comments javascript
- Has anyone been able to convert react-native-maps to use Google Maps instead of Apple Maps? https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-maps/blob/master/docs/installation.md#enabling-google-maps-on-ios-react-native-all-versions 11 comments reactnative
- How to use react-native-google-mobile-ads with Expo? https://expo.dev/ 3 comments reactnative
- NativeCore - A project I developed that builds a react-native app alongside a next generated web app using react-native-web https://github.com/codymurphyjones/NativeCore 6 comments reactjs
- What is the best practice for coding react-native use emacs? https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/6on975/what_is_the_best_practice_for_coding_reactnative/ 5 comments emacs
- Using Airbnb's native-navigation to integrate React Native inside native apps with a few million users https://blog.bam.tech/developper-news/react-native-inside-native-apps-the-navigation-challenge 3 comments reactnative
- Finally... it's complete 🥳 Shopping Cart App with dashboard made using React, React-Native, and Node 🚀 https://youtu.be/5aO9gDrhaS0 8 comments reactjs
- Single App for web, iOS, and Android using React-Native ( NEW APPROACH ) – PART 1 https://fibocolon.com/web-development/single-app-for-web-mobile 2 comments reactnative
- A Movie App Built using React Native https://reactnativeexample.com/a-movie-app-built-using-react-native/ 4 comments reactjs
- Deep Linking In React Native Using Firebase Dynamic Links https://www.codingular.com/2020/01/deep-linking-in-react-native-using-firebase-dynamic-links/ 6 comments reactnative
- How to Gracefully Use Environment Variables in a React Native App https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-to-gracefully-use-environment-variables-in-a-react-native-app-7f1600446116 6 comments reactnative
- Lessons Learned after Using React Native for a Year https://www.inovex.de/blog/lessons-learned-react-native/ 10 comments reactnative
- Learnings from using React Native https://hashnode.com/post/what-we-learned-after-using-react-native-for-a-year-civdr8zv6058l3853wqud7hqp 8 comments programming
- Here's an article I wrote: How To Use ES6 Arrow Functions With React Native http://moduscreate.com/how-to-use-es6-arrow-functions-with-react-native/?amp%3Butm_content=32406409&%3Butm_medium=social&%3Butm_source=twitter 5 comments reactnative
- First Impressions using React Native http://jlongster.com/First-Impressions-using-React-Native 4 comments reactjs
- Just discovered that the new Microsoft Copilot mobile apps were built using React Native! https://www.threads.net/@hybridheroes/post/C1fSMBjMkLQ/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ%3D%3D 12 comments reactnative
- Best way to debug/ test react native app that uses location https://apps.apple.com/us/app/xplors/id1604321016 8 comments reactnative
- Would you use React Native project boilerplate/template? https://productionreadyforms.com/ 16 comments reactnative
- Does anyone use React Native Elements? Are the docs bad or am I missing something? https://reactnativeelements.com/docs/overlay 6 comments reactnative
- Kraken is a cross-platform web engine that’s built on Flutter but uses a JavaScript compiler – which means it’s basically React Native for any JavaScript framework. https://openkraken.com/en-US 3 comments vuejs
- How to play music using React Native Application (IOS and Android) https://ninza7.medium.com/how-to-play-music-using-react-native-application-ios-and-android-23ca8fd9c1ea 3 comments reactnative
- I created a Project Management mobile app using React Native. https://github.com/PrincewillIroka/project_management_mobile_app 6 comments reactnative
- Facebook might stop using React Native in the Messenger app https://www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/fcnqrm/facebook_might_stop_using_react_native_in_the/ 40 comments swift
- Why I'm using MobX as my state management library in React Native https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy0Xg6p1VB4 9 comments reactnative
- Reasons I use a mock API in React Native apps https://goshakkk.name/why-i-mock-api-in-mobile-apps/ 8 comments reactjs
- React Native Vs Ionic: Which One to Use for Building a Hybrid Mobile App? https://blog.intuz.com/react-native-vs-ionic-which-one-to-use-for-building-a-hybrid-mobile-app/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=ionic-post&utm_campaign=reddit-post 9 comments javascript
- here in this blog I have written my recent experience with react native print and barcode. I hope you guys found this useful. https://samicode.hashnode.dev/how-to-print-barcode-on-sticker-using-react-native 2 comments reactnative
- Why is my app's behavior not consistent between iOS and Android using React Native Reanimated Bottom Sheet? https://snack.expo.dev/@mk_pierce3450/74f79e 12 comments reactnative
- Snapchat Discovery - “Can it be done in React Native?” (Using Reaminated) https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bv=UbedXievYGI&list=PLkOyNuxGl9jx02vhWRCSPwbcSRvV9wWh1 10 comments reactnative
- React Native Source Code contains __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED https://github.com/facebook/react-native/tree/master/Libraries/Renderer/shims 3 comments reactnative
- Task :app:processDebugMainManifest FAILED, Manifest Merger Failed with multiple errors in React Native using Android Sdk Version 31 https://stackoverflow.com/a/68648841 2 comments reactnative
- I wrote a small library to load modules (including React Native components) from a URL. We use this to build Plugins in native apps. https://github.com/CodalReef/Elvan 23 comments reactnative
- Push Notifications for React Native using OneSignal https://youtu.be/Qf8OzB9qJq8 18 comments reactnative
- Should we use React Native? Thoughts from Expo following Airbnb’s Sunsetting of RN https://blog.expo.io/should-we-use-react-native-1465d8b607ac 41 comments javascript
- Shoutem: What do you think about this for react native UI elements ? Anyone used it before ? https://shoutem.github.io 6 comments reactnative
- Simple and easy to use AdMob Native Ads for react native Android & iOS with styling support! https://github.com/ammarahm-ed/react-native-admob-native-ads 6 comments reactnative
- Wrote a blog post on how to use Expo Router for routing in your React Native app! Check it out and let me know what you think https://link.medium.com/sVhQtayVyyb 5 comments reactnative
- Microsoft plans to unify Outlook across platforms using web technologies [React / React Native] https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-plans-to-unify-outlook-across-platforms-using-web-technologies?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+neowin-main+%28Neowin+News%29 58 comments reactjs