- The number of terrorist attacks each year has more than quadrupled in the decade since September 11, 2001, a study released on Tuesday said, with Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan the most affected. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/04/us-security-attacks-idusbre8b306m20121204 7 comments worldnews
- Syria views Saudi Arabia as number one enemy — Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister: “if the world wants to avoid another September 11 incident, they must start telling Saudi Arabia 'enough is enough',” http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/aleqm5jfaty2f4mvh5kxv5otg_slud8kua?docid=a47c62c9-c0d6-4f7a-a9d8-c63420bf2af2 21 comments worldnews
- Covid 19 US Deaths at close to 3,000 crosses the number of Casualties of the September 11 attacks (2,977 victims and 19 hijackers) https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country 10 comments worldnews
- Reminder: The number of Afghan **civilians** killed by US bombs has surpassed the death toll of the 11 September attacks. That milestone was passed on **January 2, 2002** http://open.salon.com/blog/jacob_freeze_x/2010/05/02/an_amazing_confession_by_general_stanley_mcchrystal 51 comments politics