Hacker News
- Star Wars in the JS code on healthcare.gov (search for Chewbacca) https://www.healthcare.gov/marketplace/global/en_US/js/ee/dummyData.js 3 comments
- Treasure hunters demand answers from FBI about search for civil war-era gold https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/06/civil-war-gold-treasure-hunters-fbi-lawsuit 5 comments goldandblack
- Talk of ‘Civil War,’ Ignited by Mar-a-Lago Search, Is Flaring Online https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/05/us/politics/civil-war-social-media-trump.html 2264 comments politics
- The “Justice Initiative” was created in Ukraine to search for war criminals. Those who help to find them will be rewarded https://babel.ua/en/news/84700-the-justice-initiative-was-created-in-ukraine-to-search-for-war-criminals-those-who-help-to-find-them-will-be-rewarded 2 comments worldnews
- Growing calls for 'civil war' in far-right groups after FBI search https://www.abc15.com/news/national/growing-calls-for-civil-war-in-far-right-groups-after-fbi-search 69 comments politics
- Marina Ovsyannikova: Search for journalist who protested war on Russian TV https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60749279 11 comments worldnews
- I'm searching for a picture from World War Two. https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/6svhja/im_searching_for_a_picture_from_world_war_two/ 3 comments history
- Google’s new search protocol is restricting access to 13 leading socialist, progressive and anti-war web sites https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/08/02/pers-a02.html 19 comments worldnews
- Google’s new search protocol is restricting access to 13 leading socialist, progressive and anti-war web sites http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/08/02/pers-a02.html 19 comments technology
- Number of Google searches for 'World War 3' hits its highest ever http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4405550/google-searches-world-war-3-hits-highest-level-ever.html 28 comments worldnews
- There’s a big spike in Google searches related to World War II https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/02/theres-a-big-spike-in-google-searches-related-to-world-war-ii/ 4 comments politics
- Life in Luhansk’s War Zone: Old People Search for Water, Cellphone Signal http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/life-in-luhansk-war-zone 3 comments europe
- Google, Apple And Facebook Are At War Over 'Latent' Search — A Business That's About To Be Huge http://www.businessinsider.com/google-and-facebook-are-at-war-for-domination-of-latent-search-a-business-thats-about-to-be-huge-2013-10#ixzz2gyrpmttd 17 comments technology
- Searching for accountability: As Wikileaks prepares to release more documents on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, will greater accountability follow? http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/2010/10/2010101081338282898.html 29 comments worldnews
- Greenwald: US searches for war criminals - as long as they're not American http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/story/index.html?story=/opinion/greenwald/2010/10/01/war_criminals 3 comments politics
- Could a Google Search Have Helped Prevent the War in Iraq? http://abcnews.go.com/international/story?id=3012688 13 comments reddit.com
- 'How to Leave Russia,' 'How to Break Arm' Google Searches Spike After Putin Announced Drafting of Citizens to Fight Ukraine War https://www.ibtimes.sg/how-leave-russia-how-break-arm-google-searches-spike-after-putin-announced-drafting-66938 2088 comments worldnews
- FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago reignites conservative calls for a civil war in the US https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-supporters-want-a-civil-war-after-fbi-raid-of-mar-a-lago-2022-8 243 comments politics
- After Mar-a-Lago search, users on pro-Trump forums agitate for ‘civil war’ — including a Jan. 6 rioter https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna42148 5 comments politics
- After Mar-a-Lago search, users on pro-Trump forums agitate for ‘civil war’ — including a Jan. 6 rioter https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/mar-lago-search-users-trump-forums-agitate-civil-war-jan-6-rioter-rcna42148 712 comments politics
- Russian Search Engines to Label Wikipedia as ‘War Fakes’ Spreader - The Moscow Times https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/07/21/russian-search-engines-to-label-wikipedia-as-war-fakes-spreader-a78363 21 comments worldnews
- France : Macron's government to propose to write into common law "State of Emergency"'s exceptional powers to "fight against terrorism". Designed in 1955 during the Algerian War, it allows by example police to assign house arrest or search people without the need for a judge http://www.leparisien.fr/politique/etat-d-urgence-le-gouvernement-s-apprete-a-perenniser-certaines-mesures-07-06-2017-7026969.php 188 comments europe
- Google Searches For ‘World War 3’ And ‘Trump War’ Hit All Time High http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/google-searches-spike-world-world-3-donald-trump_us_58f1db82e4b0da2ff86115ce 20 comments politics
- Google Searches For ‘World War 3’ And ‘Trump War’ Hit All Time High http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/google-searches-spike-world-world-3-donald-trump_us_58f1db82e4b0da2ff86115ce?section=us_technology 5 comments politics
- If someone was searching for World War 2 relics in the Rhineland Palatinate area, where would be the best place to start? https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/5ag5bz/if_someone_was_searching_for_world_war_2_relics/ 5 comments history
- We are the writer and illustrator of the graphic novel "In Search of Hannibal" about the Second Punic War. Ask us anything. https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/4n1cms/we_are_the_writer_and_illustrator_of_the_graphic/ 4 comments history
- US Navy funded search for Titanic shipwreck as cover for Cold War mission, oceanographer claims https://www.independent.co.uk/news/titanic-shipwreck-found-discovery-cold-war-us-navy-submarines-sink-a8678401.html 3 comments worldnews
- Searching for a New Hope in Lead Generation? Take it from Star Wars Stormtroopers http://www.callbox.com.sg/lead-generation/searching-for-a-new-hope-in-lead-generation-take-it-from-star-wars-stormtroopers/ 9 comments business
- First world war ministers were warned of ‘eternal stalemate’ in January 1915: Cabinet papers show Lloyd George despairing of ‘throwing away’ Kitchener’s citizen army as cabinet colleagues searched for a ‘blow to end the war once and for all’ http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/30/first-world-war-ministers-eternal-stalemate-cabinet-papers 3 comments history
- "Military spending has gone up during wars of the last decade, which means cuts have fallen on everything else -- such as medical research, science, energy, technology, and foreign aid. These were investments that enabled us to put a man on the moon and invent search engines like Google..." http://www.ourtime.org/could-it-be-a-clear-explainer-video-about-the-national-debt-that-is-not-boring/ 8 comments politics
- Cry MAGA, and Let Slip the Dogs of War | If you thought the last 72 hours since the FBI's Mar-a-Lago search were ugly, buckle up. https://www.vice.com/en/article/epzvae/cry-maga-and-let-slip-the-dogs-of-war 38 comments politics
- Turkey Expands War Tech Search by Tapping Pakistan’s China Ties https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-02/turkey-expands-war-tech-search-by-tapping-pakistan-s-china-ties 3 comments worldnews
- Abe Lincoln’s Loveliest Spy: Amid the bloodiest throes of the Civil War, a beautiful actress in search of adventure donned disguises, dodged death, and slipped secretly behind Confederate lines http://narrative.ly/the-spies-among-us/abe-lincolns-loveliest-spy/ 12 comments history
- Obama's War: 346 Kids Killed In Afghanistan In 2009 - "131 of these were by aerial strikes, 22 by search-and-raid by Special Forces; 128 were killed by anti-Government elements, including assassinations and suicide bombings," she said during a visit to Kabul. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/world/6851548/war-killed-346-afghan-kids-in-2009/ 4 comments politics
- Cambodia retaliates for visa ban, suspends missions by U.S. military-led teams searching for the remains of Americans missing in action from the Vietnam War. https://apnews.com/c1cdd51036b74b1d8b13af9ea756bcf1/cambodia-retaliates-for-visa-ban,-suspends-us-mia-searches 239 comments worldnews
- In the name of the war on drugs, two women and a child were strip searched on the side of the highway... The women were searched with in view of traffic. WTF http://www.victoriaadvocate.com/news/2011/jun/14/gp_civilrightslawsuit_060911_142440/?counties&police-courts 71 comments politics
- How Psychology Solved A WWII Shipwreck Mystery. Despite extensive search efforts during and after World War II, the ships weren't found until 2008, after a team of psychologists analyzed the statements given by the surviving German crew members http://www.npr.org/2011/09/27/140816037/how-psychology-solved-a-wwii-shipwreck-mystery 25 comments science
- Israeli court-martial passed suspended jail sentences to two soldiers who forced a Palestinian boy to search for suspected booby-traps on their behalf during the Gaza Strip war.. basically they would go free http://uk.news.yahoo.com/22/20101121/tpl-uk-palestinians-israel-courtmartial-43a8d4f.html 224 comments worldnews
- The local search wars are on: "eBay has been seeking redress from Craigslist, which has diluted its 28 percent ownership share to 24 percent in a bid to squeeze out its influence." CL meanwhile, is seeking to force eBay to sell its shares b/c of their conflict of interest via kajiji. http://blog.kelseygroup.com/index.php/2009/12/23/insights-into-ebays-classifieds-strategy-via-ebay-vs-craigslist/ 3 comments technology
- 'The drug war’s most serious collateral damage has been to undermine the role of civilian law enforcement in our free society.' - A tiny family home is raided by SWAT team executing an 8-day-old search warrant, and the only things seized were a pipe containing a small amount of marijuana residue http://www.cato-unbound.org/2011/11/09/norm-stamper/losing-hearts-and-minds-in-the-drug-war/ 7 comments politics