Hacker News
- Akka 2.0 released (Scala and Java concurrency library) http://akka.io/news/2012/03/06/akka-20-released.html 12 comments
- Moving from Java to Scala - One year later... http://blog.danmachine.com/2011/01/moving-from-java-to-scala-one-year.html 11 comments
- java or kotlin or scala? None 11 comments kotlin
- Transitioning from Java to Scala https://github.com/makingthematrix/scalaonandroid/tree/main/HelloFXML3 11 comments scala
- Announcing Dhall for Java / Scala 0.2.0, now fully standard-compliant https://github.com/travisbrown/dhallj/releases/tag/v0.2.0 13 comments scala
- Groovy's startup acceralator: why not available for Java, Kotlin, Scala ? https://www.reddit.com/r/java/comments/c9k69k/groovys_startup_acceralator_why_not_available_for/ 9 comments java
- The myth of using Scala as a better Java http://appliedscala.com/blog/2017/myth-of-scala-as-better-java/ 35 comments scala
- Search Java & Scala API docs offline, in your terminal (or browser) https://sunaku.github.io/dasht 7 comments java
- Our team's transition from Java to Scala over the last year http://blog.smaato.com/sharing-experience-scala-programming-language 17 comments scala
- I wrote a blog post on variance in Java and Scala, what do you think? https://medium.com/@sinisalouc/variance-in-java-and-scala-63af925d21dc#.u54rhb8bi 4 comments scala
- better-files: Scala wrapper for Java File I/O https://github.com/pathikrit/better-files 26 comments scala
- How to convert collections from Scala to Java? https://medium.com/@kamillelonek/how-to-convert-collections-from-scala-to-java-57f29fac3603 3 comments scala
- Java vs. Scala: Divided We Fail http://shipilev.net/blog/2014/java-scala-divided-we-fail/ 3 comments scala
- Stratosphere Data Analytics Platform: Intro for Java and Scala Interface http://www.slideshare.net/robertmetzger1/stratosphere-intro 3 comments scala
- 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Synchronization in Java and Scala http://www.takipiblog.com/2013/08/15/5-things-you-didnt-know-about-synchronization-in-java-and-scala/ 6 comments java
- [poll] Which version of Java should Scala 2.11 target ? http://www.scala-lang.org/node/30977 20 comments scala
- Talk on how the team behind the Guardian website migrated from Java to Scala http://www.infoq.com/presentations/scala-guardian 12 comments programming
- Scala Adoption Guide in Your Java Organization http://zeroturnaround.com/labs/scala-2013-a-pragmatic-guide-to-scala-adoption-in-your-java-organization/ 20 comments scala
- An Empirical Study Comparing Scala and Java https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1346131830146.pdf 16 comments scala
- Yammer moving from Scala to Java http://blog.joda.org/2011/11/real-life-scala-feedback-from-yammer.html 46 comments programming
- Benchmarking numeric base conversion in C#, Java and Scala http://www.javageneration.com/?p=520 9 comments programming
- Scala: A Better Java for Android http://robots.thoughtbot.com/post/5836463058/scala-a-better-java-for-android 42 comments programming
- The Guardian is Migrating Its Website from Java to Scala http://www.readwriteweb.com/hack/2011/04/the-guardian-is-migrating-its.php 99 comments programming
- Scala is not a better Java http://john.freml.in/scala-is-not-a-better-java 9 comments scala
- An Example Java Applet in Scala http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.scala/2484/ 4 comments programming
- Java, Scala and the Reactive Platform from IBM https://medium.com/@wildcharting/java-scala-and-the-reactive-platform-from-ibm-9394a372f853 3 comments programming
- Kotlin: Not a Scala Killer, just better Java https://sidstechcafe.com/kotlin-not-a-scala-killer-just-better-java-5bf191c66019 127 comments java
- How did learning Scala made you a better Java developer? https://www.reddit.com/r/scala/comments/4z881t/how_did_learning_scala_made_you_a_better_java/ 36 comments scala
- Musings about moving from Java to Scala http://blog.rntech.co.uk/2015/02/08/moving-from-java-to-scala/ 13 comments scala
- Google paper comparing performance of C++, Java, Scala, and Go [PDF] https://days2011.scala-lang.org/sites/days2011/files/ws3-1-hundt.pdf 328 comments programming
- Ignorance is mostly bliss, but not always - I have been using Scala for the past few weeks to write a web framework that ‘fixes’ the convoluted Java Servlet Specification... http://blog.tmorris.net/ignorance-is-mostly-bliss-but-not-always/ 18 comments programming
- Clash of the Lambdas. Comparing Lambda Performance in Java, Scala, C#, and F# http://cgi.di.uoa.gr/~biboudis/clashofthelambdas.pdf 107 comments programming
- Managing Multiple Versions of Java, SBT, and Scala with SDKMAN https://mungingdata.com/java/sdkman-multiple-versions-java-sbt-scala/ 6 comments scala
- How would you code these Scala and Java phone bill calculators? [x-post from r/java] https://www.reddit.com/r/java/comments/6vv8k4/how_would_you_code_these_scala_and_java_phone/ 7 comments scala
- Polyglot Native: Java, Scala, Kotlin https://hype.codes/what-polyglot-native 9 comments programming
- Scala, Groovy, Clojure, Jython, JRuby and Java: Industry Acceptance by Jobs http://bloodredsun.com/2011/10/04/scala-groovy-clojure-jython-jruby-java-jobs/ 52 comments programming
- Proggit: I present a "Hello, world!" genetic algorithm implementation in Clojure, Java, Python and Scala. Enjoy! https://github.com/jsvazic/gahelloworld 48 comments programming
- Roundup: Scala as the long term replacement for Java http://www.infoq.com/news/2009/07/scala-replace-java 7 comments java
- Kaitai Struct: declarative binary parser compiler in Scala, targeting Java, JavaScript, Python & Ruby http://kaitai.io/ 3 comments scala
- Parallel-lazy Performance: Java 8 vs Scala vs GS Collections http://www.infoq.com/presentations/java-streams-scala-parallel-collections#.u9o2evhjcrp.reddit 4 comments programming