Hacker News
- Lemmy, an open-source federated Reddit alternative, gets funding for development https://dev.lemmy.ml/post/35293 634 comments
- RTV (Reddit Terminal Viewer) development is shutting down https://github.com/michael-lazar/rtv/issues/696 214 comments programming
- Is reddit developing a secret toolbar or something? http://www.reddit.com/tb/iama/ 4 comments reddit.com
- Ask Reddit: if you choose to learn one programming language for advanced web-development, which one would you go with? http://programming.reddit.com/info/5z4hl/comments/ 79 comments programming
- Hi Reddit. I'm a solo game developer. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/boljgp/hi_reddit_im_a_solo_game_developer/ 22 comments gamedev
- Web developers of Reddit, what's the most complex, sophisticated application you've ever seen that was built with jQuery? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/953gxm/web_developers_of_reddit_whats_the_most_complex/ 20 comments webdev
- Reddit Gold Reward: Best Description of Bitcoin Developer Politics. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6uysok/reddit_gold_reward_best_description_of_bitcoin/ 6 comments btc
- An incredible visualization of the reddit community, developed by Andrei Kashcha http://www.yasiv.com/allreddit 5 comments technology
- Analyst + Therapist = Analrapist. This is my fav Tobias line from Arrested Development. Reddit, what's yours? http://www.frigginrandom.com/analyst-plus-therapist/ 20 comments reddit.com
- Ask Reddit: What is the best Rapid App Development system for a GUI app? http://programming.reddit.com/info/2z4kx/comments 110 comments programming
- Reddit is harassing the developer of the new Apollo app for having a "similar" icon... https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/7blrjn/update_on_icon_issues_with_reddit/ 21 comments apple
- New Reddit client in development, works on all operating systems and comes as a Chrome/FF extension http://reddit.com/r/reditr 9 comments software
- Hi Reddit, we're developing a VR horror game (Shattered Lights), ask us anything! https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/btm5vr/hi_reddit_were_developing_a_vr_horror_game/ 25 comments gamedev
- How Much is the Front Page of Reddit Worth for Game Developer? https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/gregorycurran/20171228/312348/how_much_is_the_front_page_of_reddit_worth.php 5 comments gamedev
- What Apple gives you for $100 as a Safari Extension Developer — and why Reddit Enhancement Suite may cease support for Safari https://medium.com/@honestbleeps/what-apple-gives-you-for-100-as-a-safari-extension-developer-and-why-reddit-enhancement-suite-6e2d829c2e52#.n0nul076o 107 comments programming
- What Apple gives you for $100 as a Safari Extension Developer — and why Reddit Enhancement Suite may cease support for Safari https://medium.com/@honestbleeps/what-apple-gives-you-for-100-as-a-safari-extension-developer-and-why-reddit-enhancement-suite-6e2d829c2e52#.t8ny7ibq9 243 comments webdev
- What Apple gives you for $100 as a Safari Extension Developer — and why Reddit Enhancement Suite may cease support for Safari https://medium.com/@honestbleeps/what-apple-gives-you-for-100-as-a-safari-extension-developer-and-why-reddit-enhancement-suite-6e2d829c2e52#.xu6a0mi8f 1040 comments apple
- Ciao Reddit, ho bisogno del tuo consiglio [scuole per web e mobile development] https://www.reddit.com/r/italy/comments/4hn3l6/ciao_reddit_ho_bisogno_del_tuo_consiglio_scuole/ 13 comments italy
- Dear Reddit web developers, seeking help on simple file extension web url problem. http://www.connorman.ca 11 comments web_design
- The US is one of the few developed countries that does not have a Secretary of the Arts. Please help this petition out reddit! http://www.petitiononline.com/esnyc/ 8 comments politics
- Ask Reddit: What are the most important Free/Open Source Hardware projects being developed right now? http://science.reddit.com/info/240ov/comments 13 comments science
- Hi Reddit, Intel here. Interested in developing for Intel’s app store for netbooks? Ask me anything. http://www.intel.com/appup/ 285 comments programming
- Cities: Skylines developers have reached out to reddit in search for help to track down performance issues on Linux http://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/2zcn2w/help_us_squash_the_bugs/ 28 comments linux_gaming
- Hey /r/Microsoft! I'm an 18-year-old student developer who made an awesome reddit app for Windows 8. Care to give it a try? http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-US/app/snoo/e2483a08-ca9a-4e2b-b955-377495277a1c 22 comments microsoft
- Mac users of Reddit, we're indie game developers who humbly request your help http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stick-rpg-2-directors-cut/id416471419 43 comments apple
- Hey Reddit, me and my friend made a chat client and server, it's currently under development but quite usable, we want to know what you think! http://joltproject.com/client/ 19 comments javascript
- Ryan X. Charles, hired to help develop Reddit's cryptocurrency, says "I am not a huge fan of the idea of creating yet another altcoin." (np. Xpost) https://np.www.reddit.com/r/bitcoin/comments/2i4no4/ryan_x_charles_hired_to_help_develop_reddits/ 8 comments technology
- Here's a direct link to the back-end of the search engine I'm developing for reddit. If you know how to play with URL variables, you should be golden. http://earth.xelio.info/redditsearch/search.php?sort=comments&limit=200&offset=0&adult=2&subreddit=programming&word= 41 comments programming
- Hey Reddit! I'm a Highschool website developer. Here's my first real attempt at a website. Hope you guys like it... http://www.cubearcade.net 32 comments web_design
- Hey, Reddit! I have been developing an advanced multi-user digital painting applet, and I want you to give it a try! http://sketcher.artgrounds.com/reddit 11 comments reddit.com
- Hey, developer of Apollo for Reddit here. I'm doing a completely free iPhone 14 Pro giveaway to commemorate Apollo's big iOS 16 update and new iPhone 14 Pro features. Just leave a comment to enter! 🎉📱 https://twitter.com/ChristianSelig/status/1570863225234923520 99206 comments apple
- Nate Graham (developer and author of This Week in KDE), Aleix Pol (President of KDE), and Lydia Pintscher (Vice President) will be answering all your questions on Reddit live on Sunday, October 17th at 16:00 UTC. Don’t miss it. https://reddit.com/r/kde 13 comments kde
- [Showoff Saturday] I'm a 17 year old developer, and I just created my first webapp: Hoddit! Hoddit tracks the fastest growing posts on all of reddit by upvotes per minute and ranks them accordingly! I spent months learning how to do everything, so I'd appreciate if you guys checked it out :) https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/ina45j/showoff_saturday_im_a_17_year_old_developer_and_i/ 59 comments webdev
- After many good feedback when I post a photo on Reddit, I decided to write my first article about : Therapy through photography. I discovered that many people use it to develop their personal happiness. https://grafixartphoto.com/2019/07/22/smell-of-silence-series/ 5 comments science
- Researchers from McGill University, Montreal, have developed an artificial intelligence program (AI) that they believe is one way to put an end to online hate speech. The team have developed a system that learns hate speech from a data dump that they collected from Reddit between 2006 and 2016 https://www.newscientist.com/article/2149562-this-ai-can-tell-true-hate-speech-from-harmless-banter/ 17 comments science
- Just wanted to appreciate one of the best WP developer (IMO, the best) after his recent waves upon waves of updates to Readit, the best reddit client WP has. Here's the link to the original post on r/readit. https://www.reddit.com/r/readit/comments/3emnp4/dude_thats_5_updates_in_6_days_stop_d_just_wanted/ 33 comments windowsphone
- Hey /r/webdev, I made a free web app to make it easier to find jobs (for web developers) on reddit http://jobmanapp.com/ 19 comments webdev
- Hey Reddit, I just wanted to let you know that Sports Interactive and Sega are donating ALL of their revenue from Football Manager Handheld in the AppStore during this week to Japan. SI were already my favourite developer, but now... I just love them. http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/258247-fmhi2011-the-japan-disaster 9 comments soccer
- Dear Reddit, I’m one of the developers of Knowsy, an iPad Game. It’s free this week and super fun to play. Help me spread the word. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/knowsy/id398269760?mt=8# 24 comments apple
- Think of it this way, Kevin: Reddit just hired several thousand new employees who all work for free. How sure are you that your handful of developers can keep pace with a small army? http://digg.com/tech_news/reddit_goes_open_source?t=16192069#c16192069 3 comments reddit.com