Hacker News
- Utopia, a visual design tool for React, with code as the source of truth https://utopia.app/ 171 comments
- Show HN: A new open-source library to design PDF using React https://github.com/OnedocLabs/react-print-pdf 10 comments
- React components for design engineers https://cult-ui.com 6 comments web_design
- How we use Design Tokens in React https://blog.bitsrc.io/how-we-use-design-tokens-in-react-5396dd897ace 3 comments reactjs
- How to build design systems with React & Storybook https://www.researchgate.net/publication/3188437_Evaluating_Software_Reuse_Alternatives_A_Model_and_Its_Application_to_an_Industrial_Case_Study 4 comments reactjs
- How to handle and design the startup of a React application ? https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/how-to-handle-and-design-the-startup-of-a-react-application-da779f3727e5 18 comments javascript
- Design Patterns in React https://www.slideshare.net/t.bak/design-patterns-in-react-152397149 3 comments reactjs
- How to Avoid the “Boolean Trap” When Designing React Components https://spicefactory.co/blog/2019/03/26/how-to-avoid-the-boolean-trap-when-designing-react-components/ 39 comments reactjs
- An alternative (declarative) Design for React Hooks https://paulgray.net/an-alternative-design-for-hooks/ 12 comments javascript
- An alternative (declarative) Design for React Hooks https://paulgray.net/an-alternative-design-for-hooks/ 21 comments reactjs
- Designing (TypeScript / Flow) types for React state and UI data https://github.com/reduxjs/redux/blob/master/docs/recipes/reducers/NormalizingStateShape.md#designing-a-normalized-state 3 comments reactjs
- Introducing Base Web, Uber’s New Design System for Building Websites in React https://eng.uber.com/introducing-base-web/ 7 comments reactjs
- React Bits: design patterns, anti-patterns, conventions, and concepts https://github.com/vasanthk/react-bits 6 comments reactjs
- Ant Design of React - a set of high quality UI components and based on React Component https://ant.design/docs/react/introduce 6 comments reactjs
- Figmachine (Figma to React) – Convert Figma designs to React code https://www.figmachine.com/ 8 comments reactnative
- This is my React implementation of u/APthreads Navbar design (info in comments) https://streamable.com/je7rje 28 comments reactjs
- Modular Redux — a Design Pattern for Mastering Scalable, Shared State in React https://medium.com/@shanebdavis/modular-redux-a-design-pattern-for-mastering-scalable-shared-state-82d4abc0d7b3 10 comments reactjs
- How To Master Advanced React Design Patterns — Render Props https://medium.com/@shaundavidhutch/d7517dfe72bc 3 comments javascript
- Problems use Material Design Frameworks with React https://material.io/guidelines/components/data-tables.html#data-tables-specs 3 comments reactjs
- Higher Order Components: A React Application Design Pattern https://www.sitepoint.com/react-higher-order-components/ 21 comments javascript
- Buddy made a React - Material Design Library http://react-md.mlaursen.com/ 13 comments reactjs
- Is there any package to make meterial design tab bar in react? https://www.npmjs.com/package/material-tabs 6 comments reactjs
- Get a glimpse of the sleek design and functionality of my "todo's" app | React Native https://github.com/aaaravv/todos 4 comments reactnative
- Using advanced design patterns to create flexible and reusable React components — Part 3: Render Props https://medium.com/@shaundavidhutch/using-advanced-design-patterns-to-create-flexible-and-reusable-react-components-part-3-render-d7517dfe72bc 7 comments reactjs
- Piecing together a quick commercial for my React Native for User Interface Design course https://youtu.be/_yvgju_RZ_M 4 comments reactnative
- The React Components for Product Design and Developer: Ruyi Design Assistant(Figma Plugin) https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1192146318523533547 4 comments reactjs
- This Week In React #109: React Labs, Linaria, React-Aria, Design System, Ladle, Sandpack, Redwood, React-Native, Moon... https://www.getrevue.co/profile/thisweekinreact/issues/this-week-in-react-109-react-labs-linaria-react-aria-design-system-ladle-sandpack-redwood-react-native-moon-1223480 3 comments reactjs
- React Native Material Design - UI components for React Native [X-Post /r/reactjs] https://github.com/react-native-material-design/react-native-material-design 3 comments webdev
- I built a Google Search themed portfolio website. My first React project. Thoughts on the overall design and project structure? https://github.com/enjeck/gfolio 16 comments frontend
- First React Project - a weather application designed mobile-first https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/lo0bl2/first_react_project_a_weather_application/ 3 comments webdev
- My first egghead.io course on making Design Systems with React and Typescript in Storybook is free this week! Feedback welcome http://t.dripemail2.com/c/eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoiOTQyOTM2MiIsImRlbGl2ZXJ5X2lkIjoiMzY3NjI0Nzk4OCIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZWdnaGVhZC5pby9jb3Vyc2VzL2Rlc2lnbi1zeXN0ZW1zLXdpdGgtcmVhY3QtYW5kLXR5cGVzY3JpcHQtaW4tc3Rvcnlib29rP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9ZHJpcFx1MDAyNnV0bV9tZWRpdW09ZW1haWxcdTAwMjZ1dG1fdGVybT1yZWFjdFx1MDAyNnV0bV9jb250ZW50PWRlc2lnbi1zeXN0ZW1zLXdpdGgtcmVhY3QtYW5kLXR5cGVzY3JpcHQtaW4tc3Rvcnlib29rXHUwMDI2X19zPXNzb3d3cXdha2l4cWRleDFtYTd6In0 9 comments reactjs
- React in patterns - A book about common design patterns used while developing with React. It includes techniques for composition, data flow, dependency management and more https://krasimir.gitbooks.io/react-in-patterns/content/ 6 comments reactjs
- React in patterns - A book about common design patterns used while developing with React. It includes techniques for composition, data flow, dependency management and more https://krasimir.gitbooks.io/react-in-patterns/content/ 3 comments javascript
- An open-source portfolio website (Nextjs, React, GitHub Pages, Responsive design and SEO) https://github.com/TupleType/greenholts.com 0 comments sideproject
- Which JavaScript design patterns do you recommend learning before jumping into a framework like React? https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/5gra3f/which_javascript_design_patterns_do_you_recommend/ 18 comments javascript
- Elastic UI - a design library in use at Elastic to build internal products that need to share our aesthetics. It distributes UI React components and static assets for use in building web layouts https://elastic.github.io/eui 3 comments webdev
- I made a Tailwind CSS visual builder to visually design and generate code for your Frontend in HTML and React. You can easily create websites, forms, prototypes and webpages visually and with lots of templates to help ship projects to production faster. Made with Reactjs, Tailwind +Firebase https://www.devwares.com/windframe/ 20 comments reactjs
- I built a new platform, on React, for creating a blog & newsletter (and earning money from your readers). I focused on speed, simplicity, privacy, and beautiful design. I'd love to get some early feedback! https://papyrus.dev/?amp%3Butm_campaign=reactjs&%3Butm_medium=subreddit_launch 7 comments reactjs
- I created a No-Code Design Platform that lets anyone design components and export it to React, Angular & Vue (Experimental). Would love your feeedback. https://codedesign.app 50 comments reactjs
- Shards React - a high-quality & free React UI kit featuring a modern design system with dozens of custom components https://designrevision.com/downloads/shards-react/ 33 comments javascript