Hacker News
- GPT-3 can generate a React app from natural language description https://twitter.com/sharifshameem/status/1284421499915403264 28 comments
- Reshuffle - Create React App on steroids https://dev.to/taillogs/how-reshuffle-solves-common-fullstack-problems-4h17 19 comments reactjs
- Redux ruins your React app performance? You are doing something wrong https://medium.com/@pvlasov/82e28ec96cf5 74 comments reactjs
- How to build a ToDo app using React, Redux, and Webpack https://hackernoon.com/how-to-build-a-todo-app-using-react-redux-and-webpack-1aa99dc2f45c 6 comments javascript
- React Native Social App Theme https://blog.nativebase.io/react-native-social-app-theme-def901c1f57e#.t2d6olj46 2 comments reactnative
- Writing React apps using Bridge.NET http://www.productiverage.com/writing-react-apps-using-bridgenet-the-dan-way-from-first-principles 6 comments reactjs
- Having trouble using React + Redux + ... to a somewhat complex sync/async app http://acperience.com/decisions 5 comments reactjs
- Quizzical, my first react app. https://rimezin.github.io/quizzical-redux/ 15 comments reactjs
- Build a Todo App in React Using Hooks - Upmostly https://upmostly.com/tutorials/build-a-todo-app-in-react-using-hooks/ 6 comments reactjs
- Top React Native Mobile Apps in 2018 https://instabug.com/blog/top-react-native-mobile-apps/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=reactnative&utm_content=top_react_native_mobile_apps 23 comments reactnative
- Django with single page React App https://www.reddit.com/r/django/comments/9nitwn/django_with_single_page_react_app/ 6 comments reactjs
- Beyond REST: Using WebSockets for two-way communication in your React app https://blog.logrocket.com/beyond-rest-using-websockets-for-two-way-communication-in-your-react-app-884eff6655f5 27 comments reactjs
- npm audit shows my new react app has 58 vulnerabilities https://overreacted.io/npm-audit-broken-by-design/ 26 comments webdev
- First react app, any feedback? (bug tracker) https://github.com/antonybstack/tonysgrotto/tree/context 6 comments reactjs
- I completed my first React App based on Reddit API https://droidheat.com/r-wallpapers/ 48 comments reactjs
- I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences [UPDATED] https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/i-created-the-exact-same-app-in-react-and-vue-here-are-the-differences-e9a1ae8077fd 20 comments web_design
- Introducing Create React Native App https://facebook.github.io/react-native/blog/2017/03/13/introducing-create-react-native-app.html 24 comments reactjs
- Introducing Create React Native App https://facebook.github.io/react-native/blog/2017/03/13/introducing-create-react-native-app.html 20 comments reactnative
- React & React-Native | Is it possible to export a single base into a webpage and an app? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/amuisg/react_reactnative_is_it_possible_to_export_a/ 5 comments webdev
- Fast, Cheap, Global Serverless React Apps on AWS https://serverless.com/blog/react-apps-with-serverless-components/ 5 comments reactjs
- Building a Real-Time Chat App with Express, React and Socket.io with GIFs Support https://quantizd.com/build-chat-app-with-express-react-socket-io/ 5 comments webdev
- Integrating React in a 6 Year Old Rails App - via @codeship https://blog.codeship.com/integrating-react-in-a-6-year-old-rails-app/#.wfdeeo--tcg.reddit 4 comments webdev
- Learn how to build an Instagram style app with Imgix, React, and Redux http://blog.getstream.io/cabin-react-redux-example-app-imgix/ 4 comments coding
- [My First React App] You will get random meme from reddit every time you refresh! https://todo-eight-blond.vercel.app/ 4 comments reactjs
- You shouldn't store secrets in React process.env. When inspecting a React app you see the source map that wouldn't show a secret you might be referencing from process.env. What am I missing? https://www.reddit.com/r/reactjs/comments/mwbsto/variables_in_processenv_end_up_in_the_bundle_when/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 6 comments webdev
- New Ionic React live code demo and starter apps https://ionicframework.com/react 13 comments reactjs
- Made my first React App: One page portfolio! https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/cwiamx/made_my_first_react_app_one_page_portfolio/ 4 comments webdev
- Building a React Native Mobile App with AWS Amplify and Expo https://heartbeat.fritz.ai/building-a-react-native-mobile-app-with-aws-amplify-and-expo-fcab6ee0555e 6 comments reactnative
- An unofficial show note for React Podcast #29 - "Don't Rewrite Your App for Hooks and Suspense" with Jared Palmer https://www.slightedgecoder.com/2018/11/21/react-podcast-episode-29-show-note/ 7 comments reactjs
- Cross-platform React stories — 1 hack: 2 apps, 1 website in React https://medium.com/any-stack-any-language-anywhere/cross-platform-react-stories-b2261f412f54?source=your-stories 10 comments webdev
- How to add push-notifications on Firebase Cloud Messaging to React web app https://dashbouquet.com/blog/frontend-development/how-to-add-push-notifications-on-firebase-cloud-messaging-to-react-web-app 5 comments reactjs
- Fullstack React: The Fullstack Guide To What's New in Create React App 2.0 - And How To Use It - Sass, Fragments, Code Splitting and More https://www.fullstackreact.com/articles/fullstack-guide-whats-new-in-create-react-app-and-how-to-use-it/ 11 comments reactjs
- End-to-end testing React apps with Puppeteer and Jest https://blog.logrocket.com/end-to-end-testing-react-apps-with-puppeteer-and-jest-ce2f414b4fd7 3 comments reactjs
- Pepperoni - A framework to build apps faster, powered by React Native http://getpepperoni.com 18 comments programming
- Announcing Sri (scalajs react interface) - build truly native cross platform(web,ios,android) apps https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/scala-js/1a_pr1-7mqc 5 comments scala
- I used React + Electron to create a tool that lets you insert links from your browser history into any app with just a hotkey, could you guys help me by giving feedback? https://www.linkly.at 10 comments reactjs
- [Show off] Second "full-stack" app - Roomie - Find a room to rent! Built with: React + TailwindCSS + Express + MongoDB + Heroku / S3 https://appjournals.herokuapp.com/ 77 comments reactjs
- Help/discuss: choosing between CSS architectures for my React app (styled-components vs. css-modules, etc.) https://styled-components.com/ 10 comments reactjs
- Announcing Microsoft Web Template Studio - VSCode Extension to spin up a fullstack React + Node App, built by Microsoft Garage interns https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2019/05/15/announcing-microsoft-web-template-studio/ 7 comments reactjs
- Realm: Database for React Native apps with live objects, change events, & unidirectional data flows https://realm.io/news/introducing-realm-react-native/ 3 comments programming