Hacker News
- Markdown, Asciidoc, or reStructuredText – a tale of docs-as-code https://www.dewanahmed.com/markdown-asciidoc-restructuredtext/ 88 comments
- Markdown vs. ReStructuredText for Teaching Materials https://nudgedelastic.band/2021/08/markdown-vs-restructuredtext-for-teaching-materials/ 4 comments
- Show HN: Instantly Turn Google Docs into reStructuredText https://freethedocs.app/ 5 comments
- ReStructuredText vs. Markdown for technical documentation http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2017/restructuredtext-vs-markdown-for-technical-documentation/ 24 comments
- ReStructuredText vs. Markdown for documentation http://zverovich.net/2016/06/16/rst-vs-markdown.html 117 comments
- NoTex: An online text editor for reStructuredText, Markdown, LaTex https://notex.ch/ 20 comments
- A Beginner's Guide to Extending Emacs (implementing a completion backend for reStructuredText) https://blog.tjll.net/a-beginners-guide-to-extending-emacs/ 11 comments emacs
- go-rst: Yet another attempt to write a RestructuredText library in pure Go https://github.com/go-i2p/go-rst 6 comments golang
- vim-rst: another reStructuredText for vim https://github.com/habamax/vim-rst 8 comments vim
- reStructuredText vs Markdown for documentation http://www.zverovich.net/2016/06/16/rst-vs-markdown.html 29 comments programming
- Org-mode as a markup language does make sense even when not using Emacs. Better than markdown or reStructuredText. http://karl-voit.at/2017/09/23/orgmode-as-markup-only/ 55 comments emacs
- reStructuredText vs. Markdown for technical documentation http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2017/restructuredtext-vs-markdown-for-technical-documentation/ 54 comments programming
- Is there a high-quality restructuredText plugin? https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim 6 comments vim
- Plugin for composing ReStructuredText http://github.com/edthedev/vim-rst 4 comments vim
- Documentation tools: Markdown compared to reST (reStructuredText) http://www.unexpected-vortices.com/doc-notes/markdown-and-rest-compared.html 15 comments programming
- Real time, collaborated reStructuredText editor. Django and AMQP inside. http://www.lshift.net/blog/2009/03/02/evserver-part3-simplified-etherpad-clone 11 comments programming