Hacker News
- Meta-programming: what, why and how (Perl 6) http://perl6advent.wordpress.com/2011/12/14/meta-programming-what-why-and-how/ 3 comments
- Programming Is Mostly Thinking (2014) http://agileotter.blogspot.com/2014/09/programming-is-mostly-thinking.html 322 comments
- Why study functional programming? (2012) https://acm.wustl.edu/functional/whyfp.php 196 comments
- Racklog: Prolog Style Logic Programming [pdf] https://plt.eecs.northwestern.edu/snapshots/current/pdf-doc/racklog.pdf 9 comments
- For Sympathetic Ear, More Chinese Turn to Smartphone Program http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/04/science/for-sympathetic-ear-more-chinese-turn-to-smartphone-program.html?_r=0 4 comments
- A collaborative residency program in mathematical biology and deep learning http://topos.house/cfp 11 comments
- Saudi Arabia now teaching programming to all high school students https://www.nsbasic.com/app/pr/pr.141209.htm 5 comments
- Choc: Bret Victor's 'Learnable Programming' implemented in Javascript http://fullstack.io/choc/ 56 comments
- Sprinkles - a "programming-less" web framework I built https://sprinkles.tobiasdammers.nl/ 5 comments webdev
- Fatbot slims down after INSTALLING weight loss program. https://twitter.com/theefenders/status/1725746745991131541 2 comments blender
- A website which presents solutions to the same task in as many different programming languages as possible. https://rosettagit.org/ 65 comments internetisbeautiful
- Facebook's program for VIPs allows politicians and celebs to break its rules, report says https://www.engadget.com/facebook-vip-cross-check-xcheck-181720267.html 27 comments technology
- [Vacchiano] Adam Gase isn’t sure if @LeVeonBell will participate in the Jets’ offseason program. He’d like him there, but said “It’s not a huge deal.” https://twitter.com/rvacchianosny/status/1232357928880963584?s=21 16 comments nfl
- Trial program waives some ASVAB requirements if recruits show they're highly motivated https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2020/01/06/trial-program-waives-some-asvab-requirements-if-recruits-personality-tests-show-theyre-highly-motivated/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=Socialflow+ARM&fbclid=IwAR21FhVjfsnM_3CD8uwkqusHkhM5VfFwl_-0PTp1yGYN6BbE1r4jaHAG5PE 76 comments army
- NRA boosted executive pay while cutting funding for key programs, filing shows https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/nra-boosted-executive-pay-while-cutting-funding-for-key-programs-filing-shows/2019/11/26/da4f3f60-0c61-11ea-a49f-9066f51640f6_story.html 12 comments politics
- Swift ranked the 7th trendiest programming language of this year https://learnworthy.net/trendiest-programming-languages-of-2019 4 comments swift
- NASA boss says 'no doubt' SpaceX explosion delays flight program https://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-airshow-nasa-spacex-iduskcn1tj0p2 5 comments space
- Wolff denies: "I never talked to Verstappen, we have our own drivers programe" https://it.motorsport.com/f1/news/wolff-smentisce-non-ho-mai-parlato-con-verstappen-abbiamo-un-nostro-piano-piloti/4368819/ 71 comments formula1
- NASA wants to develop self-healing spacesuits, Venus landers and spider probes: The space agency's innovative advanced concepts program is funding 18 new projects that could change how we explore the universe. https://www.cnet.com/news/nasa-wants-to-develop-self-healing-spacesuits-spider-probes-and-venus-landers/ 139 comments space
- A detailed example showing how to solve a tricky problem efficiently with recursion, dynamic programming and memoization https://yourbasic.org/algorithms/dynamic-programming-explained/ 7 comments compsci
- Report: 80's kids started programming at an earlier age than today's millennials https://thenextweb.com/dd/2018/01/23/report-80s-kids-started-programming-at-an-earlier-age-than-todays-millennials/ 35 comments coding
- Brokerage securities lending programs https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/6xqlr2/brokerage_securities_lending_programs/ 7 comments investing
- Options for strongly typed functional programming with Python? (Slightly OT) https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/6km0dd/options_for_strongly_typed_functional_programming/ 7 comments haskell
- C# in Depth, Fourth Edition (By Jon Skeet) - early access program [x-post /r/programming] https://www.manning.com/books/c-sharp-in-depth-fourth-editionion_by_jon_skeet_early/ 2 comments csharp
- How to program a procedural trainer? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/5yl5x8/how_to_program_a_procedural_trainer/ 4 comments learnprogramming
- Need help with some movement programming https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5mg1uk/need_help_with_some_movement_programming/ 9 comments gamedev
- How do loops and delta time updates work for programming an application? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/5m5n3h/how_do_loops_and_delta_time_updates_work_for/ 3 comments learnprogramming
- Analyzing programming language statistics of 100,000 Github repositories https://www.ploggingdev.com/2016/12/analyzing-programming-language-statistics-of-100000-github-repositories/ 11 comments programming
- Are there any government assistance programs that can help me get financially stable again? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/4wehnf/are_there_any_government_assistance_programs_that/ 13 comments personalfinance
- The GOP budgets proposed in Congress would cut about $5 trillion over the next decade. The overwhelming burden would fall on programs that boost working families: education, Medicare and Medicaid, college aid, job training, medical research and rebuilding roads and bridges. http://thehill.com/opinion/op-ed/236658-stark-choices-peoples-budget-vs-republican-plan 321 comments politics
- Iranian Nuclear Chief Salehi: If U.S. Violates Deal Because of The Jews, Our Nuke Program Will Get “Back On Track” Within Hours http://www.memritv.org/clip_transcript/en/4142.htm 6 comments worldnews
- Republican state representative who steered legislation through the House to drop thousands of people from the state-run MinnesotaCare program is an independent contractor for an insurance brokerage firm that lobbied for the change http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2012/12/08/politics/gop-gottwalt-health-insurance/ 8 comments politics
- Naturists outraged by BBC television program depicting people wearing clothes http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/9706749/bbc-hid-the-naked-truth-in-pursuit-of-profit-claim-naturists.html 4 comments nottheonion
- New C Lesson(s) Published, Two Upcoming Live-Coding Sessions on Web Programming (This Saturday and Sunday) http://www.computerscienceforeveryone.com 3 comments learnprogramming
- Agenda 21: Robert Bentley, Alabama Governor, Refuses To Explain Ban Of UN Sustainability Program http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/17/agenda-21-ban-alabama_n_1680565.html 7 comments politics
- Why I am Creating a Programming Language http://katanalang.org/meta/2012/05/14/why-i-am-creating-a-language/ 389 comments programming
- Dropped out of high school, millionaire by 21 from a painting company, learned to fly, to program, and made a few $500M+ software companies.... You've never heard of him http://www.tlo.com/hank_asher_bio.php 19 comments programming
- v0.1 of the ooc open source object oriented programming language is out! http://gobrainshop.com/ooc/?p=35 4 comments programming
- White House Reveals Bush Lied: Was Told In August Iran's Nuclear Program 'May Be Suspended' http://worldwide-sawdust.com/showdiary.do?diaryid=1776 5 comments politics