Hacker News
- Polylith https://polylith.gitbook.io/polylith 16 comments
- Understanding Polylith through the lens of Hexagonal architecture https://medium.com/@joakimtengstrand/understanding-polylith-through-the-lens-of-hexagonal-architecture-8e7c8757dab1 2 comments
- Polylith is a functional software architecture at the system scale https://polylith.gitbook.io/polylith/ 82 comments
- Show HN: Polylith – the last architecture you will ever need? http://polylith.gitbook.io 10 comments
- Show HN: Polylith – A software architecture based on Lego-like blocks https://polylith.gitbook.io 5 comments
- Understanding Polylith through the lens of Hexagonal architecture https://medium.com/@joakimtengstrand/understanding-polylith-through-the-lens-of-hexagonal-architecture-8e7c8757dab1 5 comments clojure
- The Real World Polylith Example in your Browser https://github.com/furkan3ayraktar/clojure-polylith-realworld-example-app/blob/master/gitpod.md 2 comments clojure
- Sean Corfield's blog post series "deps.edn and monorepos (Polylith)" https://corfield.org/blog/2021/02/23/deps-edn-monorepo/ 9 comments clojure
- [ANN] London Clojurians Talk: Around the campfire with Polylith (by Joakim Tengstrand) https://time.is/1830_25_May_2021_in_London/ 2 comments clojure
- Polylith - the last architecture you will ever need? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25253731 31 comments clojure
- Polylith in a Nutshell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz8slbpGvnk 7 comments programming