- Opinion | How Poland became the most homophobic country in Europe https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/poland-exit-polls-mean-victory-homophobic-andrzej-duda-misery-lgbtq-ncna1233643 63 comments europe
- Opinion | The latest sheer idiocy from conservative homophobes: Boycotting Oreos https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-latest-sheer-idiocy-from-conservative-homophobes-boycotting-oreos/2020/10/23/f816fc60-14a6-11eb-bc10-40b25382f1be_story.html 31 comments politics
- For all the ruling party's best efforts Poles are not as homophobic as you might think. An opinion poll on the president's latest statement that "lgbt is a dangerous ideology" 53% disagree, 38% agree, 9% undecided (article in Polish) https://oko.press/sondaz-wiekszosc-odrzuca-opowiesc-o-groznej-ideologii-lgbt/ 72 comments europe