Hacker News
- Sipeed's 2 GHz quad core OoO RISC-V SBC on sale April 15th https://twitter.com/SipeedIO/status/1641820724896624644 4 comments
- OOo does not print on Tuesdays https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file/+bug/248619 2 comments
- SiFive Announces First RISC-V OoO CPU Core https://www.anandtech.com/show/15036/sifive-announces-first-riscv-ooo-cpu-core-the-u8series-processor-ip 51 comments
- First release of LibreOffice arrives with improvements over OOo http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2011/01/the-document-foundation-announces-first-release-of-libreoffice.ars 5 comments
- [Holmes] Lakers coach Luke Walton on watching Isaiah Thomas throw an off-the-backboard alley-ooo pass to Jaylen Brown during Celtics’ blowout win: "Obviously its not enjoyable to watch teams showboating on your court but if I'm them, why not? If we're not running back on defense rub it in our face https://twitter.com/baxterholmes/status/837912936823693312 96 comments nba
- Contributions from Go-OOo will be merged into LibreOffice http://www.documentfoundation.org/faq/ 9 comments linux
- The Underdogs: OOO (Out Of Office) | Apple at Work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbYckRAt5os 72 comments apple
- Ooo, What’s This? Justice Thomas Recuses From Eastman Case https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/ooo-whats-this-justice-thomas-recuses-from-eastman-case 23 comments law
- Danhausen on X: I have been injured once in aew and once before when a 200 something pound man came full force on my leg and it broke. ~ooo science~ You are a fucking loser who has definitely never done anything cool in your life. Your brain is made of jello. https://twitter.com/danhausenad/status/1706749425220010076?s=46&t=shrr7OIyV1n3fU77cgmMAA 180 comments squaredcircle
- 66% of Americans want European-style vacation policies, like being OOO for the entire month of August https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/25/66percent-of-americans-say-they-want-extended-european-style-vacation-policies-at-work.html 1197 comments politics
- Roger Espasa, Semidynamics - Semidynamics Highly Configurable OOO Vector Unit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-TZoRqxCHc 10 comments hardware
- [The Pat Bev Podcast with Rone] Patrick Beverley on Alperen Sengun: "Ooo I like him... Ooo I like him" on what he likes about Sengun, Pat said "Everything... his footwork, his touch, his IQ" https://youtu.be/QKyjEZKjnCE?t=3827 21 comments nba
- Compiler experts: what do you guys think of the new processor startup Ascenium? Can a SAT solver really replace Tomosulo and hardware based dynamic OOO execution? https://www.tomshardware.com/news/ascenium-reinvent-the-cpu 10 comments compilers
- KG about Tim Duncan: 'People wouldn't see him verbally saying stuff he wouldn't talk in sentences. Timmy would hit you "Ooo", "Almost", "Nice Try". Like subtle shit, no gangster shit, no real hardcore shit...' https://streamable.com/2x1ili 734 comments nba
- [Anandtech] SiFive Announces First RISC-V OoO CPU Core: The U8-Series Processor IP https://www.anandtech.com/show/15036/sifive-announces-first-riscv-ooo-cpu-core-the-u8series-processor-ip 25 comments hardware
- [David Bakhtiari] Ooo by the way @Lonnie30johnson , that catch over you for a touchdown by @AllenLazard ; was football. #itsfootball https://twitter.com/DavidBakhtiari/status/1159879695359467526 39 comments nfl
- Ooo, Shiny Textured Cube! (New milestones for ARM Mali Midgard driver) https://rosenzweig.io/blog/ooo-shiny-textured-cube.html 7 comments linux
- RADV Enables OoO Rasterization By Default For A 1% Gain https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=RADV-OoO-Default 12 comments linux_gaming
- Compiler, Assembler, Emulator, and Processor (OOO, Super scalar processor, 4 bit branch predictor) https://github.com/bcrafton/processor 21 comments programming
- BitTorrent Opera and Hotspot Shield ooo my https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/757bdb/bittorrent_opera_and_hotspot_shield_ooo_my/ 3 comments techsupport
- In a squad as talented as Real Madrid's, Isco's nickname is "Magia" (Magic). Against Barcelona on Sunday, his wizardry even drew "ooos" and "ahhhs" from the Camp Nou. Here's that performance (with commentary). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26_3tWGnM_w 56 comments soccer
- $15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO FRAUD EXPOSED in UK House of Lords http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAK5xzEYq7I 56 comments economy
- Ooo.. Shit ... Prion disease can spread through air http://feeds.newscientist.com/c/749/f/10897/s/119c1f48/l/0l0snewscientist0n0carticle0cdn199710eprion0edisease0ecan0espread0ethrough0eair0bhtml0ddcmp0fotc0erss0gnsref0fonline0enews/story01.htm 3 comments reddit.com
- Fork off: mass exodus from OOo as contributors join LibreOffice http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/11/fork-off-mass-exodus-from-ooo-as-contributors-join-libreoffice.ars 158 comments technology
- Charles H. Schulz Leaving OOo Project http://standardsandfreedom.net/index.php/2010/10/22/leaving-the-openoffice-org-project/ 23 comments linux
- Real time audio of the 1'ooo points DOW plunge http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/market%20crash.mp3 3 comments economy
- OOo 3.2 improves startup times, Office 2007 compatibility http://lifehacker.com/5469403/openofficeorg-32-improves-startup-times-office-2007-compatibility?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+lifehacker/full+(Lifehacker)&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher 19 comments opensource
- New OpenOfficeMouse features "no less than 18 programmable buttons, 63 separate profiles, an adjustable resolution from 400 to 1,600 CPI, and a built-in analog joystick which can store up to sixteen different keys or macros." Sounds about right going by OOo's usability. http://www.engadget.com/2009/11/06/openofficemouse-isnt-free-isnt-pretty/ 25 comments technology
- Finally: Anti Aliasing is done for OOo 3.1! http://blogs.sun.com/gullfoss/entry/finally_anti_aliasing_is_done 145 comments programming
- OpenOffice.org vs. Go-OO: Community vs. the Suits, With a Dash of Mono (Sun and OOo Are Dying--Again) http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/6636/1/ 14 comments linux