- Advent of Criminally Bad Ruby Code https://jardo.dev/advent-of-criminally-bad-ruby-code 6 comments ruby
- 'I love you': How a badly-coded computer virus caused billions in damage and exposed vulnerabilities which remain 20 years on https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/01/tech/iloveyou-virus-computer-security-intl-hnk/index.html 146 comments programming
- Is a project with 2000 lines of code bad. https://github.com/anirudhtechandscience/quasi-detect/blob/main/backend/load_data.py 87 comments learnprogramming
- An newbie programmer makes an annoying "bump" comment on his bad PR...and tags the 350,000 people who follow the repo. If you have access to the Unreal 4 source code, you may want to unsubscribe from this PR asap. https://github.com/EpicGames/Signup/pull/24#issuecomment-1146717659 419 comments programming
- Gresham’s Law — Why Bad Developers Push out Good Developer and Developers Create Low Quality Code https://thehosk.medium.com/greshams-law-why-bad-developers-push-out-good-developer-and-developers-create-low-quality-code-9b6a8d15bffb 20 comments programming
- Being able to read bad code is a skill ! https://dzone.com/articles/reading-code-is-a-skill 284 comments programming
- Being able to read bad code is a skill ! https://dzone.com/articles/reading-code-is-a-skill 135 comments programming
- How to Find Vulnerabilities in Code: Bad Words https://btlr.dev/blog/how-to-find-vulnerabilities-in-code-bad-words 25 comments netsec
- The UK government's COVID-19 simulation model is a masterpiece in spaghetti code and bad practices https://github.com/mrc-ide/covid-sim/blob/master/src/covidsim.cpp 700 comments programming
- Take-home vs whiteboard coding: The problem is bad interviews https://andrewrondeau.com/blog/2020/04/take-home-vs-whiteboard-coding-the-problem-is-bad-interviews 17 comments programming
- Why Code Challenges are Bad Practice for Hiring Senior Developers https://glenmccallum.com/2019/06/25/why-code-challenges-are-bad-practice-for-hiring-senior-developers/ 15 comments programming
- Write Bad Code http://www.oop.wtf/write-bad-code 20 comments programming
- #OPJerusalem Tries To Hack Israel and Fails Because of Hilariously Bad Code https://codesmithdev.com/opjerusalem-tries-to-hack-israel-and-fails-because-of-hilariously-bad-code/ 5 comments programming
- New browser attack lets hackers run bad code even after users leave a web page https://www.zdnet.com/article/new-browser-attack-lets-hackers-run-bad-code-even-after-users-leave-a-web-page/ 18 comments technology
- Is it a bad career move to get a technical, but non-coding job right out of college? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/aewly7/is_it_a_bad_career_move_to_get_a_technical_but/ 3 comments cscareerquestions
- Leslie Lamport Thinks Your Code Is Bad: "Lamport says we should describe our algorithms not with code – real or pseudo – but with mathematics." https://aperiodical.com/2018/09/hlf-blogs-leslie-lamport-thinks-your-code-is-bad/ 51 comments compsci
- Debian buster bad fonts rendering in Atom and Visual Studio Code https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/7nnxzp/debian_buster_bad_fonts_rendering_in_atom_and/ 8 comments linux
- Is "generalizing" code something I should advertise about myself or is it a bad thing to mention to recruiters/employers? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/6qcdjx/is_generalizing_code_something_i_should_advertise/ 15 comments cscareerquestions
- Thirteen Years of Bad Game Code http://etodd.io/2017/03/29/thirteen-years-of-bad-game-code/ 226 comments programming
- Experienced SDEs: What bad coding habits do you see frequently in less experienced developers? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/5kzlgm/experienced_sdes_what_bad_coding_habits_do_you/ 95 comments cscareerquestions
- [C#] Code runs really slow. Is my code just that bad? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/5k3nkc/c_code_runs_really_slow_is_my_code_just_that_bad/ 13 comments learnprogramming
- Should I be worried about commenting code too much? Is it bad practice? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/5ira88/should_i_be_worried_about_commenting_code_too/ 17 comments learnprogramming
- Super stumped on take home code exam/interview. How bad does it look if I ask for help with it? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/4za9x2/super_stumped_on_take_home_code_examinterview_how/ 4 comments cscareerquestions
- Man accidentally 'deletes his entire company' with one line of bad code http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/man-accidentally-deletes-his-entire-company-with-one-line-of-bad-code-a6984256.html 3 comments india
- Man accidentally 'deletes his entire company' with one line of bad code http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/man-accidentally-deletes-his-entire-company-with-one-line-of-bad-code-a6984256.html 4 comments nottheonion
- Bugs From Hell: Injected Third-party Code + Detours = a Bad Time http://dblohm7.ca/blog/2016/01/11/bugs-from-hell-injected-third-party-code-plus-detours-equals-a-bad-time/ 9 comments programming
- Funny Statistics for the Linux Kernel - Lines of Code, Bad words, Good words - The Linux Counter Project https://www.linuxcounter.net/statistics/kernel 4 comments linux
- Bad code isn’t Technical Debt, it’s an unhedged Call Option http://www.higherorderlogic.com/2010/07/bad-code-isnt-technical-debt-its-an-unhedged-call-option/ 102 comments programming
- How bad is smelly code? http://fagblogg.mesan.no/how-bad-is-smelly-code/ 62 comments programming
- Web services that allow virus and malware authors to check if their malicious code can be detected by all common AV progs. Bad juju. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/12/virus-check/ 14 comments programming
- An argument around why large firms impose dress codes on programmers, and why it's such a bad idea http://kirkwylie.blogspot.com/2009/08/software-developers-should-never-have.html 225 comments programming
- Good code, bad code. The only truth. [comic] http://www.osnews.com/images/comics/wtfm.jpg 63 comments programming
- Confessions of a Terrible Programmer: 0. Admit being bad. 1. Type-check in language. 2. Assertions. 3. Test. 4. Code review. http://kickin-the-darkness.blogspot.com/2007/09/confessions-of-terrible-programmer.html 150 comments programming
- It's funny how close good code is to bad code http://alextp.blogspot.com/2007/04/abstracting-away.html 5 comments programming
- Is cmd && echo "hello" || cmd2 bad code? https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls#cmd1_.26.26_cmd2_.7C.7C_cmd3 12 comments bash
- Why bad scientific code beats code following "best practices" http://www.yosefk.com/blog/why-bad-scientific-code-beats-code-following-best-practices.html 68 comments programming
- Making the Breaking Bad logo with web tech- CSS, HTML5, SVG & JavaScript. [Code Cast] http://cssdeck.com/labs/breaking-bad-codecast 19 comments web_design
- Coding a phone spying tool called "Phone Creeper" because "It seemed challenging and fun." Bad idea. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002047.html 5 comments netsec
- Buffer overruns, license violations, and bad code: FreeBSD 13’s close call https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/buffer-overruns-license-violations-and-bad-code-freebsd-13s-close-call/ 117 comments programming
- You think the dress code and residence hall life at BJU is bad...check out their soccer boners!! http://www.bju.edu/prospective/gallery/images/sports_2.jpg 6 comments reddit.com