- Oakland A's catcher Bruce Maxwell first MLB player to kneel during national anthem https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2017/09/23/oakland-athletics-bruce-maxwell-kneels-national-anthem-mlb/697289001/ 39 comments politics
- Oakland A's catcher Bruce Maxwell becomes first MLB player to kneel for national anthem http://thehill.com/homenews/news/352101-oakland-as-catcher-bruce-maxwell-becomes-first-mlb-player-to-kneel-for-national 100 comments politics
- On September 23 2017, Bruce Maxwell became the first (and only) MLB player to kneel for the national anthem. The Oakland A's immediately responded: "The Oakland A's pride ourselves on being inclusive. We respect and support all of our players' constitutional rights and freedom of expression." https://twitter.com/Athletics/status/911756992074543104 5 comments baseball