Hacker News
- Apple Hires The Guy Who Hacked Together A Better iOS Notifications System http://techcrunch.com/2011/06/03/apple-hires-the-guy-who-hacked-together-a-better-ios-notifications-system/ 21 comments
- GitHub Notifications: Stars, please http://aggregated.alanhogan.com/post/817024089/github-notifications 12 comments
- Get SSH client connection notifications in Slack http://ryanbrink.com/slack-ssh-session-notifications/ 2 comments devops , security
- How to add push-notifications on Firebase Cloud Messaging to React web app https://dashbouquet.com/blog/frontend-development/how-to-add-push-notifications-on-firebase-cloud-messaging-to-react-web-app 5 comments reactjs
- Windows 11’s widgets can now trigger notifications on your taskbar https://www.theverge.com/2022/8/17/23309429/microsoft-windows-11-widgets-notifications-taskbar 25 comments windows11
- Web push notifications are coming to iOS in 2023 https://webkit.org/blog/12824/news-from-wwdc-webkit-features-in-safari-16-beta/ 66 comments webdev
- Beta feedback for the upcoming Signal iOS 5.29 release – Profile photos for 1-1 and group chats will now reliably appear in notifications, various performance improvements for very large groups, and improvements to notification reliability https://community.signalusers.org/t/beta-feedback-for-the-upcoming-ios-5-29-release/41931 4 comments signal
- Microsoft Teams for macOS now supports system audio sharing; native notifications coming soon - 9to5Mac https://9to5mac.com/2021/04/21/microsoft-teams-for-macos-now-supports-system-audio-sharing-native-notifications-coming-soon/ 55 comments apple
- iPhone COVID-19 Exposure Notifications Now Available in Maryland https://www.sourceofthespring.com/montgomery-county/iphone-covid-19-exposure-notifications-now-available-in-maryland/ 84 comments apple
- I'm thinking of using Thunderbird, but there's one feature that's important to me--background mail notifications. Does Thunderbird support it? https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/h0m6wb/im_thinking_of_using_thunderbird_but_theres_one/ 14 comments firefox
- A Svelte component that adds a notification badge to your favicon https://www.npmjs.com/package/svelte-favicon-badge 12 comments sveltejs
- WhatsUp Gold Notification Formatting https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/d0g0gc/whatsup_gold_notification_formatting/ 4 comments sysadmin
- ADeltaX: "MobileShell rewrote in C++ and Xaml Islands. Also testing notification on top.… " https://twitter.com/ADeltaXForce/status/1169802579603283968?s=20 3 comments windowsphone
- SSC CHSL 2019 Notification, Exam Dates Out: Download PDF https://www.careerpower.in/ssc-chsl.html 6 comments india
- Are Chrome ad notifications (in Windows 10 Action center) from a certain site something to be concerned about? https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/acijof/are_chrome_ad_notifications_in_windows_10_action/ 4 comments techsupport
- Designing Mailchimp order notifications https://www.reddit.com/r/shopify/comments/achdcf/designing_mailchimp_order_notifications/ 6 comments shopify
- My mac was infested with a malware that pops up as a notification banner. Doe anyone know how to get rid of this? https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/9kn7ex/my_mac_was_infested_with_a_malware_that_pops_up/ 4 comments apple
- Programmatically Receive Notifications https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/8w1znq/programmatically_receive_notifications/ 12 comments webdev
- I am an unmarried homemaker with no income. Received a canceled debt notification. Do I still need to file for taxes? https://www.reddit.com/r/tax/comments/7umgm8/i_am_an_unmarried_homemaker_with_no_income/ 3 comments tax
- Siri should have a function where if you lose your phone, you can ask her to make a sound or a notification so you can find it. https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/7a5r12/siri_should_have_a_function_where_if_you_lose/ 19 comments apple
- iphone 7 imessage notifications https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/75ohdz/iphone_7_imessage_notifications/ 9 comments apple
- Push Notifications Don't Work [Firefox 57.0a1 Nightly] https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/6wnwij/push_notifications_dont_work_firefox_570a1_nightly/ 2 comments firefox
- I got a "pre-legal notification" from a creditor. What do I do? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6sdw0e/i_got_a_prelegal_notification_from_a_creditor/ 5 comments personalfinance
- Best Practices for a Web App Notification System? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/6mgrjr/best_practices_for_a_web_app_notification_system/ 3 comments learnprogramming
- SMS Notification with WordPress Integration https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/5y45ek/sms_notification_with_wordpress_integration/ 3 comments sysadmin
- ntfy brings notification to your shell. It can automatically provide desktop notifications when long running commands finish or it can send push notifications to your phone when a specific command finishes. https://ntfy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 4 comments linux
- YOU CAN NOW SYNC NOTIFICATIONS TO YOUR PEBBLE TIME! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/pebble-time-manager-10/9nblggh4r34b 45 comments windowsphone
- Notification Syncing between Windows 10 Mobile and PC is coming soon to Insiders http://mspoweruser.com/notification-syncing-windows-10-mobile-pc-coming-soon-insiders/ 63 comments windowsphone
- Laracogs - Kickstart your Laravel app with CRUD, Notifications, Billing via Cashier and form maker http://laracogs.com/ 25 comments laravel
- Your Cell Phone Is Killing Your Productivity, But Not for the Reason You Think - "The price we pay for notifications. Even if we don't do anything about them." http://time.com/money/3956968/cell-phone-alert-productivity/?xid=soc_socialflow_facebook_money 12 comments productivity
- Specially crafted message will crash iOS if lock screen notifications are enabled https://blog.malwarebytes.org/mobile-2/2015/05/iphone-crash-what-you-need-to-know/ 6 comments sysadmin
- Telegram Messenger Beta gets updated with new typing statuses, smart notifications and more http://www.windowscentral.com/telegram-messenger-beta-picks-update-new-typing-statuses-notifications-invite-links-and-more 11 comments windowsphone
- Endomondo for Windows Phone updated with Premium support, notifications and more http://www.wpcentral.com/endomondo-updated-premium-support-windows-phone 5 comments windowsphone
- First screenshots of the Notification Center for Windows Phone 8.1 reveal new design http://www.wpcentral.com/notification-center-windows-phone-81-reveal 211 comments windowsphone
- According to a newly discovered Google patent, 'ol Googs wants to send notifications to law enforcement and news agencies of the videos you've taken during "events of interest." Sound sketchy? http://phandroid.com/2014/01/29/google-mob-sourced-video-patent/ 140 comments technology
- Hello, fellow devs! I made a web app that sends vulnerability notifications for your custom technology stack. http://www.hakiriup.com 20 comments webdev
- BeEF now includes https support, Gmail phishing, Twitter and E-mail notification upon hooking, and other new modules and attacks http://blog.beefproject.com/2012/08/beef-0437.html 5 comments netsec
- iOS 6 Might Get a Do Not Disturb Feature That Stops Annoying Notifications from Taking Over Your Phone http://gizmodo.com/5915453/ios-6-might-get-a-do-not-disturb-feature-that-will-stop-annoying-notifications-from-taking-over-your-phone?tag=apple 49 comments apple
- Apple aiming to improve iOS notifications further with fresh talent http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2011/12/design-student-scores-apple-internship-to-spiff-up-ios-notifications.ars 36 comments apple
- iOS 5 includes early earthquake notification feature for Japanese users http://www.edibleapple.com/ios-5-includes-early-earthquake-notification-feature-for-japanese-users/ 37 comments apple