- New York Times calls for gun control in first front-page editorial since 1920 http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/05/us/new-york-times-gun-control-san-bernardino/ 462 comments politics
- Hey Reddit, I built a new way to browse the Reddit front-page using the API. It automatically thumbnails everything for easier browsing http://vreddit.com/ 10 comments technology
- How front pages across the US reported a new president https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/08/media/front-pages-election-2020-trnd/index.html 8 comments politics
- This egg corn I spotted on the front page is new to me - "wipe board" (x-post) http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1hhtfb/my_friend_is_banned_from_the_wipe_board_at_work/ 24 comments linguistics
- Why is the attempted car bombing in New York not front page? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2010/05/03/2010-05-03_times_square_car_bomb_scare_how_events_unfolded.html 3 comments reddit.com
- Digg's new ads put advertisers on the front page | Webware - CNET http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10256729-2.html 3 comments reddit.com
- Did New York Times plagiarize today's front page Wikileaks article? http://www.brandweeknrx.com/2008/02/did-new-york-ti.html 4 comments reddit.com
- Why was this article on the front page of the New York Times yesterday?? http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/21/us/politics/21giuliani.html?pagewanted=1 3 comments reddit.com
- A somber New York Times front page lists 1,000 coronavirus deaths https://www.businessinsider.com/new-york-times-front-page-lists-1000-coronavirus-deaths-2020-5 4 comments worldnews
- Front page of today’s New Orleans’ Times-Picayune https://twitter.com/adamschefter/status/952866792870940672 45 comments nfl
- With this new update, every time I swipe down to pull notifications up the front page resets https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/77ya8h/with_this_new_update_every_time_i_swipe_down_to/ 7 comments apple
- New York Times front page yesterday read "Officials worry as crypto boom invades banking". As they should be https://iranpress.com/content/47155/world-newspapers-officials-worry-crypto-boom-invades-banking 16 comments cryptocurrency
- New York Daily News Muzzles Trump On Front Page https://www.huffpost.com/entry/new-york-daily-news-trump-coronavirus-masks_n_5e882496c5b6e7d76c642d4e 6 comments politics
- I've integrated shader code in the front page of my new site and couldn't be happier with it. (If it was a video it would die in a fire of compression artifacts). https://teehacker.com/ 4 comments webdev
- ‘The headline was bad’: New York Times amends front page on Trump’s response to mass shootings after backlash https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/08/06/new-york-times-headline-trump-backlash/ 54 comments politics
- New Zealand Newspaper Names All Drunk Drivers on Front Page https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-06-23/new-zealand-newspaper-names-all-drunk-drivers-on-front-page 3 comments worldnews
- Feel free to criticize my unbounce- launch page that just went live for a new brand of front pocket wallets! http://www.axesswallets.com/ 33 comments advancedentrepreneur
- "Texas Massacres Defending Chumps" - the front pages of New York tabloids reacting to the Yankees loss [pics] http://rangersblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2010/10/texas-massacre-210-million-bus.html 3 comments sports
- New York Times in Pakistan removes article on brutal killings of secular bloggers, leaving front page and page two blank | Press | News http://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/press/pakistani-printers-removed-article-in-new-york-times-international-on-brutal-killings-of-secular-a6793731.html 33 comments pakistan
- Front page news in my hometown: New tattoo parlor will have "a detrimental impact" on the safety of children. http://www.omaha.com/index.php?u_page=2798&u_sid=10525657 3 comments reddit.com
- New South American Union formed to counter US military and economic dominance. Front page news in the US? Hell, no. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-brazil25-2008may25,0,2700914.story 193 comments reddit.com
- New reddit algorithm? Hot page not very hot. As of posting the average age of a front page story is over 15 hours. http://reddit.com/info/5yhfx/comments/ 6 comments reddit.com
- So I’m new to BTC and saw a post from r/Bitcoin on my front page and ended up banned for making a joke. Is this the better page for discussion? https://www.reveddit.com/y/ich_bin_groot_/?after=t3_sfrm0b&limit=1&sort=new&show=t1_hurfdbr&removal_status=all 69 comments btc
- A New York Times story saying Pakistan’s government protected Taliban forces was censored by the publisher’s printing partner in that country, resulting in a blank hole on the front page of its international edition. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-03-22/new-york-times-story-on-pakistan-censored-by-pakistan-printer.html 33 comments worldnews
- Google Glass will NOT show strangers' Social Security Numbers or usher in a new age of reduced privacy. (Response to The Street article that hit the front page earlier today.) http://jameswatt.me/2013/02/25/google-glass-will-not-publish-your-social-security-number/ 106 comments technology
- 500 newspaper front pages from today, announcing the Cavaliers as the 2016 NBA Champions (Open the links in new tabs so you don't have to go back and forth between the pages) http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/?p_size=905&tfp_show=all 5 comments nba
- What do you guys think of this "new" bike design that hit the front page (re-post from /r/videos). Personally I think it is silly, seems to be impossible to climb a hill on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqgQlM2inaI 6 comments bicycling
- How Many Black Men Do You Have to Murder to Make the Front Page of the New York Times? http://www.slate.com/blogs/blogs/scocca/archive/2010/08/13/how-many-black-men-do-you-have-to-murder-to-make-the-front-page-of-the-new-york-times.aspx?wpsrc=ob163992793&obref=obnetwork 3 comments reddit.com
- Hey reddit, are you ready for a new war and the return of complaints that too many Anti- Israeli stories are making the front page? http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/02/world/middleeast/02mideast.html?_r=2&hp 6 comments worldnews
- "Yesterday's New York Times' front-page piece convincingly exposed the Pentagon's propaganda machine, its control over access and information [and].also underscored the complicity of the major media." http://www.thenation.com/blogs/actnow?bid=4&pid=313700 3 comments reddit.com
- Remember that story on the front page yesterday about Democrats having guts? Well, the Senate version of that new wire-tapping bill includes immunity for telcos. Maybe they don't have the guts after all... http://www.theseminal.com/2007/10/11/fisa-update-telecom-immunity-in-the-senate/ 29 comments reddit.com
- [Belgian press] Big on the front page in Italy: Charles De Ketelaere must become champions AC Milan's new 'trequartista'. Club Brugge asks for 40 million euros. https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20220613_92308605 53 comments soccer
- Classy as always, The New York Post is so outraged and sickened by the pervert peeping toms who captured sexy ESPN reporter Erin Andrews in the nude, that they published stills from the illegally-gotten peephole video on the front page of yesterday’s edition. [Pics] http://www.nypost.com/seven/07212009/news/nationalnews/espn_hottie_erin_andrews_in_peep_shocker_180520.htm 35 comments sports
- Reddit ia pretty much like Marketing. Its the early adoptors [People who sort by new and read] that decide what becomes a hot post and goes on the front page https://www.reddit.com/r/marketing/comments/9u0mtv/reddit_ia_pretty_much_like_marketing_its_the/ 5 comments marketing
- Its a shame that the story of Lennon Lacy never made it to the front page or the new in general. What a world we live in... http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/oct/09/-sp-north-carolina-teenager-suspicious-death-lennon-lacy 6 comments worldnews
- "Has there ever been another Pulitzer-Prize-winning story for investigative reporting never to be mentioned on major television -- let alone one that was twice featured as the lead story on the front page of The New York Times?" http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/04/21-6 4 comments reddit.com
- Reddit: Don't turn into Digg. As you get more popular, don't let cabals manipulate the front page. Add some kind of function forcing the lazy among us to consider new submissions. http://reddit.com/info/62eqc/comments/ 3 comments reddit.com
- Problem: A huge number of good submissions never reach the front page. Solution: Include one new link at the bottom of each front page served so that a representative sample of us can vote on it. http://reddit.com/info/64yps/comments/ 3 comments reddit.com
- On Dec. 8, 1951, the day after the 10th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, The New York Times' made a one-paragraph mention of commemorations the day before, when the paper's page had not mentioned the anniversary. The Dec. 8 Washington Post's front page noted no commemorations the previous day. http://www.observer-reporter.com/or/story11/09-11-2011-ten-years--will 7 comments reddit.com
- Front Page of Today's New York Post. NYP is owned by Rupert Murdoch - aka the nutsack of the devil. By the way, the lady on the front page with headline Betrayed by Obama was just on CNBC and said the NYP is full of shit and she never said that or alluded to it! Suck it NYP ya goddamn SOBs! http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/hr.asp?fpvname=ny_nyp&ref_pge=lst 11 comments politics