Hacker News
- Don't use NameCheap for the .fr TLD https://reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/1aesrm3/dont_use_namecheap_for_the_fr_tld/ 116 comments
- NameCheap Did Reach Out Prior To The Blog http://community.namecheap.com/blog/2011/12/26/godaddy-transfer-update/#comment-1709 12 comments
- Problems with my config using this set of tools: Unraid-NextCloud-Swag-Cloudflare-Namecheap https://filebin.net/3bnrpjge6ednde5p 3 comments selfhosted
- Can't get local Let's Encrypt SSL to work with NGINX Reverse Proxy and Namecheap domain https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=377s&v=qlcVx-k-02E 13 comments selfhosted
- How can I migrate my domain from namecheap to route 53? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/migrate-dns-domain-inactive.html 38 comments aws
- Namecheap Tells Russian Customers to Find Another Registrar Due to Russia’s ‘War Crimes’ https://www.vice.com/en/article/4awb8w/namecheap-tells-russian-customers-to-find-another-registrar-due-to-russias-war-crimes 89 comments worldnews
- Namecheap: Russia Service Termination https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30504812 21 comments technology
- Domain Name Giant Namecheap Now Accepts Bitcoin https://bitcoinmagazine.com/business/domain-name-giant-namecheap-now-accepts-bitcoin 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Namecheap just snaked another domain off me. https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/lwgrkz/namecheap_just_snaked_another_domain_off_me/ 166 comments webdev
- Namecheap is down? https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/li9493/namecheap_is_down/ 17 comments sysadmin
- Facebook sues Namecheap https://about.fb.com/news/2020/03/domain-name-lawsuit/ 27 comments webdev
- DNS setup problem - Google-site and namecheap (https://wenote.me not working) https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/b5tw21/dns_setup_problem_googlesite_and_namecheap/ 5 comments sysadmin
- How to push Github repository to Namecheap server? https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/a2b5iq/how_to_push_github_repository_to_namecheap_server/ 6 comments web_design
- Namecheap not showing BCH ticker https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9u41ws/namecheap_not_showing_bch_ticker/ 4 comments btc
- Do you guys know how easy it is to start a new online business using namecheap and BCH over bitpay? https://youtu.be/OFR-310usf8?t=103 3 comments btc
- Namecheap Privacy Protection Now Free Forever https://www.namecheap.com/security/whoisguard.aspx 103 comments webdev
- Namecheap now offers WhoisGuard Privacy Protection forever. https://www.namecheap.com/security/whoisguard.aspx 11 comments privacy
- Purchased with BCH new domains from namecheap. .net, .org and .store are now online and pointing to cryptartica.com https://cryptartica.store 7 comments btc
- I've asked Namecheap if they plan to support Bitcoin Cash: "Our provider is working on implementing this option at the moment. " [currently using BitPay] https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7og1d8/ive_asked_namecheap_if_they_plan_to_support/ 9 comments btc
- Just wondering when NameCheap URL forwarding is going to start working again. https://status.namecheap.com 13 comments sysadmin
- Bad Experience with Namecheap https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/7abj9w/bad_experience_with_namecheap/ 10 comments web_design
- How easy is it to move about 20 websites onto a host that supports LetsEncrypt? Namecheap doesn't support it. https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/6myf3f/how_easy_is_it_to_move_about_20_websites_onto_a/ 4 comments webdev
- Question about WWW with Namecheap and CNAME https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/5hi9un/question_about_www_with_namecheap_and_cname/ 10 comments webdev
- Namecheap selling domains to sketchy domain "brokers"? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/5b531y/namecheap_selling_domains_to_sketchy_domain/ 8 comments webdev
- Namecheap live chat social engineering leads to loss of 2 VPS http://www.postphp.com/namecheap-livechat-social-engineering-leads-to-loss-of-2-vps/ 3 comments technology
- Namecheap don't seem to understand validation :-( https://blog.namecheap.com/ssl-from-namecheap-whats-the-difference/ 14 comments netsec
- Namecheap has $4 Domain transfers (w/ +1 year registration), and 50% all hosting packages [Today Only!] https://www.namecheap.com/campaigns/2015/mydd.aspx 27 comments webdev
- Namecheap being DDoS'd again http://status.namecheap.com/ 10 comments sysadmin
- NameCheap DNS currently being DDOSd http://status.namecheap.com/archives/17727 28 comments sysadmin
- Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals at Namecheap, domains from $0.98! https://www.namecheap.com/campaigns/2014/bf-cm-pre-announcement.aspx 8 comments webdev
- Promotion on SSL at namecheap ($4.99/yr with coupon: SSLRANK) https://www.namecheap.com/security/ssl-certificates/comodo/positivessl.aspx 2 comments webdev
- NameCheap is under DDOS Attack - again http://status.namecheap.com/?p=14947 9 comments sysadmin
- Namecheap sites using FreeDNS websites are down! DDos Attack. http://status.namecheap.com/ 18 comments technology
- Hijacking DNS on NameCheap Domains https://henryhoggard.co.uk/?p=77 25 comments netsec
- .98 cent domain names!!! namecheap (who many redditors switched to from godaddy is running this promotion if they get 30,000 twitter followers) https://www.namecheap.com/deals/30000-retweets-0.98-domains-july-2012.aspx 70 comments webdev
- Namecheap under DDoS attack http://status.namecheap.com/?p=6885 7 comments webdev
- December 29th “Move Your Domain Day”. For every domain transfer initiated on the 29th, Namecheap will donate $1 to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. http://www.namecheap.com/moveyourdomainday.aspx 55 comments politics
- Namecheap to Donate $1 to EFF for Every Domain Transfer on December 29th https://www.namecheap.com/moveyourdomainday.aspx 44 comments technology
- NameCheap, whose chief executive last week likened SOPA to "detonating a nuclear bomb" on the Internet, said today that GoDaddy has intentionally thrown up technical barriers to prevent its customers from leaving http://www.zdnetasia.com/godaddy-accused-of-interfering-with-anti-sopa-exodus-62303321.htm 13 comments politics
- Namecheap opposes SOPA http://community.namecheap.com/blog/2011/12/22/we-say-no-to-sopa/ 3 comments technology