Hacker News
- The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music (2006) https://msp.ucsd.edu/techniques.htm 81 comments
- Applied music theory for managers, engineers, producers and artists http://kimowilliams.com/amt/amt_flipbook/deploy/amt_flipbook.html 3 comments
- Music theory for nerds (2016) https://eev.ee/blog/2016/09/15/music-theory-for-nerds/ 301 comments
- Music Theory for Beginners http://www.whitakerblackall.com/blog/music-theory-for-beginners/ 107 comments
- Show HN: 12-colored visual interactive music theory for pop/rock MIDI (+Github) https://rawl.rocks/ 16 comments
- Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People https://tobyrush.com/theorypages/index.html 101 comments
- Dart Music Theory: a Dart port of go-music-theory https://github.com/mathaou/dart-music-theory 8 comments dartlang
- Interactive Music Theory Cheat Sheet https://muted.io/cheat-sheet/ 23 comments internetisbeautiful
- Best new way to learn music theory https://www.solfej.io/ 5 comments javascript
- I made a music theory visualization component library and API. Would love some feedback! https://dan9418.github.io/play-what-sample/ 14 comments reactjs
- What I Learnt Creating Guitar Dashboard: SVG, TypeScript and Music Theory. http://mikehadlow.blogspot.com/2018/09/what-i-learned-creating-guitar.html 13 comments programming
- Modeling basic music theory in Haskell http://reasonablypolymorphic.com/blog/modeling-music 18 comments haskell
- Looking for tutorial/class - Intro to Music Theory https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/6rc6uh/looking_for_tutorialclass_intro_to_music_theory/ 66 comments gamedev
- Music theory for nerds https://eev.ee/blog/2016/09/15/music-theory-for-nerds/ 52 comments programming
- Theory: iOS 10's Control Center is laying the groundwork for an impending CC music controls API https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/4quugy/theory_ios_10s_control_center_is_laying_the/ 9 comments apple
- Music theory represented with groups http://www.math.washington.edu/~morrow/336_09/papers/ada.pdf 11 comments haskell
- John Rawls' A Theory of Justice: The Musical! http://virtualphilosopher.com/2013/02/a-theory-of-justice-the-musical.html 18 comments philosophy
- Scientists apply Darwin’s theory of evolution to world of music http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/scientists-apply-darwins-theory-of-evolution-to-world-of-music/2012/07/13/gjqaortdpw_story.html?tid=sm_btn_reddit 4 comments science
- Do you know of any good studies in the field of music theory? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonality 49 comments askscience
- Looking for UI feedback and suggestions (especially from people with some knowledge of music theory). https://fillmaster.app 5 comments ui_design
- I'm building a website with interactive tools and references for music theory (scales, chords & keys) https://muted.io/ 5 comments sideproject
- Tonality: Music Theory has received some big updates! (Promo code giveaway) https://apps.apple.com/app/tonality-piano-guitar-chords/id1467552236 57 comments apple
- Programming Color tor Music theory in Prolog? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_theory 2 comments prolog
- I made a comprehensive music theory tool for both beginners and experienced musicians. It includes AUv3/MIDI functions, ear training, chords/scales, circle of fifths, and much more. Let me know what you think! (some promo codes in the comments) https://apps.apple.com/app/tonality-piano-guitar-chords/id1467552236 53 comments apple
- A great application of Maths and wave theory that explains why some musical notes sound great together and some don't....! http://www.musicmasterworks.com/wheremathmeetsmusic.html 52 comments math
- I'm giving a presentation in my math class tomorrow on an application of group theory to music theory. I'm wondering if someone could critique it and give me some feedback? http://www.slideshare.net/morkir/an-application-of-abstract-algebra-to-music-theory 12 comments math
- I wrote a blog post to teach gamedevs the basics of music theory. http://www.whitakerblackall.com/blog/music-theory-for-beginners/ 32 comments gamedev
- The best new way to learn music theory (iOS/Android/Web app made with ReactJS + Ionic React/Capacitor) https://tonejs.github.io/ 7 comments reactjs
- This Music Theory Professor Just Showed How Stupid and Broken Copyright Filters Are https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/xwkbad/this-music-theory-professor-just-showed-how-stupid-and-broken-copyright-filters-are?utm_source=mbtwitter 3 comments europe
- Music and Computers [HTML Ebook]: Sampling Theory, DFT/FFT, Additive Synthesis, Waveshaping, Reverb, ... http://eamusic.dartmouth.edu/~book/ 9 comments programming
- Announcing music-note: A !#[no_std] music theory library with chord analysis, scale iterators, and midi support https://docs.rs/music-note/0.1.0/music_note/ 18 comments rust
- Here's the sequel to my 'Music Theory for Beginners' post from a few months ago. This one's on rhythm! http://www.whitakerblackall.com/blog/music-theory-for-beginners-ii/ 11 comments gamedev
- Harvard Professor discovers the equations of string theory also predict musical structures from classical to jazz http://www.harvardmagazine.com/on-line/010772.html 19 comments science
- The tone and tuning of musical instruments has the power to manipulate our appreciation of harmony, new research shows | The findings challenge centuries of Western music theory and encourage greater experimentation with instruments from different cultures. https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/pythagoras-was-wrong-there-are-no-universal-musical-harmonies-study-finds 19 comments science
- "A magical collection of interactive music theory tools & visual reference pages for musicians and music producers" https://muted.io/ 38 comments internetisbeautiful
- Theory: Music underlies language acquisition. Contrary to the prevailing theories that music and language are cognitively separate or that music is a byproduct of language, theorists at Rice University advocate that music underlies the ability to acquire language. http://news.rice.edu/2012/09/18/theory-music-underlies-language-acquisition/ 9 comments science
- The structure of musical harmony as an ordered phase of sound: A statistical mechanics approach to music theory https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/5/5/eaav8490.full 8 comments science
- I just learned about Euler's Tentamen Novae Theoriae Musicae and my curiosity is peaked, does anyone know of some good resources to learn about mathematical music theory? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonnetz 5 comments math
- Tao now believes that his younger self, the prodigy who wowed the math world, wasn’t truly doing math at all. ‘‘It’s as if your only experience with music were practicing scales or learning music theory’ http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/26/magazine/the-singular-mind-of-terry-tao.html 13 comments math
- A Playlist curated by Penguins players, further solidifying my theory that hockey players have the absolute worst taste in music on the planet. https://instagram.com/p/7wepmsuppg/ 274 comments hockey