Hacker News
- Material Design-ish cards for portfolio project items http://codepen.io/StormTheBeach/pen/mAjaVG 3 comments webdev
- Material Design implemented with Web Components https://dannymoerkerke.github.io/material-webcomponents 3 comments javascript
- What is your opinion on Material Design? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/a1xxi2/what_is_your_opinion_on_material_design/ 2 comments webdev
- Your Preact Progressive Web App using Preact-CLI, Webpack, Material Design and Web APIs http://www.theodo.fr/blog/2017/11/preact-progressive-web-app-webpack-material-design-web-apis/ 8 comments reactjs
- <Progress> (html5 tag) in material design style - SASS https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/6soiq6/progress_html5_tag_in_material_design_style_sass/ 3 comments web_design
- A progressive Web application with Vue JS, Webpack & Material Design! https://medium.com/@charlesb_55383/a-progressive-web-application-with-vue-js-webpack-material-design-part-1-c243e2e6e402 4 comments javascript
- Chrome OS Boot Animation Gets Material Design https://www.chromestory.com/2017/02/chrome-os-boot-animation-gets-material-design/ 5 comments chromeos
- Material Design Time Picker in Elm https://github.com/Leonti/elm-time-picker 4 comments elm
- Recreated a Material Design animation I saw on Dribbble. http://codepen.io/davidkpiano/full/yqmbrv/ 6 comments web_design
- The New Material Design Motion Guidelines https://www.google.com/design/spec/motion/material-motion.html 23 comments web_design
- Material Design CSS Only Tabs http://codepen.io/mildrenben/pen/bdGdOb 9 comments web_design
- MLB At Bat updated for Android devices today with Material Design https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bamnetworks.mobile.android.gameday.atbat&hl=en 20 comments baseball
- A FlatUI Colors style site for Material Design Colors http://materialcolors.com/ 17 comments web_design
- Material Design in Angular https://plus.google.com/+naomiblack/posts/bcs9dspdvug 3 comments javascript
- Google’s new Material You design language is coming to Chromebooks, too. https://chromeunboxed.com/google-io-2021-material-you-ui-design-android-12-chrome-os 53 comments chromeos
- Desktop apps using Electron, Preact and Material Design https://medium.com/@cjus/desktop-apps-using-electron-preact-and-material-design-8161938624c6 49 comments javascript
- How to integrate Material Design Lite (MDL) into ReactJS app https://github.com/kriasoft/react-static-boilerplate/blob/master/docs/recipes/how-to-integrate-material-design-lite.md 7 comments reactjs
- Material Kit - A Badass Bootstrap UI Kit based on Material Design http://demos.creative-tim.com/material-kit/index.html 60 comments web_design
- Material Kit - A Badass Bootstrap UI Kit based on Material Design http://demos.creative-tim.com/material-kit/index.html 79 comments webdev
- Responsive Flex Layout With Tabs - Material Design http://codepen.io/koenigsegg1/pen/wMQqar 5 comments web_design
- Material design is now enabled by default for Chrome Dev/Canary on Windows http://techdows.com/2016/05/material-design-enabled-for-chrome-dev-canary-on-windows.html 4 comments chrome
- Support Papyros: Bringing modern features and Material Design to Linux https://salt.bountysource.com/teams/papyros 28 comments linux
- For anyone who uses material design, I've created a Gist of the color palette in a sass file if anyone needs to use it. https://gist.github.com/cmacdonnacha/fc2745d226cc2fce6436150fb555a289 31 comments web_design
- Great concept for a Material design inspired Reddit! https://www.behance.net/gallery/23383675/reddit-material-redesign-concept 4 comments webdev
- Google just open sourced 750 Material Design icons! https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/releases/tag/1.0.0 10 comments webdev
- Williams collaborating with JPA Design to develop materials for commercial flight use https://www.ausbt.com.au/can-f1-racing-technology-shape-the-future-of-business-class?utm_source=grid 11 comments formula1
- Google Flutter II – Material Design https://medium.com/@develodroid/flutter-ii-material-design-f437e3e8e6a9#.vkx0rnb69 10 comments programming
- I compiled all the Material Design and Flat UI colors as LESS and Sass files http://benmildren.com/projects/flat-ui-colors/index.html 3 comments web_design
- I compiled all the Material Design and Flat UI colors as LESS and Sass files http://benmildren.com/projects/flat-ui-colors/index.html 31 comments webdev
- Quantum OS: a project for an operating system based on Linux and conforming to Google’s Material Design guidelines. http://quantum-os.github.io/ 5 comments elementaryos
- Quantum Stealth material designed to make target invisible by bending light around the user... without batteries http://www.phys.org/news/2012-12-quantum-stealth-material-invisible.html 5 comments technology
- Google Fonts now supports open source icons, starting with the Material Design icon set https://material.io/blog/google-fonts-material-icons 25 comments frontend
- Ferrari introduced a new clutch paddle (the 3rd design this season): new design + different material https://twitter.com/gianludale27/status/882610298112413696 6 comments formula1
- G-Mail Material Design Concept https://www.behance.net/gallery/27498795/gmail-material-design-concept 6 comments web_design
- Researchers block replication of AIDS virus: A multidisciplinary team of scientists has managed to design small synthetic molecules capable of joining to the genetic material of the AIDS virus and blocking its replication. This achievement has been obtained for the first time in the world. http://www.alphagalileo.org/viewitem.aspx?itemid=136867&culturecode=en 111 comments science
- Work has begun at Chernobyl to move a giant concrete and steel arch over the site of the world's worst nuclear accident, which lost its roof in the 1986 explosion. It is designed to prevent radioactive material leaking out over the next century. It is 108m high, 275m wide, and cost $1.6 billion. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37978482 327 comments worldnews
- Harvard researchers design a foldable 3D material that can be continuously reprogrammed to change size, volume and shape: from a house that fits in a backpack to a popup relief dome. https://www.researchgate.net/blog/post/researchers-design-versatile-shapeshifting-material 94 comments science
- Materialize: modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design http://materializecss.com/ 5 comments css
- Physicists magnetize a material with light. The technique provides researchers with a powerful tool for controlling magnetism, and could help in designing faster, smaller, more energy-efficient memory chips. https://news.mit.edu/2024/physicists-magnetize-material-using-light-1218 7 comments science