Hacker News
- A load of old pixel shift. Why I just don't care for high-res modes https://www.dpreview.com/opinion/6915548723/a-load-of-old-pixel-shift-why-i-just-don-t-care-for-high-res-modes 30 comments
- Inverters with constant full load capability for electric drives https://www.izm.fraunhofer.de/en/news_events/tech_news/inverters-with-constant-full-load-capability.html 46 comments
- Introducing loxilb: eBPF based cloud-native load-balancer https://github.com/loxilb-io/loxilb 3 comments devops
- Pelissero: Patriots front-loaded Devin McCourty's 5-year, $45.7M contract. He gets $18M in Year 1. Helps them toward cash spending floor https://twitter.com/tompelissero/status/575032599736905728?s=09 29 comments nfl
- All Generations Are Financially 'Traumatized' But Gen X — America's Forgotten Middle Child — Bears The Heaviest Load https://finance.yahoo.com/news/generations-financially-traumatized-gen-x-204842104.html 3 comments economy
- The Guys have a Surprisingly Intelligent conversation about the 65 Game Rule, Injuries, and Load Management https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j514grnCrMY 15 comments nba
- Site not loading and slowing down whole computer https://www.thebay.com 4 comments firefox
- Load Custom Save Files on PCSX2 Using Linux https://youtu.be/p1VmczX1z78 3 comments linux_gaming
- Study finds three asymptomatic Monkeypox cases. The viral loads were similar immaterial of whether people showed symptoms or not. https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/health/study-finds-three-asymptomatic-monkeypox-cases/article65615880.ece 4 comments science
- Shaq to open 50+ Big Chicken restaurants in Texas. Menu items include Uncle Jerome, a hot chicken sandwich named after his bodyguard and the Charles Barkley, a fried chicken sandwich loaded with mac and cheese, crispy fried onions and roasted garlic barbecue aioli https://www.dallasnews.com/food/restaurant-news/2022/06/22/shaquille-oneal-to-open-chicken-restaurants-in-north-texas/ 480 comments nba
- [P] tbparse: Load tensorboard event logs as pandas DataFrames for scientific plotting; Supports both PyTorch and TensorFlow https://pypi.org/project/tbparse/ 12 comments machinelearning
- Websites taking too much time to load http://codeforces.com/ 6 comments firefox
- NC man seen loading ammo, other gear to take to DC for planned Inauguration Day attack, FBI bulletin says https://abc11.com/fbi-bulletin-nc-man-was-planning-inauguration-day-attack-at-capitol/9624276/ 21 comments politics
- The What, Why, and How of Using a Skeleton Loading Screen https://medium.com/better-programming/the-what-why-and-how-of-using-a-skeleton-loading-screen-e68809d7f702 6 comments reactjs
- Load testing? A beginner guide on how to get started https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/jegqvt/load_testing_a_beginner_guide_on_how_to_get/ 19 comments devops
- 3 teens with loaded AK-47 in backpack jump wall at Mar-a-Lago, police say https://www.wftv.com/news/trending/3-teens-with-loaded-ak-47-backpack-jump-wall-mar-a-lago-police-say/ylxb6xngurcvjgxy4nfpf3a6ky/ 7 comments politics
- Create an Awesome Loading State Using SwiftUI https://medium.com/better-programming/create-an-awesome-loading-state-using-swiftui-9815ff6abb80 15 comments swift
- David Cameron bodyguard suspended after ‘leaving loaded gun in plane toilet’ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/david-cameron-gun-plane-toilet-body-guard-british-airways-suspended-a9317941.html 6 comments europe
- Angry about no pay, Kentucky miners block train loaded with coal https://www.kcra.com/article/angry-about-no-pay-kentucky-miners-block-train-loaded-with-coal/28554933 4 comments politics
- Could not load module ... It is a member of the hidden package https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/b27d49/could_not_load_module_it_is_a_member_of_the/ 7 comments haskell
- I use windows 7, but while I was in the bathroom, windows 10 installed itself without asking me. I told it to revert to windows 7, but ever since, when I turn on the PC, the screen goes black for 2 minutes before desktop loads. Also, geforce experience stopped updating. https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/7ald16/i_use_windows_7_but_while_i_was_in_the_bathroom/ 60 comments techsupport
- Load Testing SignalR https://www.reddit.com/r/csharp/comments/73uc3n/load_testing_signalr/ 5 comments csharp
- Can you please fix the Nightly Light theme's colors for loading animation and the X on the active tab ? https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/6rdny2/can_you_please_fix_the_nightly_light_themes/ 6 comments firefox
- Venezuelan government is blaming the wave of looting on "terrorist" protesters. Watch the Venezuelan national guard loading carts of food on a truck. https://www.instagram.com/p/bv9b1g3l3g0/ 5 comments worldevents
- How do games like Breath of the Wild load expanse worlds? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/6f4qr5/how_do_games_like_breath_of_the_wild_load_expanse/ 7 comments gamedev
- [BUG] I can't sync mods when I try to load a multiplayer game https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/6f0tn1/bug_i_cant_sync_mods_when_i_try_to_load_a/ 4 comments factorio
- Jose Altuve, Rougned Odor have Team Venezuela loaded at second for World Baseball Classic. http://m.mlb.com/news/article/213997254/jose-altuve-rougned-odor-lead-team-venezuela/ 12 comments baseball
- Scaling Your Web App 101: Lessons in Architecture Under Load https://blog.hartleybrody.com/scale-load/ 32 comments webdev
- “Steep hill” for SpaceX to convince NASA of load and go’s safety for crew http://arstechnica.com/science/2017/01/steep-hill-for-spacex-to-convince-nasa-of-load-and-gos-safety-for-crew/ 10 comments space
- [Article] The Dodgers are loaded with prospects and ready to trade. http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2016/12/20/dodgers-are-loaded-with-prospects-and-ready-to-trade0.html 71 comments baseball
- With the bases loaded, Drew Storen drops in a beautiful slider to catch Trout looking (bonus: Pujols flies out to end the inning) http://mediadownloads.mlb.com/mlbam/mp4/2016/08/18/1064221683/1471497447941/asset_2500k.mp4 39 comments baseball
- Here is the facebook loading shimmer. No JS? http://codepen.io/joshadamous/pen/BjbBjJ 20 comments web_design
- Latest report on Benghazi call a load of crap" My question is, does anyone really care about Benghazi at the point? http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/23/politics/lindsey-graham-benghazi-report/index.html?c=homepage-t 7 comments worldnews
- Website fails to load 3 times out of ten, every single time. http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/research/library/library_home.cfm 6 comments techsupport
- Colorado Lawmaker leaves loaded handgun in House committee room. http://blogs.denverpost.com/thespot/2014/02/19/rep-jared-wright-leaves-loaded-handgun-house-committee-room/106136/ 5 comments politics
- A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS http://tobiasahlin.com/spinkit/ 6 comments css
- Libertarian Activist Openly Loads Shotgun and Calls for Revolution in D.C. http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/libertarian-activist-openly-loads-shotgun-and-calls-revolution-dc 9 comments politics
- Asynchronous Module Loading With Browserify http://esa-matti.suuronen.org/blog/2013/04/15/asynchronous-module-loading-with-browserify/ 5 comments javascript
- Eager Parameter Loading in Rails 3 http://gavin-mulligan.tumblr.com/post/3934255538 3 comments rails
- A NEW Zealand man remained in stable condition today after his dog jumped on a loaded rifle and accidentally shot him in the backside. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/breaking-news/dog-shoots-new-zealand-man-in-backside/story-e6freuyi-1225891214337 9 comments reddit.com