- Americans are working less than before the pandemic as they embrace work-life balance https://financialpost.com/fp-work/americans-working-less-embrace-work-life-balance 108 comments upliftingnews
- Would Life Be Better if You Worked Less? https://www.wsj.com/articles/would-life-be-better-if-you-worked-less-3f49e69a?mod=hp_lead_pos10 15 comments economy
- Working Less Is a Matter of Life and Death https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/29/opinion/work-hours-us-health.html?smid=re-share 9 comments economy
- Less Work, More Life: "We need to come up with a different approach to work." http://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/148061 3 comments politics
- Less work, more life? Lithuania debates four-day working week https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1407932/less-work-more-life-lithuania-debates-four-day-working-week 53 comments europe
- 'It's honestly changed my life': Employees from one of the biggest 4-day-workweek trials say working less improved their lives but was a big adjustment https://www.businessinsider.com/4-day-workweek-uk-trial-study-employee-benefits-2023-3 2 comments economy
- How Less Work for Everybody Could Solve a Lot of Our Economic Turbulence and Make Life More Pleasant http://www.alternet.org/story/156344/how_less_work_for_everybody_could_solve_a_lot_of_our_economic_turbulence_and_make_life_more_pleasant/ 15 comments politics
- Four-day week 'an overwhelming success' in Iceland: « Workers reported feeling less stressed and at risk of burnout, and said their health and work-life balance had improved. » https://www.bbc.com/news/business-57724779 60 comments business
- Work-life balance 'increasingly stressful for fathers' - Nearly half of working fathers in UK would like a less stressful job so they can spend more time caring for their children, a study has found. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38607682 23 comments worldnews
- How Hard Work makes People Poor (2024) - A third of British people in work have less than £100 in savings. What is life like for those struggling to make ends meet, despite having a job? This is the real story behind working Britain today. [00:58:12] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eNE87bMBb4 46 comments documentaries
- Reconsidering the Good Life. Feminist philosophers Kate Soper and Lynne Segal discuss the unsustainable obsession with economic growth and consider what it might look like if we all worked less. https://bostonreview.net/articles/reconsidering-the-good-life/ 6 comments politics
- Reconsidering the Good Life. Feminist philosophers Kate Soper and Lynne Segal discuss the unsustainable obsession with economic growth and consider what it might look like if we all worked less. https://bostonreview.net/articles/reconsidering-the-good-life/ 4 comments truereddit
- Reconsidering the Good Life. Feminist philosophers Kate Soper and Lynne Segal discuss the unsustainable obsession with economic growth and consider what it might look like if we all worked less. https://bostonreview.net/articles/reconsidering-the-good-life/ 368 comments philosophy
- Research in England predicts that in coming decades, people will gain years of life much faster than they will gain years of life when they’re healthy and in work. Between 2015 and 2035, men in England will gain more than 3 years of life expectancy but less than half a year of healthy working life. https://www.nature.com/articles/s43587-021-00161-0 29 comments science
- Rookie Bankers Sour on Wall Street's Pitch of Big Pay and Long Hours: "As young professionals re-examine their work-life balance, investment banking is becoming a less popular choice despite the money." https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/26/business/investment-banking-work-life-balance.html 11 comments economy
- Let Us Drink in Public. Open container laws criminalize working-class people and make public life less fun. We need to legalize public drinking. https://jacobinmag.com/2020/08/open-container-public-drinking 123 comments politics
- Work less, get more: New Zealand firm's four-day week an 'unmitigated success' - Reduced hours (8 working hours, 4 working days) for same pay increased work-life balance by 24%, cutting stress levels and boosting commitment https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/19/work-less-get-more-new-zealand-firms-four-day-week-an-unmitigated-success 71 comments science
- Half of the working adults in the USA make 30k or less, 40% of that number are closer to 20k, and 70% are under 50k. If one takes the time to look at a population density map, and a cost of living calculator, it's easy to see that these wages don't buy a reasonable quality of life in these places. https://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/netcomp.cgi?year=2016 186 comments economy
- Don’t mix business with pleasure - New research shows that blurring the boundaries between work and personal life can lead to exhaustion. Employees who did not organise a clear separation between work and free time were less likely to participate in activities that could help them relax and recover. http://www.springer.com/gp/about-springer/media/research-news/all-english-research-news/don-t-mix-business-with-pleasure/15296746 11 comments science
- The solution to (nearly) everything: working less - Excessive work and pressure are status symbols. But overtime is deadly. If we worked less we’d make fewer errors, address inequality and have a better life http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/apr/18/solution-everything-working-less-work-pressure 22 comments politics
- The more time you spend getting to and from work, the less likely you are to be satisfied with life, says a new study published in World Leisure Journal https://uwaterloo.ca/applied-health-sciences/crunched-time-commuting-linked-lower-life-satisfaction 12 comments science
- A life well spent - Consume now (in case you die early): Researchers argue that some people might want to spend more and work less – just in case their time runs out http://wws.princeton.edu/news-and-events/news/item/life-well-spent-consume-now-case-you-die-early 7 comments science
- Doris Lessing’s library: A life in 4,000 books - From Sophocles to pseudoscience, each of Doris Lessing’s 4,000 books played a role in shaping her mind and her work. In the wake of her death in 2013, Nick Holdstock was invited to catalogue the overflowing accumulation of a 60-year career https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/feb/07/doris-lessing-library-a-life-in-4000-books?CMP=twt_b-gdnreview 4 comments books