Hacker News
- Remembering Larry Finger, who made Linux wireless work https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/06/larry-finger-linux-wireless-hero-was-a-persistent-patient-coder-and-mentor/ 86 comments
- Linux community mourns loss of WiFi driver expert Larry Finger https://www.developer-tech.com/news/2024/jun/24/linux-community-mourns-loss-wifi-driver-expert/ 21 comments linux
- Longtime Linux Wireless Developer Passes Away ..RIP Larry Finger https://www.phoronix.com/news/Larry-Finger-Linux-Wireless 11 comments linux
- Larry Finger, long time Linux kernel wireless developer, passed away on June 21st 2024 https://lore.kernel.org/linux-wireless/ds6wc3svkyre4p2rwg4f76o67xndazaeoyjwblhuzichscyxoz@5ttdvbymxr55/T/#mfd2f4928e0e013c10375ca766035c1385e18f8e0 46 comments linux
- CNN's Don Lemon Gives Larry Wilmore the Finger at White House Correspondents' Dinner https://www.yahoo.com/news/cnns-don-lemon-gives-larry-wilmore-finger-white-030912716.html?ref=gs 4 comments politics
- [Larry Walker] As I said last year, THANK YOU to all of you that were pulling for me this year!! Pretty awesome jump up to 54.6!! Guess I will watch again next year for the last time😊. Fingers crossed in joining the great Fergie Jenkins 🇨🇦 #Fergieneedsafriend 😉 https://twitter.com/cdnmooselips33/status/1087866581059858432 149 comments baseball