Hacker News
- Why Every Developer Should Keep a Daily Code Journal https://veamly.co/developer-journal 4 comments
- How to Keep a Journal http://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2016/07/15/how-to-keep-a-journal/ 62 comments
- Keeping a debugging journal http://steverydz.com/2013/11/19/keeping-a-debugging-journal/ 26 comments
- Great Men Keep Journals http://artofmanliness.com/2009/06/07/30-days-to-a-better-man-day-8-start-a-journal/ 67 comments
- 8 ways to keep a philosophical journal https://youtu.be/RJVHhwyx-Cg 20 comments philosophy
- Western Monarch butterfly populations have fallen as much as 99 percent since the 1980s. A new study in the journal Science suggests a cause: warm Fall weather fueled by climate change. The warmth may mess with western butterfly migration and hibernation, and keep their predators active longer. https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/western-butterfly-populations-are-plummeting-thanks-to-climate-change 4 comments science
- Absolute bombshell of a report from The Courier Journal: LMPD hid almost 750,000 records documenting the sexual abuse of minors by Louisville police officers, and then lied to keep the files from the public https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/crime/2020/11/11/lmpd-explorer-scandal-lawyers-say-police-lied-conceal-records/6224382002/ 18 comments worldnews
- Ventilation systems in many modern office buildings, which are designed to keep temperatures comfortable and increase energy efficiency, may increase the risk of exposure to the coronavirus, particularly during the coming winter, according to research published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/many-ventilation-systems-may-increase-risk-of-covid-19-exposure-study-suggests 176 comments science
- Study shows keeping gratitude journal reduces gossip, incivility in workplace https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-09/uocf-ssk092220.php 18 comments science
- I made Thyself, a journaling app that looks like your typical messaging app. Keep in touch with yourself the way you keep in touch with others. There's also a catalog of prompts to answer and you can express your feelings with emoticons. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/thyself-daily-chat-journal/id1486477456 11 comments apple
- Curing Cancer, Curing CancerPhobia: Our fear of cancer should not turn into a "blind" fear - we should keep in mind that overscreening and overtreatment can also harm us. A note on fighting back against the fear of the dreadful disease (with statistics from NCI and other medical journals). https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/how-risky-is-it-really/201909/curing-cancer-curing-cancerphobia 3 comments science
- Tom Hanks is just going to keep playing old-timey newsmen until we all love journalism again https://news.avclub.com/tom-hanks-is-just-going-to-keep-playing-old-timey-newsm-1832412194 12 comments nottheonion
- If you feel thankful, write it down, as it may be good for your health. There's a growing body of research on the benefits of gratitude. In a new study, high school students who were asked to keep gratitude journals also reported healthier eating. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/12/24/678232331/if-you-feel-thankful-write-it-down-its-good-for-your-health 21 comments science
- Michael Avenatti takes a victory lap after Wall Street Journal reports Trump directed an effort to keep Stormy Daniels silent earlier this year https://www.businessinsider.com/michael-avenatti-victory-lap-after-report-trump-directed-effort-to-keep-stormy-silent-2018-10 143 comments politics
- The Wall Street Journal keeps peddling Big Oil propaganda https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2018/jun/11/the-wall-street-journal-keeps-peddling-big-oil-propaganda 15 comments politics
- An app for journaling and keeping track of tasks http://www.bear-writer.com/ 5 comments productivity
- How to keep up with valuable research papers? Let's build a journal club together! https://www.crinetic.com 6 comments artificial
- Men with higher levels of testosterone tend to devote more energy to keeping their romantic partners faithful and in a relationship with them. The study, published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, examined what is known as mate retention behavior. http://www.psypost.org/2018/02/men-higher-testosterone-levels-report-protective-romantic-relationships-50799 1772 comments science
- Stanford engineers develop a new method of keeping the lights on if the world turns to 100% clean, renewable energy - several solutions to making clean, renewable energy reliable enough to power at least 139 countries, published this week in journal Renewable Energy. https://news.stanford.edu/2018/02/08/avoiding-blackouts-100-renewable-energy/ 472 comments science
- Worry keeps us awake. A new study shows journaling helps you fall asleep, but content matters. Write in a journal for five minutes before bed. But critically, what helps most is not writing about what you accomplished during the day, but writing out your to-do list for tomorrow. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/brain-waves/201801/the-connection-between-writing-and-sleep 571 comments science
- "Extra or Juicy Fruit: The taste that moves Brett Hundley through a game." Keep up the great journalism ESPN. http://www.espn.com/blog/green-bay-packers/post/_/id/41961/extra-or-juicy-fruit-the-taste-that-moves-brett-hundley-through-a-game 14 comments nfl
- How can we get this boring demonstration and strike news story to get clicks? Oh, I know, let's slap an picture of an antifa rally with morons attacking policemen in the thumbnail. Stellar journalism Euronews, keep it up. /s http://www.euronews.com/2017/05/17/greeks-walk-out-in-general-strike-over-new-austerity-measures 5 comments europe
- Do You Keep a Physical Journal? Want to Share Some Pics? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/4wscik/do_you_keep_a_physical_journal_want_to_share_some/ 12 comments gamedev
- Thoughts on keeping a reading journal: DO IT! http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/179277/anna-karenina-by-leo-tolstoy/9780679783305#excerpt 24 comments books
- Guardian, Salon Show How Keeping And Fixing News Comments Isn't Hard If You Give Half A Damn: Ron Pilhofer at The Guardian: "Any site that moves away from comments is a plus for sites like ours. Readers need and deserve a voice. They should be a core part of your journalism." https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150202/08473429881/guardian-salon-show-how-keeping-fixing-news-comments-isnt-hard-if-you-give-half-damn.shtml 7 comments technology
- How cycling keeps us remarkably young. (Full journal article link in comments) http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/01/07/how-exercise-keeps-us-young/?_r=0 4 comments bicycling
- The power of keeping a coding journal http://tburette.github.io/blog/2014/06/25/the-power-of-keeping-a-coding-journal/ 21 comments programming
- The urge to publish in top journals is harming research: "In keeping with the current winner-takes-all economics of science, impact factor mania benefits a few, creates many losers, and distorts the process of science" http://motherboard.vice.com/read/report-researchers-are-becoming-too-obsessed-with-chasing-pageviews 8 comments science
- Wi-Fi “as Free as Air”—the Totally False Story That Refuses to Die - Journalism goes wrong & just keeps getting worse. The FCC has no plans to give us free internet access. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/02/wi-fi-as-free-as-air-the-totally-false-story-that-refuses-to-die/ 181 comments politics
- Research published Wednesday in The Journal of Neuroscience finds that the hormone oxytocin might help married men honor their marital bonds by keeping attractive “other” women at arm’s length. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-checkup/post/hormone-may-help-married-men-stay-that-way/2012/11/14/d2e44b7c-2e82-11e2-b631-2aad9d9c73ac_blog.html?tid=socialss 4 comments science
- Keep a programming journal https://gist.github.com/3444793 38 comments programming
- Student sues Human Sexuality professor for a course that required them to masturbate 3 times a day and keep a sex journal http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/western-nevada-college-sex-prof-tom-kubistant-demanded-students-masturbate-detail-sex-lives-pass-sexuality-class-claims-student-karen-royce-lawsuit-article-1.1105362?locallinksenabled=false 20 comments politics
- Journals Warned to Keep a Tight Lid on Diesel Exposure Data - ScienceInsider http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2012/02/journals-warned-to-keep-a-tight.html 9 comments science
- The statistical error that just keeps on coming. The same statistical errors – namely, ignoring the "difference in differences" – are appearing throughout the most prestigious journals in neuroscience http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/sep/09/bad-science-research-error 413 comments science
- Something That Has Improved My Sanity: Keeping a Journal http://musingmerlin.posterous.com/something-that-has-improved-my-sanity-keeping 4 comments productivity
- My parents live in a van and keep this blog going about it. They put together a really nice photo journal and would be thrilled if anyone read it. http://astralnomads.blogspot.com/ 234 comments reddit.com
- Redditors, Free Speech Radio News is in danger of shutting down due to funding shortfalls and will cease operations on Dec 20th without a big infusion of cash. Please help these people and keep real journalism alive. http://fsrn.org/ 5 comments reddit.com
- THIS is why we need to keep supporting newspapers and real journalism. http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2009/fortune/0906/gallery.dumbest_moments_midyear2009.fortune/index.html 6 comments business
- NSA spying poses “direct threat to journalism,” watchdog group warns - The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is warning, in particular, that the agency’s dragnet of communications data threatens to make it “next to impossible for journalists to keep sources confidential.” https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/02/14/surv-f14.html 6 comments privacy
- CNN Journalist: "In the political arena, there are things that should be kept quiet... Americans shouldn't be nosy." ABC Journalist: "Some things in life need to be mysterious. Sometimes you need to just keep walking." Glenn Greenwald: "Who decides to work in journalism with those attitudes?" http://www.salon.com/2012/06/27/cnn_journalist_dont_be_nosy/singleton/?miaou 143 comments politics