Hacker News
- The sad reality of why we are not living in the moment http://myscienceacademy.org/2013/08/25/i-forgot-my-phone/ 33 comments
- Android recording all your moments on Google Map https://maps.google.com/locationhistory/b/1/dashboard 47 comments
- Big wins for Trump and sharp blows to regulations mark momentous Supreme Court term https://apnews.com/article/f34e56fd2c61ef58dd69c7822806ef44 32 comments politics
- Moment Britain’s £140m LASER weapon dubbed ‘DragonFire’ blows drone out the sky https://www.the-sun.com/news/10713667/laser-weapon-dragonfire-declassified-footage/ 68 comments aliens
- Windows 11 Moment and year's end feature updates https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/whats-new/temporary-enterprise-feature-control 2 comments sysadmin
- [FOX Sports Radio] 🎙️ @MonseBolanos : “I want my quarterbacks to be quarterbacky. To me, Lamar Jackson’s just a great athlete, and he had a great game against the 49ers. Prisoners of the moment, he is NOT the MVP. Christian McCaffrey IS the MVP.” https://twitter.com/FoxSportsRadio/status/1740512663367811322 213 comments nfl
- Andy Murray 'not really enjoying' being on court at the moment https://tennishead.net/andy-murray-admits-he-is-not-really-enjoying-being-on-court-at-the-moment/ 5 comments tennis
- [Duarte] Dave Roberts said Jake Reed was "really emotional" after the victory and his first career save. Doc added that this moment was very special for him personally and he's really happy for Jake. https://twitter.com/michaeljduarte/status/1564805872777191424?s=12&t=8kNOaOnv7ma_XIlr8FqJUA 6 comments baseball
- After Uvalde shooting, people consider an ‘Emmett Till moment’ to change gun debate https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-09/after-uvalde-shooting-people-consider-an-emmett-till-moment-to-change-gun-debate 17 comments politics
- Surveillance footage shows the moment Russian rockets hit a Ukrainian amusement park https://www.businessinsider.com/video-shows-moment-russian-rockets-hit-ukrainian-amusement-park-2022-5 12 comments worldnews
- Jericho on wanting to face Eddie Kingston in AEW: "The moment he walked in, I said ‘that’s a superstar, he’s gonna be a huge babyface. I like his style it’s very hard-hitting.’ He doesn’t look like a typical wrestler, he just looks like a tough guy at the bar, but his promos are above and beyond." https://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/2022/01/chris-jericho-reveals-dream-match-soon-in-aew/ 143 comments squaredcircle
- [Lewis Hamilton] 1998 at Larkhall Circuit. Crazy how much has changed since then. Just want to take this moment to thank all of you for supporting me, I know there’s some of you who have followed my career since the very beginning and even to those are just joining TeamLH today... https://streamable.com/gvbkvv 30 comments formula1
- Fabrizio Romano: Man City were not working to sign Leo before his decision to leave the club. Now with Leo ready to leave Barça (and let’s see if they’ll allow him to change for free, at the moment no) for sure anything can happen. City are between the few clubs who can pay his enormous wages https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1298345050586456068 27 comments soccer
- What's your team's most random moment that brought you the most joy? https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/h0cj3g/whats_your_teams_most_random_moment_that_brought/ 180 comments nba
- At this very moment you can go and double spend BTC at over 200 locations across Australia, thanks to TravelbyBit powered by Binance! https://twitter.com/haydenotto_/status/1207317412644655104 278 comments btc
- [Gerston] Anthony Rendon with helluva quote: “You could see the Dodgers and their morale, and even the crowd, people started trickling out...Not too many people can experience moments like this where you have 40,000 people cheering against you. I’m looking into the crowd, I’m enjoying it.” https://twitter.com/dcbarno/status/1182173561668165632?s=21 179 comments baseball
- Video appears to show moment Hong Kong protester was shot https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2019/10/01/hong-kong-protest-police-tension-shots-fired-watson-lklv-vpx.cnn 4 comments worldnews
- Daniel Carcillo on his favourite moment with Joel Quenneville https://twitter.com/carbombboom13/status/1059845954889633792 15 comments hockey
- The strangest moments from Donald Trump's UN press conference – video | Global https://www.theguardian.com/global/video/2018/sep/27/the-strangest-moments-from-donald-trumps-un-press-conference-video 5 comments politics
- Qualifying final moments https://streamable.com/p9qk1 19 comments formula1
- One of the underrated moments of last season... Knicks go on a 28-0 run against the Raptors on the 3rd quarter https://streamable.com/qlxu7 84 comments nba
- The Domestic Thriller Is Having a Moment https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/02/26/the-domestic-thriller-is-having-a-moment 3 comments books
- 10 moments to remember from Attorney General Sessions' testimony http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/14/politics/jeff-sessions-house-hearing-lines/index.html 7 comments politics
- Cristiano Ronaldo shares a moment with his "boss", Sir Alex Ferguso https://twitter.com/football__tweet/status/871119177515495424 6 comments soccer
- Are Democrats Having Their Tea Party Moment? http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/02/democrats-protest-tea-party-movement 38 comments politics
- Awesome moment from Anthony Rizzo, why I love baseball. https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/4r0v9z/awesome_moment_from_anthony_rizzo_why_i_love/ 45 comments baseball
- Higuain's top 10 catastrophic misses in key moments of his career http://www.marca.com/futbol/argentina/2016/06/27/5770fca6e2704ea6148b4671.html 19 comments soccer
- 'Critical' moment arrives for Pirates, other small-market teams http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/columnist/bob-nightengale/2016/01/20/mlb-small-market-teams-revenue-sharing-pirates-bob-nutting/79090390/ 77 comments baseball
- [Trivia] TIL that right after George Brett singled for his 3000th hit, he was picked off at first base while stepping off to enjoy the moment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/george_brett#1986-1993 11 comments baseball
- California Bans 'Gay Panic' Defense --Defendants charged with murdering members of the LGBT community have been able to claim they acted in a "moment of passion" upon discovering the victim was LGBT, and therefor their crime met the requirements for a reduced charge of manslaughter. http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/california_bans_gay_panic_defense 20 comments law
- A Jobless Future. "If current trends continue, it could well be that a generation from now a quarter of middle-aged men will be out of work at any given moment." http://online.wsj.com/articles/lawrence-h-summers-on-the-economic-challenge-of-the-future-jobs-1404762501 5 comments politics
- Surveillance video captures moment armed men seize Crimea government building | Video http://www.reuters.com/video/2014/03/01/surveillance-video-captures-moment-armed?amp%3BvideoChannel=2602&videoId=285214917 8 comments worldnews
- My friend's father passed away a few years ago, here is an article he wrote about how the Flyers brought them together until the final moments http://flyersfaithful.com/2013/08/30/never-give-up-never-stop-fighting/ 10 comments hockey
- Will China, Japan, & South Korea hit the 'reset' button for Asia? - In a historic moment of coincidence, new leaders are taking the helm in China, Japan, & South Korea, providing an unprecedented moment for the region to refresh relations. http://www.csmonitor.com/world/asia-pacific/2013/0305/will-china-japan-and-south-korea-hit-the-reset-button-for-asia?nav=87-frontpage-entryinsidemonitor 4 comments worldnews
- A tender moment between Andrei Arshavin and Gunnersaurus... http://twitpic.com/674bjg 15 comments soccer
- Top 10 moments at the Philadelphia Spectrum, demolition of which started today http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=5842274 3 comments sports
- Europe stumbles blindly towards its 1931 moment http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/ambroseevans_pritchard/8132689/europe-stumbles-blindly-towards-its-1931-moment.html?sms_ss=reddit&at_xt=4ce0a5cc2ef4f98c,0 7 comments worldnews
- NASA report details last moments of Columbia crew http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-sci-columbia31-2008dec31,0,864665.story 4 comments space
- 2008: Elisabeth Hasselbeck's 25 Most Annoying Moments http://jezebel.com/5112867/2008-elisabeth-hasselbecks-25-most-annoying-moments 2 comments reddit.com
- McCain's Moment of Hypocrisy #3,294,091: he schedules a celebrity fundraiser in Hollywood http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/aug/22/hollywood-conservatives-to-rally-for-mccain/ 2 comments reddit.com