Hacker News
- Statically count the number of times the template was instantiated, with zero runtime and without even using standard library https://godbolt.org/z/nv7W67q17 17 comments cpp
- Ask Reddit: It looks like you get karma for the number of comments a post has, even if the post has a zero score. Is this right? http://reddit.com/info/612t3/comments/ 9 comments reddit.com
- Animals count and use zero. How far does their number sense go? « Many species have displayed a capacity for abstraction that extends to performing simple arithmetic, while a select few have even demonstrated a grasp of the quantitative concept of “zero”. » https://www.quantamagazine.org/animals-can-count-and-use-zero-how-far-does-their-number-sense-go-20210809/ 31 comments math