Hacker News
- Facebook's “see no evil” strategy https://www.axios.com/facebooks-see-no-evil-strategy-6db4e714-ba14-4404-bd41-c4539bc8126e.html 229 comments
- Leaving the Evil Empire of Facebook https://medium.com/@hargup/leaving-the-evil-empire-of-facebook-7f7b1955bb37#.bdw3iocdp 2 comments
- Facebook Relay: An Evil And/Or Incompetent Attack on REST https://www.pandastrike.com/posts/20151015-rest-vs-relay 143 comments
- Facebook Relay: An Evil And/Or Incompetent Attack on REST https://www.pandastrike.com/posts/20151015-rest-vs-relay 2 comments
- Not Internet but Splinternet. Facebook's new Internet.Org is just as evil https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/internet-splinternet-facebooks-new-internetorg-just-evil-murthy 3 comments
- 'Don't Be Evil' Tool for Google Search, by Facebook, Twitter Devs http://www.pcworld.com/article/248608/facebook_twitter_devs_release_dont_be_evil_tool_for_google_search.html 3 comments
- Is Facebook evil or merely incompetent? http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/101810-is-facebook-evil-or-merely.html 8 comments
- Evil: A site that displays the phone numbers of random Facebook users http://www.tomscott.com/evil/ 15 comments
- How Facebook can Make of Money while Delighting its Users and Not Turning Evil http://blog.luckycal.com/?p=139 2 comments
- Facebook's Brilliant but Evil design http://bokardo.com/archives/facebooks-brilliant-but-evil-design/ 4 comments
- Facebook Is Evil and Its Strategy Is Obsolete http://www.bubblegeneration.com/2007/09/research-note-facebook-perestroika-vs.cfm 3 comments
- After @jack, can Twitter stay less evil than Facebook? https://mashable.com/article/jack-dorsey-resigns-twitter-past-future 7 comments technology
- Is facebook really evil? Yes it is. https://techrefactor.blogspot.com/2021/05/is-facebook-really-evil-yes-it-is.html 12 comments privacy
- The Conscience of Silicon Valley: Why Facebook Is Bad, Twitter Might Be a Little Bit Good, and Social Media Is Rotting Our Brains - Tech oracle Jaron Lanier warned us all about the evils of social media. Too few of us listened. https://www.gq.com/story/jaron-lanier-tech-oracle-profile/amp 60 comments technology
- We know Facebook is evil and Libra would be a strange thing, but reading a letter from a senator threatening former Libra Association members is something you can't take as ok. https://twitter.com/robustus/status/1183111367324254208 23 comments btc
- Paytm founder slams WhatsApp UPI payment feature, calls Facebook world's most evil tech company https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/technology/news/story/paytm-founder-slams-whatsapp-upi-payment-feature-1170798-2018-02-16 12 comments india
- Facebook most evil firm in world, says Paytm chief Vijay Shekhar Sharma http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/facebook-most-evil-firm-in-world-says-paytm-chief-vijay-shekhar-sharma-118021600047_1.html 46 comments india
- Facebook’s Evil Patents Discovered – Your Emotions May Soon Be Secretly Recorded By Your Own Camera https://trak-in.cdn.ampproject.org/c/trak.in/tags/business/2017/06/07/facebooks-evil-patents-discovered-your-emotions-may-soon-be-secretly-recorded-by-your-own-camera/amp/ 6 comments technology
- Facebook's Head of AI Says Not to Worry Because Society 'Prevents Evil From Having Infinite Power' http://gizmodo.com/facebooks-head-of-ai-says-not-to-worry-because-society-1794067214 17 comments technology
- EVIL: Kidnapped special needs man TORTURED on Facebook live in Chicago http://therightscoop.com/evil-kidnapped-special-needs-man-tortured-facebook-live-chicago/ 4 comments politics
- Facebook turns evil to promote internet.org http://techcrunch.com/2015/12/17/save-free-basics/ 10 comments technology
- Leaving the Evil Empire of Facebook https://medium.com/@hargup/leaving-the-evil-empire-of-facebook-7f7b1955bb37 4 comments privacy
- Facebook’s new internet.org is evil https://www.techinasia.com/talk/facebooks-internetorg-evil/ 3 comments technology
- Facebook Relay: An Evil And/Or Incompetent Attack On REST https://www.pandastrike.com/posts/20151015-rest-vs-relay 54 comments programming
- Not Internet but Splinternet. Facebook's new Internet.Org is just as evil. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/internet-splinternet-facebooks-new-internetorg-just-evil-murthy?trk=mp-author-card&redirectfromsplash=true 18 comments india
- Emma Watson And Tom Hanks Will Battle An Evil Facebook In Film Adaptation Of Dave Eggers' 'The Circle' http://io9.com/emma-watson-and-tom-hanks-will-battle-an-evil-facebook-1713926746 97 comments books
- Don’t know why Facebook is being called evil in net neutrality debate, says Internet.org head http://www.hindustantimes.com/socialmedia-updates/interview-with-facebook-s-vp-of-internet-org-chris-daniels/article1-1343715.aspx 3 comments technology
- Facebook Messenger versus Skype? Which is the lesser of two evils? Can't we just use Jitsi?? https://jitsi.org/ 9 comments opensource
- Who's more evil – Facebook or Google? http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/oct/25/evil-facebook-google-beheading-email-abuse 4 comments technology
- Azerbaijan has run an effective campaign against the evils of the web, linking it to mental illness, divorce, sex-trafficking and paedophilia. Only a quarter of Azerbaijan’s population has ever been online, which puts it behind poorer neighbours; and only 7% are on Facebook. http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21574634-chinas-model-controlling-internet-being-adopted-elsewhere-each-their-own 7 comments worldnews
- Don’t be evil? Google, Facebook, eBay, Amazon form D.C. lobbying group. Inspired by the fight against SOPA and PIPA, a coalition of Internet titans will soon launch The Internet Association, a Washington D.C. lobbying group. Will it fight for you -- or for their bottom line? http://www.digitaltrends.com/web/google-facebook-ebay-amazon-form-washington-dc-lobbying-group/ 7 comments technology
- Facebook, Twitter take on Google with 'Don't be evil' browser extension http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/jan/24/facebook-twitter-myspace-google-add-on 33 comments technology
- NYT Facebook employee OpEd: people are evil unless forced to be civil and respect authority, so abolish anonymity. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/30/opinion/30zhuo.html?hp 3 comments reddit.com
- Good or Evil: Have We Shared Too Much With Facebook, Google and Apple, or Are They Borrowing Our Data Without Asking? http://www.focus.com/images/view/25985/ 4 comments reddit.com
- Evil (yes, Facebook is involved). http://www.tomscott.com/evil/ 35 comments technology
- Presenting evil. It randomly displays the private phone numbers of unsuspecting Facebook users. http://www.tomscott.com/evil/ 3 comments reddit.com
- Facebook's "Evil Interfaces" http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2010/04/facebooks-evil-interfaces 5 comments programming
- Facebook privacy settings are hidden behind an "evil interface" http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2010/04/facebooks-evil-interfaces 3 comments reddit.com
- Facebook's privacy pullback isn't just outrageous; it's a landmark turning point for the social network. Facebook has blundered before, but the latest changes are far more calculated. The company has, in short, turned evil. http://gawker.com/5426176/facebooks-great-betrayal 301 comments reddit.com
- Taint the Data: how to quit Facebook the evil way http://www.freeinfidel.com/?p=21 70 comments reddit.com