- Big Tobacco Gets Crushed by Tiny Uruguay: "the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes ruled that Uruguay not only had the right to continue its in-your-face anti-cigarette marketing, but also ordered Philip Morris to reimburse the country for some $7 million in legal costs" http://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-07-18/big-tobacco-gets-crushed-by-tiny-uruguay 9 comments politics
- Dubai is now so swamped in debt that it's asking for a six-month reprieve on paying its bills — causing a drop on world markets Thursday and raising questions about Dubai's reputation as a magnet for international investment. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091127/ap_on_bi_ge/ml_dubai_desperate_times;_ylt=artr1iwpx0evby54czahuvms0nue;_ylu=x3odmtnvmgxzmdvvbgfzc2v0a2fwlziwmdkxmti3l21sx2r1ymfpx2rlc3blcmf0zv90aw1lcwrjy29kzqntb3n0cg9wdwxhcgrjcg9zazeecg9zaziechqdag9tzv9jb2tlbhnlywn5bl90b3bfc3rvcnkec2xra2r1ymfpcmvxdwvzda-- 19 comments business
- Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told his cabinet on Wednesday that the government’s main focus now will be on luring investments as a way of achieving the country’s ultimate goal of tapping international markets http://www.ekathimerini.com/219466/article/ekathimerini/news/tsipras-urges-ministers-to-attract-investments-eyes-markets 5 comments europe
- Japan overtakes China to become world's second-biggest stock market - “Losing the ranking to Japan is the damage caused by the trade war,” said Banny Lam, head of research at CEB International Investment Corp. in Hong Kong https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/08/03/business/japan-overtakes-china-become-worlds-second-biggest-stock-market/ 103 comments worldnews