Hacker News
- It’s Time to Archive the Internet Archive https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/5dzg8n/archiving-the-internet-archive-sued-by-publishers 17 comments
- Power is off at Internet Archive, people are keeping track of any water leaks https://twitter.com/textfiles/status/543111994677547008 2 comments
- Internet Archive Seeks Summary Judgment in Lawsuit Filed by Publishing Companies https://www.eff.org/press/releases/internet-archive-seeks-summary-judgment-federal-lawsuit-filed-publishing-companies 2 comments
- Non-Politically Correct Slate Star Codex blog Posts Erased from Internet Archive https://web.archive.org/web/20200623220234/https:/slatestarcodex.com/2013/03/03/reactionary-philosophy-in-an-enormous-planet-sized-nutshell/ 4 comments
- One day left to help Internet Archive reach its donation goal https://archive.org/donate/?1= 42 comments
- The internet archive is in danger. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/06/publishers-sue-internet-archive-over-massive-digital-lending-program/ 99 comments technology
- The Internet Archive is working to preserve public Google+ posts before it shuts down https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/17/18269707/internet-archive-archiveteam-preserving-public-google-plus-posts https://www.reddit.com/r/plexodus/comments/az285j/saving_of_public_google_content_at_the_internet/ 7 comments technology
- The Internet Classics Archive. http://classics.mit.edu/index.html 3 comments books
- The Internet Archive Wayback Machine http://web.archive.org/collections/web.html 2 comments technology
- Why authors are so angry about the Internet Archive’s Emergency Library https://www.vox.com/culture/2020/4/2/21201193/emergency-library-internet-archive-controversy-coronavirus-pandemic 16 comments books
- MS-DOS Emulation on the Internet Archive https://help.archive.org/hc/en-us/articles/360004651032-ms-dos-emulation 6 comments programming
- EU Tells Internet Archive That Much Of Its Site Is 'Terrorist Content' https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20190410/14580641973/eu-tells-internet-archive-that-much-site-is-terrorist-content.shtml 51 comments europe
- India appears to have blocked access to the Internet Archive https://www.medianama.com/2017/08/223-india-blocks-access-internet-archive-wayback-machine/ 9 comments technology
- 20 years ago on this day, The Internet Archive was born https://www.archive.org 6 comments technology
- 500 rare Apple II programs and games are now preserved online at the Internet Archive http://venturebeat.com/2016/03/05/500-rare-apple-ii-programs-and-games-are-now-preserved-online-at-the-internet-archive/ 9 comments apple
- Internet Archive releases a million free movies, books and music as torrents http://www.techradar.com/news/internet/internet-archive-goes-torrent-crazy-with-free-movies-music-and-books-1091666 21 comments technology
- Senator Tillis Angry At The Internet Archive For Helping People Read During A Pandemic; Archive Explains Why That's Wrong https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20200414/11273744299/senator-tillis-angry-internet-archive-helping-people-read-during-pandemic-archive-explains-why-thats-wrong.shtml 15 comments politics
- Internet Archive Loses Lawsuit Over Ebook Copyright Infringement. Here’s What to Know... https://time.com/6266147/internet-archive-copyright-infringement-books-lawsuit/ 16 comments technology
- Internet Archive Loses Lawsuit Over Ebook Copyright Infringement. Here’s What to Know... https://time.com/6266147/internet-archive-copyright-infringement-books-lawsuit/ 134 comments books
- Three Chinese internet activists missing after archiving online coronavirus articles https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/0/three-chinese-internet-activists-missing-archiving-online-coronavirus/ 11 comments worldnews
- The Internet Archive Publishes Brett Kavanaugh’s 1983 Yearbook, a Key Document in Nomination Battle https://theintercept.com/2018/10/03/brett-kavanaugh-yearbook-georgetown-prep-1983/ 95 comments politics
- This Senator Is Seemingly Obsessed With Threatening the Internet Archive - While the country deals with a pandemic and mass protests, Sen. Thom Tillis has repeatedly sent letters to the Internet Archive that warn its projects may be illegal. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/akzeb5/this-senator-is-seemingly-obsessed-with-threatening-the-internet-archive 101 comments politics
- NASA and Internet Archive Launch Archive of NASA's vast collection of photographs, historic film and video http://www.archive.org/iathreads/post-view.php?id=201294 2 comments science
- Filecoin Foundation Donates $10 million in FIL to Internet Archive https://decrypt.co/63743/filecoin-foundation-internet-archive-donation 6 comments cryptocurrency
- Internet Archive ha reso disponibili 1.4 milioni di libri. Gratis. https://www.reddit.com/r/italy/comments/g1qi0a/internet_archive_ha_reso_disponibili_14_milioni/ 19 comments italy
- The Internet Archive Fixes 9 Million Broken Links on Wikipedia - A heroic, knowledge-saving task involving two of the most important organizations on the internet. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/4384e9/internet-archive-fixed-9-million-wikipedia-broken-links 22 comments technology
- "Last Rhodesian" manifesto of Dylann Roof, the Charleston shooter, via Internet Archives. [Note to Reddit Admin: there is no title or headline to this article] https://web.archive.org/web/20150620152950/http://lastrhodesian.com/data/documents/rtf88.txt 21 comments politics
- Battle Chess was included in the Internet Archive 90's games release today. https://archive.org/details/battlechessdemo 11 comments chess
- Over 2,300 MS-DOS games now completely free to play at Internet Archive http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/01/over-2300-ms-dos-games-now-completely-free-to-play-at-internet-archive/ 94 comments technology
- The Internet Archive is trying to raise enough funds to buy 3 petabytes of storage in 17 days http://thenextweb.com/insider/2012/12/16/the-internet-archive-is-trying-to-raise-enough-funds-to-buy-3-petabytes-of-storage-in-17-days/ 61 comments technology
- Internet Archive makes 1.4 million books available for free online amid the coronavirus crisis https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/internet-archive-free-books-online/ 185 comments worldnews
- Saving human knowledge at 800 pages an hour: Inside the Internet Archive’s book scanning centre. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/saving-human-knowledge-at-800-pages-an-hour 216 comments books
- Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business : Neil Postman : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive http://www.archive.org/details/amusing_ourselves_to_death 11 comments philosophy
- Internet Archive Files Appeal Brief Defending Libraries and Digital Lending From Big Publishers’ Legal Attack https://www.eff.org/press/releases/internet-archive-files-appeal-brief-defending-libraries-and-digital-lending-big 9 comments technology
- Why there’s so little left of the early internet: It took nearly five years into the internet’s life before anyone made a concerted effort to archive it. Much of our earliest online activity has disappeared. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20190401-why-theres-so-little-left-of-the-early-internet 14 comments technology
- Pre-recorded video message by Richard M. Stallman for Team NCR Philippines' Software Freedom Day 2006 event at UP Diliman : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/rms_sfd2006_team_ncr_philippines 3 comments linux
- French officials call Project Gutenberg archive, 15 million ebooks, Grateful Dead recordings and Prelinger Archive "terrorism," demands removal from Internet Archive https://boingboing.net/2019/04/11/one-hour-service.html 34 comments europe
- The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine is a service that preserves web pages. But the site has been deleting evidence of companies selling malware to illegally spy on spouses, highlighting the need to diversify digital archives https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/nekzzq/wayback-machine-deleting-evidence-flexispy 12 comments technology
- Librarian Recorded 800,000 Hours Of News Footage Over 35 Years: "Metelits has teamed up with non-profit digital archive company The Internet Archive with hopes of converting Stokes' 140,000 video cassette tape collection into a digital, searchable archive that would be made available to the public" http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/digitizing-35-years-of-historical-news-footage-234615351.html 20 comments technology
- Rep. Lamar Smith, author of SOPA, is at it again with "Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act" or PCIP. The PCIP Act would require Internet providers to retain archives of everyone’s online activity for up to 18 months, including phone records, websites visited and bank-account data. http://www.kansan.com/news/2012/jan/31/online-privacy/?news 1091 comments politics