- “Useless Ruby sugar”: Pattern matching (Pt. 3/3) https://zverok.space/blog/2023-11-03-syntax-sugar2-pattern-matching-fin.html 2 comments ruby
Linking pages
- “Useless Ruby sugar”: Argument forwarding https://zverok.space/blog/2023-11-24-syntax-sugar4-argument-forwarding.html 171 comments
- “Useless Ruby sugar”: Endless (one-line) methods https://zverok.space/blog/2023-12-01-syntax-sugar5-endless-methods.html 151 comments
- The end of “Useless Ruby sugar”: On intuitions and evolutions https://zverok.substack.com/p/the-end-of-useless-ruby-sugar-on 76 comments
- “Useless Ruby sugar”: Pattern matching (Pt. 1) https://zverok.space/blog/2023-10-20-syntax-sugar2-pattern-matching.html 58 comments
- There is no such thing as a global method (in Ruby) https://zverok.space/blog/2024-10-21-global_functions.html 42 comments
- The end of “Useless Ruby sugar”: On intuitions and evolutions https://zverok.space/blog/2024-01-23-syntax-sugar-fin.html 3 comments
Linked pages
- xkcd: Workflow https://xkcd.com/1172/ 443 comments
- A few words on Ruby's type annotations state https://zverok.space/blog/2023-05-05-ruby-types.html 115 comments
- “Useless Ruby sugar”: Pattern matching (Pt. 1) https://zverok.space/blog/2023-10-20-syntax-sugar2-pattern-matching.html 58 comments
- Writing Object Shape friendly code in Ruby https://island94.org/2023/10/writing-object-shape-friendly-code-in-ruby 39 comments
- Performance impact of the memoization idiom on modern Ruby | Rails at Scale https://railsatscale.com/2023-10-24-memoization-pattern-and-object-shapes/ 28 comments
- PEP 636 – Structural Pattern Matching: Tutorial | peps.python.org https://peps.python.org/pep-0636/ 11 comments
- Haskell/Pattern matching - Wikibooks, open books for an open world http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Pattern_matching#As-patterns 6 comments
- “Useless Ruby sugar”: Pattern matching (Pt. 2) https://zverok.space/blog/2023-10-27-syntax-sugar2-pattern-matching-cont.html 6 comments
- That useless Ruby syntax sugar that emerged in new versions https://zverok.space/blog/2023-10-02-syntax-sugar.html 5 comments
- https://war.ukraine.ua/ 4 comments
- Patterns - Pattern matching using the is and switch expressions. - C# reference | Microsoft Learn https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/patterns#list-patterns 3 comments
- http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2020/p1371r2.pdf 0 comments
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