Hacker News
- Zulip: Open Source Organized Team Chat https://zulip.com/ 4 comments
- Zulip – Threaded real-time chat for distributed teams https://zulip.com/ 90 comments
Linking pages
- Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects https://drewdevault.com/2021/12/28/Dont-use-Discord-for-FOSS.html 771 comments
- When “free forever” means “free for the next 4 months” https://blog.zulip.com/2023/05/04/when-free-forever-is-4-months/ 258 comments
- Why Zulip will not get on the blockchain bandwagon https://blog.zulip.com/2021/11/12/why-not-blockchain/ 195 comments
- Zulip 4.0: Threaded open-source team chat https://blog.zulip.com/2021/05/13/zulip-4-0-released/ 190 comments
- Zulip 3.0: Threaded open-source team chat https://blog.zulip.com/2020/07/16/zulip-3-0-released/ 133 comments
- New plans for self-hosted Zulip customers https://blog.zulip.com/2023/12/15/new-plans-for-self-hosted-customers/ 127 comments
- GitHub - pluja/awesome-privacy: Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS. https://github.com/pluja/awesome-privacy 124 comments
- GitHub - btw-so/open-source-alternatives: List of open-source alternatives to everyday SaaS products. https://github.com/btw-so/open-source-alternatives 122 comments
- GitHub - verus-lang/verus: Verified Rust for low-level systems code https://github.com/verus-lang/verus 118 comments
- What is the point of an online conference? https://www.scattered-thoughts.net/writing/what-is-the-point-of-an-online-conference/ 112 comments
- GitHub - GorvGoyl/Clone-Wars: 100+ open-source clones of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Tiktok, Spotify, Whatsapp, Youtube etc. See source code, demo links, tech stack, github stars. https://github.com/GorvGoyl/Clone-Wars 108 comments
- GitHub - RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives: Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products 🚀 https://github.com/RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives 91 comments
- Zulip 9.0: Organized chat for distributed teams https://blog.zulip.com/2024/07/25/zulip-9-0-released/ 90 comments
- GitHub - ripienaar/free-for-dev: A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev https://github.com/ripienaar/free-for-dev 81 comments
- Why Zulip will stand the test of time https://blog.zulip.com/2021/12/17/why-zulip-will-stand-the-test-of-time/ 80 comments
- GitHub - luong-komorebi/Awesome-Linux-Software: 🐧 A list of awesome Linux softwares https://github.com/LewisVo/Awesome-Linux-Software 75 comments
- Zulip 7.0: Threaded open-source team chat https://blog.zulip.com/2023/05/31/zulip-7-0-released/ 67 comments
- Self-hosting keeps your private data out of AI models https://blog.zulip.com/2024/05/23/self-hosting-keeps-your-private-data-out-of-ai-models/ 58 comments
- Clone Wars - Open source clones of popular sites https://gourav.io/clone-wars 33 comments
- GitHub - dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps: :iphone: Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps https://github.com/dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps 31 comments
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