Hacker News
- Microsoft: 70 percent of all security bugs are memory safety issues https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-70-percent-of-all-security-bugs-are-memory-safety-issues/ 169 comments
- Microsoft: 70 percent of all security bugs are memory safety issues https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-70-percent-of-all-security-bugs-are-memory-safety-issues/ 33 comments security
- Microsoft: 70 percent of all security bugs are memory safety issues https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-70-percent-of-all-security-bugs-are-memory-safety-issues/ 8 comments windows
- Microsoft: 70 percent of all security bugs are memory safety issues | ZDNet https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-70-percent-of-all-security-bugs-are-memory-safety-issues/ 51 comments cpp
- Microsoft: 70 percent of all security bugs are memory safety issues https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-70-percent-of-all-security-bugs-are-memory-safety-issues/ 774 comments programming
- Microsoft: 70 percent of all security bugs are memory safety issues https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-70-percent-of-all-security-bugs-are-memory-safety-issues/ 98 comments rust
Linking pages
- No, the problem isn’t “bad coders” | by Sean Griffin | Medium https://medium.com/@sgrif/no-the-problem-isnt-bad-coders-ed4347810270 977 comments
- The Great Rewriting In Rust – De Programmatica Ipsum https://deprogrammaticaipsum.com/the-great-rewriting-in-rust/ 218 comments
- The Fatal Flaw of Ownership Semantics - gingerBill https://www.gingerbill.org/article/2020/06/21/the-ownership-semantics-flaw/ 162 comments
- If we must, let's talk about safety | cor3ntin https://cor3ntin.github.io/posts/safety/ 142 comments
- We're choosing Rust, and not Go, C++, or Node.js - Synergy Blog - Symless https://symless.com/blog/we-are-choosing-rust-and-heres-why 112 comments
- Rust wont save us, but its ideas will • Glitchbyte https://glitchbyte.io/posts/rust-wont-save-us/ 112 comments
- How To Stay Sane with Modern C++ - C++ Stories https://www.bfilipek.com/2017/02/how-to-stay-sane-with-modern-c.html 100 comments
- Chris Lattner on the origins of Swift – Ole Begemann https://oleb.net/2019/chris-lattner-swift-origins/ 82 comments
- Why You Should Use the Rust Programming Language https://serokell.io/blog/rust-guide 43 comments
- hyper in curl Needs a Champion - seanmonstar https://seanmonstar.com/blog/hyper-in-curl-needs-a-champion/ 27 comments
- We're choosing Rust, and not Go, C++, or Node.js - Synergy Blog - Symless https://symless.com/synergy-blog/we-are-choosing-rust-and-heres-why 24 comments
- How Big Could Rust Be? - https://uptointerpretation.com/posts/how-big-could-rust-be/ 23 comments
- How using hyper in curl can help make the internet safer | AWS Open Source Blog https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/how-using-hyper-in-curl-can-help-make-the-internet-safer/ 22 comments
- Linus Torvalds weighs in on Rust language in the Linux kernel | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/linus-torvalds-weighs-in-on-rust-language-in-the-linux-kernel/ 20 comments
- How To Stay Sane with Modern C++ - C++ Stories https://www.cppstories.com/2017/02/how-to-stay-sane-with-modern-c/ 14 comments
- Oxidizing Kraken: Improving Kraken Infrastructure Using Rust - Kraken Blog https://blog.kraken.com/post/7964/oxidizing-kraken/ 9 comments
- Oxidizing Kraken: Improving Kraken Infrastructure Using Rust - Kraken Blog https://blog.kraken.com/post/7964/oxidizing-kraken-improving-kraken-infrastructure-using-rust/ 8 comments
- Presenting Dali, an Image Processor Service | OLX Group Engineering https://tech.olx.com/presenting-dali-an-image-processor-service-514e6be00de8 7 comments
- Google is now writing low-level Android code in Rust | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/04/google-is-now-writing-low-level-android-code-in-rust/ 7 comments
- Five years of Rust - a cross-platform programming language for the next decade(s) | Blog | Guillaume Endignoux https://gendignoux.com/blog/2020/06/16/rust-5-years-cross-platform.html 6 comments
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